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Assistance from Jefferson Franklin Community Action Corporation.

The offices operated by the Jefferson Franklin Community Action can provide case management, guidance, and support to families facing poverty. Some examples of the programs available can include referrals to rent or housing assistance, weatherization, and Head Start for children. Many other programs are available, including referrals to other local non-profit agencies in Jefferson as well as nearby Franklin County.

The agency, relying on its case managers, provides advocacy and support services for low- and middle-income individuals to determine the help they need. The goal is to address the root cause of the hardship and break the cycle of homelessness or poverty. Based on the results of this process, clients are referred to services run by JFCAC, as well as other community resources if more applicable.

Programs available from JFCAC centers

Family resource centers, located throughout the agencies service territory, help needy individuals access all services offered by the organization. Community outreach specialists at the offices review the condition of clients and recommend any of a wide variety of assistance programs and/or community resources that can best assist them.

Examples may be grants from LIHEAP for heating bills, free food, disability applications and much more. Moreover, the organization provides subsidized rental assistance in the region for income-eligible families who reside within the communities served by JFCAC.

Emergency financial help from Jefferson Franklin Community Action

Rental assistance is provided by section 8, or the Jefferson Franklin Community Action Corporation may offer referrals to other agencies or government grant programs. The goal is to help very low income families as well as senior citizens access affordable apartments and homes, and the HUD vouchers can be used for this need. There may be some local agencies that offer loans, or other forms of funding, for paying a security deposit or other housing costs.




Applications for Women, Infants and Children Supplement Program (WIC) are available in Jefferson and Franklin County. This is the main federal government program for low income parents or single moms as well as young children or infants. They can receive food, free formula, and other needed items.

In addition, JFCAC provides back-to-school services for school-age children and their families. This can include services such as referrals to clothing or supplies or health and wellness services, and the organization also offers free child-safety information.

Based on donation and funding levels, income-qualified children receive free school supplies at no cost to parents or guardians. Any school-age student from families who are community action agency clients are eligible to receive free school supplies.

Jefferson Franklin Community Action Corporation (JFCAC) operates the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to help needy individuals and families meet the cost of home utility bills. All across Missouri, LIHEAP emphasizes financial assistance for senior citizens, single parents, disabled persons and households with young children. Services comprise general utility bill assistance and the Energy Crisis Intervention Program, or ECIP.

If qualified, there may be funds given for paying a heating bill or other costs. Income level, total asset level, household size and resource availability are among the factors that determine eligibility for LIHEAP.

Home weatherization services are also offered by the agency for low-income households. These services reduce a families heating and cooling bills, allowing clients to save money and use income for other purposes. Weatherization also typically makes homes cooler during the summer and warmer during the winter, thereby improving the comfort level for occupants.

Case management and stability services

Case management, which is also commonly called Family Self Sufficiency, is an initiative in which community members and staff collaborate to assist families as they move beyond poverty. This service features weekly support meetings that offer financial advice, education, information on job training, employment opportunities and mentorship.

The program also includes life-skills training to improve the self-image and esteem of participating families. The objective of this initiative is to help impoverished families gain the skills and confidence needed for stability as well as self-reliance.





Another focus of FSS is on developing the client’s skills, abilities, and interest for employment opportunities. A decent paying job is one key to ending poverty, whether in Missouri or another state.

Jefferson Franklin Community Action Corporation family development and support program provides comprehensive services, such as financial assistance with utility or heating bills and case management, to qualified individuals and families. In addition, the program offers tutoring and pre-test services to help clients obtain GEDs or improve their educational level. There is also targeted coaching to assist clients during crisis situations.

The family literacy program is a proactive educational reform initiative that aims to help clients achieve success by offering early childhood development services and research-based literacy instruction to children and their parents. This program includes adult literacy training, staff and volunteer tutorage, GED pre-tests, child development education, and family assessments. Other literacy activities are designed for the home and children in the region.

The community action agency also administers Head Start, a comprehensive child development program for young children and students from income-eligible families in Jefferson or nearby counties in Missouri. Children from homeless and foster families can also qualify for the program, and Head Start and its teachers serve the disabled as well.

This federal and state of Missouri program is intended for children five years of age and younger. Head Start promotes overall growth to help the youth prepare for kindergarten and encourages parents to be active participants in their children’s development and education. Preschool classes are offered Monday through Thursday, from September through May.

It offers educational activities, and these are designed to build the skills children need for prolonged success in school. Breakfast, free lunch and afternoon snacks are provided, as well as social, medical, free dental and mental health services.

Head Start makes referrals for nutritional needs and helps client’s access community resources. For those that need it or don’t have a care, the agency also provides transportation to classes, and family literacy and GED services are available to the parents too.

Furthermore, Head Start workers and teachers partner with Jefferson Franklin Community Action Agency to make monthly home visits to help client families establish goals and strategies for self-sufficiency. This can include things such as job training and much more. Families may apply for the program at any time by contacting the nearest Head Start or family resource center.

Early Head Start is similar to above. It offers childcare services for children three years of age and younger. This program also works with pregnant women, especially teenagers and even single moms as well. Home-based services are available.




It was designed to help clients move toward self-reliance by supporting parents who are working, attending school or training for jobs. Under the program, family advocates visit homes to connect clients with community resources, form family goals, and establish transportation to Early Head Start services. Pregnant participants receive prenatal and postpartum support if applicable to their situation. Jefferson Franklin Community Action Corporation as well as the staff from Early Head Start have partnered with community childcare centers and family and group homes to provide these services.

There are a couple main offices of Community Action Corporation, and they include 2 Merchant Drive, Hillsboro, Missouri, as well as 1020 Plaza Court, St. Clair, Missouri. Call the non-profit at (636) 789-2686.


By Jon McNamara

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