Salvation Army assistance programs in Ithaca region.
While the resources available from the Salvation Army are very limited, the non-profit will do its best to help families in the region of Tioga and Tompkins County New York. Most of the assistance is focused on families and individuals who are working but are faced with an unplanned emergency, such as an unexpected medical bill or car repair expense. Short term crisis aid may be offered while the individual works on long term case management.
Disaster and Emergency Services are available. Clients usually need to be faced with a major event, such as flood, fire, or another disaster. If you have been impacted then the Salvation Army Worship and Service Center offers a variety of resources to help those in need.
Ithaca Kitchen Cupboard is run in partnership with churches, synagogues, Catholic Charities and other non-profits in Tompkins County. Together the groups are known as Area Congregations Together. Many volunteers and others work as part of the Cupboard in an effort to help the less fortunate and working poor. Meal and food distribution will normally take place Monday through Friday afternoons from 1:30 P.M. through 3:00 P.M. It offers emergency or ongoing food assistance. People who apply will need to prove their hardship and have ID and proof of residence, among other needs. Clients may be helped once a month.
No matter what state or part of the country you are in, the Salvation Army is always committed to ensuring people enjoy the spirit of the Christmas holidays. They have a number of tools at their disposal to try to bring joy to the needy and children.
The Adopt-A-Family program is for those low income and struggling families that are facing a severe economic, emotional, or physical crisis around Thanksgiving or Christmas. Some of the type families who are helping in Tompkins County area include low-income working families, victims of domestic violence, grandparents who are primary caregivers of their grandchildren, or family members who are suffering an illness. Staff from the agency will match the basic needs of families with the giving interests of the group or individual sponsor. The person(s) who is the “sponsor” will adopt a family or children for the holidays. They will purchase new toys for them, clothing, household items, winter coats and/or food. It will ensure the less fortunate in the region can get the assistance they need.
Across New York state the various Salvation Army centers will try to provide financial assistance as funding allows. The Tioga location as well as Ithaca centers may be able to do this from time to time as well.
A major push is on homeless prevention and so this will include emergency rental and utility bill assistance. There will normally be a one on one interview/intake process in which you will also explore the reason why some form of assistance is needed. So the case worker will do more than just process paperwork and applications.
If you qualify, and if there is money available, some forms of financial support may be offered. In addition receive assistance including referrals, credit counseling, information and other forms of emotional support as necessary. Hopefully the extra cash can prevent homelessness and also the guidance will reduce the need for future help.
Other emergency assistance is for clothing for work or school. Having proper work attire can help individuals get and retain a job. If you are faced with a life threatening condition then the Salvation Army may be able to refer you to a clinic in the Tompkins County area. Or vouchers for prescription medications may be offered. Food and groceries are available from pantries.
Another option around the holidays is the Angel Tree program. This too may provide new toys, gifts, or clothing for children of needy families. Trees will be placed in public areas around the counties, such as post offices or malls. Contributors and volunteers to the program will need to remove one or more tags from the tree and purchase the items that are described.
Locations of Tompkins and Tioga Salvation Army centers
581 Broad St, Waverly, NY 14892, telephone (607) 565-7137
150 N Albany St., Ithaca, New York, call (607) 273-2400
Salvation Army center at 381 Elmira Rd, Ithaca, NY, dial (607) 273-3872