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Immediate Financial Assistance

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Jackson County assistance programs.

Free medical services

Abundant Health Resource Clinic is a local non-profit that offers free medical care, information and case management services to low to moderate income residents as well as the working poor in Jackson County Illinois that do not have health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, or any other access to private or government healthcare programs. Dial 618. 529.9459.

Bridge Medical Center is another clinic that helps the working poor. Dial 618.294.8330. It is a free medical clinic for those without health insurance.

Food pantry

Contact Benton-West City Ministerial Alliance at 618.927.6270. The center runs a food pantry that is available to low to moderate income people throughout the year, it will assist those individuals with providing them school supplies and clothing for school children, and in addition it even provides Christmas food baskets and meals around the holidays.

Information on assistance programs and grants for bills

The local community action agency, Crosswalk Community Action Agency, offers various programs to help people with bills, provides information on government and Illinois programs, and tries to help people become self-sufficient over the long term.


Emergency assistance programs - Murphysboro and Jackson County Illinois can turn to the emergency services assistance program to help pay bills, provide medications, rent help, and other aid. This program is funded from a number of different sources, including businesses, charities, and non-profits, and the assistance is intended to provide onetime only financial assistance and help with bills to individuals and households who are truly experiencing an emergency situation and who are in need of immediate life necessities, such as rent help, shelter, utility prevention aid, medicine, etc.




Low Income Home Energy Assistance - This utility assistance program was designed to help low to moderate income households pay for winter heating and summer cooling bills. The exact dollar amount of assistance for paying bills is determined by a number of factors that are established by the LIHEAP program, including the number of people who live in the home, the total household income, type of fuel or heating oil used for heating and geographic location. Remember that an applicant to the LIHEAP program does not have to own their home, own an apartment or even pay energy bills directly to get assistance from this service. An overdue heating or utility bill or shutoff notice is not required either. Emergency utility bill assistance is also available if the household or applicant is disconnected from any energy source that may be needed for heating and/or a delivered fuel supplier has refused to deliver heating fuel to the applicant and the tank contains 25% or less or oil.

Rent or mortgage assistance and homeless prevention - A resource known as Crosswalk Homeless Prevention Services can provide families and individuals in Jackson County help with rent or mortgage payments. The Homeless Prevention Program will provide financial and rental assistance, heating and utility bill assistance, resources and additional supportive services directly related to the prevention of homelessness in the community to qualified individuals and families. The program will help those who are in danger of facing an eviction, will help people prevent foreclosure or homelessness, and aid can be provided to people who are currently homeless.

Emergency solutions grant - This is another program that is sometimes available from CCAA. This may provide certain qualified Jackson County families with housing solutions, including funds for a security deposit or maybe short term loans for paying rent. It relies on federal government funding and comes with numerous conditions to qualified applicants.

Food Pantry - Assistance is available for those in need.

Call Crosswalk Community Action Agency at (618) 932-6438 for more information on how to get help with rent, bills, and other financial assistance. Read more.

Another leading non-profit is the Salvation Army. Low income, unemployed, and working poor families in Murphysboro and all of Jackson County can explore the services provided. Senior citizens and families with children are some of the main beneficiaries. Free food, meals, emergency rent and heating bill assistance, and employment programs are some of what may be offered. More on Jackson County Illinois Salvation Army.



By Jon McNamara

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