Free North Carolina Foreclosure Help Hotline.
A toll free foreclosure prevention hotline was created as a result of the State Home Foreclosure Prevention Project (SHFPP) and legislation passed in North Carolina. Homeowners calling the number will receive access to a free program and advice that is being made available to any NC homeowner needing assistance with paying their mortgage or preventing a foreclosure. In addition to phone consultations, services can also be offered face to face.
Agencies involved in free NC counseling
Various agencies, business, and non-profits are contributing to the toll free line. The State Home Foreclosure Prevention Project, which is led by the Commissioner of Banks, is taking the leading role, and they are working closely with various state and federal government agencies, mortgage and housing counselors, legal assistance organizations, banks, mortgage servicers, pro-bono community law firms, and community action organizations. Services are being made available to homeowners across the state over the phone or in face to face settings between counselors and homeowners. Each caller has the option of speaking directly over the phone with a HUD-approved housing counselor, or the caller can decide to make an appointment to meet face-to-face at a later date with a HUD-approved counselor for free foreclosure assistance.
NC foreclosure hotline phone number
Before calling the number, homeowners facing foreclosure in North Carolina should receive a letter from their bank or mortgage servicer 45 days prior to foreclosure with information on various programs and resources that are made available to assist the homeowner in avoiding foreclosure. At this same time, the homeowner also should receive a letter from the state, and this will be offering free assistance to the homeowner by urging homeowners to call a toll-free number.
For information about modifying or refinancing your home loan to a more affordable payment call 1-888-623-8631. Counselors are on call even on Saturdays as well. The service is also sometimes referred to as the NC Hope Hotline.
Legal assistance for foreclosures
As indicated above, several non-profit law firms are also involved in the partnership and are providing free legal advice and pro-bono services through the help line. In the event that a homeowner in the state receives foreclosure papers from their lender, in addition to calling the toll free number they may may wish to contact an attorney. Free legal services and advice for dealing with the foreclosure may be available to you from firms across the state. Click here to find law firms that provide free foreclosure help to qualified borrowers.