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Kershaw County assistance programs.

Help with rent and utility bills

United Way of Kershaw County  offers Homeless Prevention, which can direct families and people to the federal government funded Homeless Prevention and Rapid Housing Program. This was created from federal government stimulus funds. The rent assistance programs, which was authorized under both state and federal government legislation or local government initiatives provide cash grants as well as financial assistance for the purpose of preventing evictions and/or obtaining temporary shelter or permanent housing for individuals and/or families who are homeless or imminently homeless.

Expenses provide for by the rental and housing program may include money for rent, credit repair, motel and hotel vouchers, housing search and placement, debt reduction, rent assistance, rental and security deposits, utility deposits, and even provide funds to pay for moving expenses and other costs the family or individuals may incur in the process of acquiring or maintaining housing in the Camden and Kershaw County South Carolina area. Dial (803) 432-5456

Also be sure to try calling the Wateree Community Action of Kershaw County. This is the local community action agency of the county, and they run numerous assistance programs. They can also direct people to local charities, as well as federal government and South Carolina assistance programs. The community action agency provides:

  • Utility and cooling bill help from the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). This is a federal government funded program that provides cash grants to both help pay utility bills, and emergency funding to avoid disconnections.
  • Rent assistance - Get money to prevent evictions, and pay for recurring rent.
  • Employment assistance for adults and youth.





  • Free food, and gently used or new clothing
  • Weatherization programs, which can help people save money on their utility bills. It is free to qualified individuals. Also receive minor home repairs.
  • Health care, primarily prescription expense assistance.
  • Low income and transitional housing - The non-profit can offer help from resources such as Project Trans-Aid and more. Also work with case managers to locate rental and security deposit assistance programs.
  • Income tax preparation. Professional volunteers can prepare both your federal and state income taxes form free.

Call the Wateree Community Action of Kershaw County, which is based in Camden at (803) 432-7640. Or for more details on their services, click here for details on help from Wateree Community Action of Kershaw County.

Community clinic

South Carolina Department of Mental Health - Kershaw County Clinic, which is based in Camden and can be reached at (803) 432-5323, offers individual, group, conjoint and family counseling, therapy groups, medication, information on health care programs, and other mental health services for residents in the community.

By Jon McNamara

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