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Get financial assistance from Northeast Kansas Community Action Agency.

Assistance is available for several counties from the Northeast Kansas Community Action Program. The non-profit agency can help with basic needs, such as housing, heating bills, food, and rent. However they also focus on self-sufficiency services such as education.

Low income families as well as seniors or the unemployed can call upon the agency for support. Programs are available across the counties of Brown, Doniphan, Atchison, Leavenworth, Jackson, Jefferson, Marshall, Nemaha, Pottawatomie, and Riley, among others.

Homeless prevention and/or rental assistance is available from a few different programs. One of the main ones is the Housing Choice Voucher Program, also known as Section 8. NEK-CAP offers this, and a number of other programs to help those who need help paying for their housing and shelter expenses.

Section 8 may be combined with other resources, such as direct rental assistance, help for security deposits, and low income rental property options. These services, and more, are provided to qualifying families in counties such as Pottawatomie, Jackson, or Leavenworth.

Short to long term rental assistance programs may be able to help income qualifying households with a subsidized payment for existing houses, apartments, or even mobile homes. The program participant's total monthly rent payment is based on the household's income. Monthly housing grants are made available by Northeast Kansas Community Action Agency and are paid directly to the owner of the unit. To be approved the living space or apartment selected must meet minimum Housing Quality Standards and the monthly rent must be set a reasonable rate.

Very low income families can get help from the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program. It can assist families, including seniors and the disabled to afford decent, safe, and sanitary shelter from the private market. Since any type of housing assistance is provided on behalf of a person or the entire household, participants are able to find their own shelter, which may include single-family homes, townhouses and apartments.

They will be free to choose any shelter and the home or apartment they select. So any aid is not limited to locations in subsidized housing or government projects. A rental payment is made to the landlord directly from the Public Housing Authority (PHA) on behalf of the participant. The family or individual then needs to pays the remainder of the actual rent charged by the landlord after the amount subsidized.




NEK-CAP offers vouchers locally. They also partner with other Housing Authorities in Kansas. The state receives government funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to operate this rental subsidy or voucher program.

TBRA - Tenant Based Rental Assistance can also offer short term rental aid to eliminate homelessness in the community, including the counties of Brown, Jackson, and Marshall.

As part of this, utility/security deposit funds are available, along with the possibility of loans for paying rent. TBRA eligibility is determined based on availability of program funding. Any type of grants issued or funding availability is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Housing with Opportunities is a Supportive Housing Program that was created to offer assistance and develop supportive housing that allow homeless people to live as independently as possible. It has been designed to promote stability and is part of a local Continuum of Care strategy. It includes the development of resources to help families facing eviction. It can also help currently homeless individuals with transitioning from homelessness to stable housing and to enable them to live independently.

Any assistance from Northeast Kansas Community Action Program as part of the Supportive Housing Program is provided to help homeless people to meet 3 overall goals, including achieve stabile shelter, obtain greater self-determination, and increase their skill levels and/or incomes. Housing with Opportunities is available to the following areas such as Marshall, Atchison, and Brown Counties.

Emergency financial aid from NEK-CAP may be available to help those qualified low income or working poor residents who need help paying their bills, rent, or other basic living needs. Any aid is coordinated through Family Development Advocates which are there to provide emergency services to those that qualify.

There may be funds to pay for food, rent or utility bill assistance. Other financial aid may be vouchers for prescription drugs assistance, funds for birth certificates, loans to pay for moving costs or security deposits and more. Groceries and food items are also offered from pantries. All support is on an as needed basis within the counties they represent.

Funding has been provided from the community and other donations. Any available grant funds, such as Emergency Solutions and Housing with Opportunities, can vary depending upon the time of year and really each county.





The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program is voluntary and is targeted at households with HCV vouchers. This program assists families in becoming financially independent over the mid to long term. The main purpose is to assist families and help them get reliable employment. the end result is they can both earn and save enough money so they do not need public cash assistance in the future.

The above mentioned FSS - Family Self-Sufficiency Program is a HUD service that is operated by NEK-CAP and other community action agencies. Family Development Advocates assist FSS participants to define their goals and set up a plan to work toward them. Included may be finding a good job, buying a home, paying for college, and/or starting a small business.

Family and Community Resources from NEK-CAP involves case mangers working to empower low income families and persons by creating individual goals. With support, participants can grow, develop and sustain skills in various areas of life. This can include such things as Transportation, Education, jobs, Affordable Housing and Community Services, Financial Resources, Credit Repair, Family Finances, Child Care, and Parenting Skills.

Advocates from the community action agency work closely with participants to determine the levels of progress they achieve. So this is an ongoing service that is offered.

As part of this case management process, emergency assistance may be offered for immediate needs that threaten physical or emotional safety. This can include evictions, lack of food, or medical needs. Get referrals or help in applying for benefits as the participant may not improve without outside help.

Staff from NEK-CAP offer stability as part of Family & Community Resources. If needed, public assistance helps with their long term needs. The participant needs to be able and willing to work toward a long term change in situation.

In general, Family Development Advocates from Northeast Kansas Community Action Agency help families achieve immediate change in the any areas determined as emergency situations by providing financial aid, information on grants, and other services or referrals to non-profits.

Early Head Start is a program that provides services to pregnant women, infants, and toddlers. It promotes healthy prenatal outcomes, the development of babies, and the enhancement of infants and toddlers. In addition to all of that, Early Head Start also promotes healthy/thriving families.

The Northeast Kansas Community Action Program receives funding from the federal government for children. In addition to that, Kansas Early Head Start helps to fund additional children to operate and provide services for infants, toddlers, pregnant mothers, and fathers in the region.




Head Start is committed to partnering with the community to make sure that children and their families receive a variety of individualized services that focus upon family support, early development, and overall health and education. The program provides services to those ages under 6 and it also is available at no cost to children and their families. Up to 10 % of enrollment may be used to serve children that are over income guidelines. Transportation is available for some locations.

NEK-CAP has several offices in the region, as noted here.

  • Central Office, 1260 220th Street, Hiawatha, Kansas 66434, Phone: (785) 742-2222
  • Atchison County Outreach is at 111 North 6th Street, Atchison, KS 66002. Call (913) 367-7114 for intake.
  • North Brown County, 1260 220th Street, Hiawatha, KS 66434, dial (785) 742-2222
  • Doniphan County center is at 530 W Jones, Troy, KS 66087, telephone (785) 985-2619
  • Jackson County - 130 South Iowa, Holton, KS 66436, telephone (785) 364-2109
  • Jefferson County, 204 Warren, Oskaloosa, Kansas 66066, (785) 863-2372
  • Leavenworth County, 2940 Ralph Bunche Dr, Leavenworth, KS 66048, (913) 651-5692
  • Marshall County Outreach, 405 North 4th, Marysville, KS 66508, (785) 562-1014
  • Nemaha County center is at 209 N. 8th Street, Seneca, KS 66538, dial (785) 336-2927 for intake.
  • North Pottawatomie County, 817 Leonard, Onaga, Kansas 66521, (785) 889-4722


By Jon McNamara

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