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Help from Ecumenical Ministries Association.

There are several services administered from the Ecumenical Ministries Association office, which focuses on North Baldwin County. The aim of the agency is to assess the overall financial condition of the applicant. Then, based on the results of that, the case manager will either provide assistance or redirect the applicant to another local resource. Whether the individual is facing hunger or maybe they are struggling to pay for their housing, no matter the need North Baldwin Ecumenical Association will try their best to help.

The assistance available in Baldwin County falls into a few different categories. They include food, grants for living expenses, medical care, referrals, and help around the holidays. Other support may be arranged too, and more information on the programs are below.

Housing expenses such as rent or utility bills

Money that is paid out for housing costs will originate from one or two sources. Most of the funding from North Baldwin Ecumenical Association is due to the result of the Emergency Food and Shelter Program, which is a federal resource. There is an annual allotment from this service in which the agency may participate.

Grants will be used to help low income or working poor families in need of emergency assistance with costs such as unpaid utility bills, rent arrears and mortgage payments. If the person is homeless, then there may be temporary shelter, security deposit assistance or food. Other financial aid for these expenses can originate from donations across the community.

Weatherization will help homeowners, especially those with older homes, reduce energy consumption. North Baldwin Ecumenical Association, as well as other organizations such as a local community action agency, are supporters of this federal program. After all, by lowering the monthly utility or heating bills of low-income families, instead of offering direct cash assistance, weatherization reduces dependency and helps people save money.

This will then in effect free up those funds for spending on other bills or more pressing family issues, such as food. While the savings experienced will vary, weatherization can help lower a household's bills by up to $400 per year. It will also make their home safer and more comfortable to live in.




Referrals from staff

Clients of Baldwin Ecumenical Association can learn about, and be directed to application sites, for the Low Income Energy Assistance Program. This state of Alabama provides assistance to low-income individuals and families. There are grants given out to individuals, including seniors and the disabled, who are experiencing financial difficulty with paying their heating bills or electricity expenses. LIHEAP will provide both “regular” as well as crisis assistance. The high level details of each are below.

  • Regular will more than likely offer the household a credit on their bill. Applications are processed in Baldwin County but one time per year. The elderly as well as homes with a young child and disabled will all be able to apply before others.
  • Referrals can also be made by North Baldwin Ecumenical Association to LIHEAP Crisis Assistance. This will be for if and when the family has had their power shut off, or if they are close to having it disconnected.

Additional support from  North Baldwin Ecumenical Association

Customers requesting food or clothing will be assessed by the Social Worker from the agency. Based on the result of that, North Baldwin Ecumenical Association is involved in a free food and clothing distribution. Based on donation levels, the Ecumenical Association will provide qualified low to moderate income families with groceries and clothing for work or school. In some cases, a gift card is passed out to someone in a crisis situation.

North Baldwin Ecumenical Association Meals on Wheels is available weekly. There may also be some additional assistance at Christmas. Volunteer drivers will arrange for home delivery of meals to the sick or homebound persons with disabilities. There may be fruits, milk, frozen foods, vegetables, and more.

North Baldwin Ecumenical Association is involved in basic home repairs in partnership with community action agencies and volunteer groups. The agency will work to offer a limited number of repairs in owner occupied low- to moderate-income single-family homes, if the occupant is elderly or has a physical limitation.





Some employment services can also be arranged in Baldwin County by the Ecumenical Association or their partners. There is free computer training, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), and referrals to local job stop centers. All of this is done in an effort to help individuals who have a desire to learn new skills and enter the workforce.

Contact information

For more information on these services, or other support, dial (251) 928-3430 or (251) 937-8115.


By Jon McNamara

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