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The North East Community Action Corporation is a local non-profit organization that provides low income and struggling people of northeast Missouri with aid. They offer a wide variety of programs and services to people in need. They operate from several offices and locations across the region, but the main office is located at 16 North Court Street, Bowling Green Missouri, and the phone number is 573-324-2055.

Rent and housing assistance

One of the goals of the NECAC’s housing program is to provide affordable housing, and also help prevent evictions. Qualified families and individuals for this program would be low to moderate income families, the elderly, and the handicapped. Rental assistance grants provided are based upon the tenant’s total household income, the number of family members, and other factors. The assistance program will either provide cash grants to help people with short term emergencies, or will utilizes existing rental housing that is decent, safe and sanitary condition and passes our inspection. Overall The Family Self Sufficiency Program, which is the formal name and is operated by NECAC, is designed to assist families to become self sufficient and ensure they stay in their home. Click here to find additional rent assistance programs.

Weatherization programs and services

This is a free cost to the applicant. The federal government funded weatherization program will help Missouri’s and Pike County low income home owners and renters, especially the low income, elderly and physically disadvantaged. Contractors and other crews will install insulation and other measures designed to conserve energy and help people save on their energy bills. Weatherizing improvements can reduce monthly fuel and heating bills, thus freeing dollars for other necessities for these families, such as medical bills, food, and other life necessities. Weatherizing homes is arguably the best means to help low and moderate income people with their energy bills because lasting measures are installed on the home, and people can save hundreds of dollars per year.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

Another resources offered by the North East Community Action Corporation is the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and also the Energy Crisis Intervention Program. The federal government funded LIHEAP offers grants and one-time help that is based on several factors, including upon income, family size, household income and type of utility. The Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP) provides multiple payments and cash grants of up to $800 for people who've gotten utility shutoff notices or who have run out of heating fuel.

Winter Assistance

NECAC’s winter assistance funding is a program that focuses just on heating bills. People can apply around the November timeframe, and it is supposed to last until May 31. Last year, it ran out in March, so apply for the program early as the need is tremendous, and the funding is limited.

The NECAC non-profit community action agency, which covers 12 Northeast Missouri counties including Pike County, has received 1,100 more applications for utility assistance this year compared with last year.





By Jon McNamara

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