Wake County Passage Home assistance program.
Passage Home is focused on working with clients to help them overcome a hardship. The objective of the community action agency of Wake County is on helping people gain self-sufficiency so that they can eventually pay the bills and the rent on their own in the future. So get information on education, job training, housing resources, and other services in the Raleigh and Wake County area below.
Job programs from Community Action Agency of Wake County
The JobLink Center is a comprehensive program for the unemployed and underemployed. The agency offers clients access to a wide range of services to help businesses looking to fill positions as well as individuals seeking employment or new skills. From distributing educational guidance and career information sessions, the Passage Home JobLink connects people from Wake County with local resources.
The Job Readiness and Workforce Development Program is a training ground that prepares candidates for entering the workforce. Staff and specialists will help them develop professional career tools like cover letters, resumes and thank you letters.
Passage Home Development, Financial Literacy and Case Management
Case management and Family Self-Sufficiency takes a holistic approach to the family and their challenges. Staff from the agency treat the family as a unit and don’t tackle one issue without considering others. For example, if the agency is going to provide free meals for families, they may also help them grow and cook their own food. If a request to the agency is for housing, then Passage Home will help parents and the clients find jobs so they can eventually pay their utilities and rent on their own.
Development for youth will develop and empower children and teenagers. After all, children from the state of North Carolina are tomorrow’s leaders. So the community action agency will place a large emphasis on the education, care, and maturation of our youth. Programs and staff will see them all the way through their high school education and maybe even on to college. Examples of youth services are Summer Day Camp, Kid’s Care Program, and Academic Steps to Success.
Income tax preparation from Passage Home Tax Center. This is a non-profit resource for those making less than $45,000 or so annually. The agency will provide certified volunteers who can assist in preparing state and federal tax returns. It also uses free electronic filing.
Passage Home financial literacy and advice is offered. Working with non-profits in the RTP area, volunteers, financial advisors and others, the community action agency help people learn about money - how to spend it smartly, save it, or invest. This is in fact a key to building wealth, and learn how to invest in stocks with little money.
Resources for the low income, unemployed, or poor
Medical needs can be met from Lincoln Park and the Debnam Clinic, which is a key partner. The agency runs a private medical care practice that provides low cost or free healthcare services for families and individuals who receive Medicaid and Medicare. Or help is for the uninsured and those who don't have a health care plan. The community clinic has expanded, added space and services for more patients while creating an economic development opportunity to residents of the neighborhood.
Other social services are extensive. Many are located at the Raleigh Safety Club and Community Center. Examples of assistance is below.
A Thrift Store, known as Passage Home Recycle, will sell gently used goods, clothing, and Christmas supplies. It has evolved into a major program that can even allow people to get a job at it and gain experience. The money raised is used to fund assistance programs that are run by Passage Home.
Housing assistance from Passage Home partners
Brown Birch Apartments is a complex located off of Garner Road in Wake County. It provides an affordable housing option for people and families in southeast Raleigh.
Job’s Journey is a 12-apartment facility. It is operated as a permanent supportive housing program between Passage Home and the Healing Place of Wake County. It will provide a safe haven for the rehabilitation process.
Affordable housing from Coleman Street Apartments is for low income individuals and families living below 80% of the area median income.
Matthew House in Northwest Raleigh is a transitional housing program. It was created to empower participants to successfully transition from risk of homelessness or homelessness to attaining permanent housing in the region.
South Raleigh region is supported by Creech Road Transitional Housing House. It is for women from the community.
Many other homeless shelters and transitional housing programs are available in Wake County. Passage Home has information and lists of them. There may be shelters for women or children fleeing domestic violence, people with substance abuses, veterans and others. More on homeless shelters and housing in Wake County.
Contact information for Passage Home Community Action
As noted, a number of programs are offered. Passage Home is located at 513 Branch St, Raleigh, NC 27601, call 919-834-0666.