Eviction prevention and rehousing help in Orange County and Orlando.
Tenants can receive eviction help from several government funded agencies in Orange County. The non-profits that administer HUD funds or the Emergency Solution Grant program in the Orlando area will provide free legal advice as well as money for paying rental arrears, security deposits, and even funds for motel vouchers.
There are organizations, such as the Homeless Services Network of Central Florida as well as the Continuum of Care, which administer these services. Eviction assistance is for a wide range of families in Orange County Florida, including single mothers, senior citizens, immigrants, and the unemployed. While anyone can apply for a grant or support, in almost all instances the applicant will need a source of income from a job or public benefits.
The homeless are the primary candidate for rehousing. Assistance is available to individuals who currently resident in pay by the week motels, families living in shelters or transitional housing, and even those living with friends of family. The program will help place the client into a new, low income apartment as well as coordinate services to help them sustain the tenancy agreement.
HUD and Emergency Solution Grants in Orange County
The federal government provides money to local government, such as the city of Orlando, as well as non-profits in Orange County. The agencies will decide how they want to use the funds, based on the program terms and qualifications. But all of the HUD money must be used to provide for homeless prevention services as well as rapid-re-housing.
Money is made available to low income tenants and those living in poverty who are at risk of eviction. The ESG grants can not only be used to pay for rent arrears for those who qualify, but there may be money for utility costs as well. Whatever it takes to keep the family housed will be explored.
Some examples of the utility bills that can be paid using the homeless prevention program include summer air conditioning, electricity, or water bills. There are landlords across Orange County that will require these costs to be kept current, or they have the legal right to evict the tenant if they were to fall behind.
Ongoing support is arranged for tenants as well. This will help a family break the cycle of homelessness. The Homeless Services Network (HSN) coordinates assistance and workshops. Residents may enroll into personal budgeting classes, receive tips from lawyers so they can understand lease agreements, learn about proper apartment maintenance and much more. Dial 407-893-0133.
Legal aid for housing issues is also one part of the Continuum of Care homeless prevention service. What many residents may not realize is that not only can it help stop an eviction, but legal assistance is also for a number of other issues. Attorneys can also provide advice to homeowners with a foreclosure notice, they can deal with unsafe housing, or provide support in dealing with utility companies that may be trying to turn off the client’s power. So the support for legal matters is wide ranging in Orange County Florida.
Orange County case manager as well as mediators also try to find a solution to the eviction that meets the goals of all parties involved. The neutral third party will help ensure that all people are treated fairly. They will discuss payments plans for rents, resolve disputes over security deposits, and review the lease. All questions are answered, and all problems are resolved.
Veterans can also get help. There are some non-profits, such as the Tree of Life Ministries of Orlando, that offer assistance to homeless veterans and their families or they can offer eviction prevention services. There are also resources for military members with a substance abuse or mental illness. The solutions for them include the NSP - Neighborhood Stabilization Program and help in applying for VA benefits. The phone number is 407-704-6923.
Assistance with rehousing
Families with an income as well as residents who are currently living in a motel as their primary home or senior citizens are given propriety. Others can apply as well to the program or can enroll into case management services. The Continuum of Care as well as the Department of Housing and Human Services play key roles in providing this program.
Low income families in Orange County often have barriers to finding a new home. They may have a past eviction on their record, lack references, or have poor credit scores. Many other people often lack the money to come up with the security deposits. So agencies such as the Homeless Services Network of Central Florida partner with the applicant and landlord.
The prospective tenants will be assigned a case manager. No matter the race, background, religion, or primary language, everyone is treated fairly. Rapid rehousing is an opportunity for that second chance.
Find how to apply for homeless prevention in Orange County Florida
The client will be given information on Emergency Solution Grants for financial needs, such as the deposit. They will also learn about rent subsidy programs, ranging from Section 8 to TBRA. Once a new home has been located in Orange County, then staff from visit the tenant in their new environment to ensure they have the resources and support then need to prevent future evictions. For more information, dial 407-893-0133.