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Food pantries in Tompkins County.

Churches and charities across Tompkins County take the lead in providing free food and groceries to the needy. They operate pantries in the region as well as soup kitchens. The centers provide food to the low income, senior citizens, disabled, and children among others.

The assistance available is wide ranging. While many of the food banks are located in the city of Ithaca, there are also non-profit agencies across the balance of Tompkins County. If someone can't make it to a distribution center, then some of the charities will operate Meals on Wheels home delivery service to feed the homebound. Another focus is on providing holiday meals (at Thanksgiving and Christmas), clothing, free personal hygiene items, and referrals to SNAP food stamp application sites.

Brooktondale Community Center
Address is 522 Valley Road
Brooktondale, New York
Seniors in the immediate area or the homebound can apply for delivery of meals. The center is only open Monday evenings. Senior citizens are a focus.

Ithaca Rescue Mission
618 State Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: (607) 273-6684
The services at this charity include a shelter for the homeless, hygiene supplies, a soup kitchen, and food pantry. Any assistance provided is combined with case management.

Danby Federation Church
1859 Danby Road
Ithaca NY
Telephone - 607-273-7850
Free food is passed out by the pantry on 4th Monday of each month from 3pm to 7.




Enfield Community Building
Location is 182 Enfield Main Road
Ithaca New York
A mobile food pantry stops by this center.

Ithaca Loaves and Fishes of Tompkins County
210 N Cayuga Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: (607)272-5457

Freeville United Methodist Church
39 Main Street, Freeville NY
Dial the charity at 607-844-8760

Joyce Crouch Benevolence Building
Main address: 101 McKinley Avenue
The mobile pantry is at the location only at 10 - 11:30 AM on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month.

Baptist Church of Jesus Christ
412 First Street
Ithaca New York
Phone: 607-272-1984

Immaculate Conception Church
113 North Geneva Street in Ithaca
Anyone from Tompkins County is welcome to stop in, no questions asked. Free food, canned goods, fruits, and more may be served by the charity.

The Salvation Army Center
Main address: 150 North Albany Street
Ithaca NY, 14850
The Ithaca Kitchen Cupboard is available Monday to Friday. Other programs include information on SNAP food stamps, a thrift store with clothing, and Christmas meals and toys for children.





Southside Community Center
305 South Plain Street
Ithaca, New York
Dial 607-273-4190
In a crisis, free bags of food are available Monday - Friday from 4pm to 6pm.

Lansing Methodist Church
32 Brickyard Road
Lansing NY
Telephone number is 607-533-4070

Newfield United Methodist Church
The cupboard is at 227 Main Street, Newfield NY
The non-profit food bank is open 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month.

Trumansburg United Methodist Church
They have an emergency food hot-line to call at 607-387-8260 for information.

Tompkins Community Action
701 Spencer Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
Families living in poverty can learn about WIC vouchers or food stamps. Other resources range from referrals to housing to public assistance, job placement, and more.

Dryden Presbyterian Church
6 North Street, Dryden New York
For hours, call 607-844-8321
Hot meals, free food, soup, drinks, baby formula, and more may be provided by the Tompkins County food bank and Dryden Kitchen Cupboard.




Ithaca Baptized Church Food Pantry
Address: 412 First Street
Ithaca, New York 14851-0371

Referrals to other programs can be obtained from the Food Bank of the Southern Tier – Tompkins County. The intake number is 607.796.6061. Whether it is information on US Department of Agriculture sponsored programs (such SNAP food stamps or summer meals for children) or other charitable options (Meals on Wheels or free soup kitchens) resources are available.


By Jon McNamara

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