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Indiana County Pennsylvania free food pantries.

Senior citizens, low income families, and individuals that are struggling can get free food. There are several programs in Indiana County that focus on feeding residents. While food pantries can be used, there are also Meals on Wheels services for the homebound, non-perishable groceries from charities, and also infant or baby formula.

Some of the assistance is available using referrals, such as from the regional Indiana County Catholic Charities. The staff direct clients to everything from soup kitchens to meal delivery services. Other support is arranged by the County's Assistance Office, and they will help the client apply for SNAP food stamps or other benefits.

However, in a crisis, a food pantry may always be the best option. They can offer groceries, cereal, baby formula, and even Christmas meals or clothing year round. These locations tend to be the most flexible in what they offer.

Catholic Charities Diocese
Address is 1055 Oak Street
Indiana, PA 15701
Main number - 724-349-4500
They are involved in two different food assistance programs. The church group will screen for home delivered meals for the elderly, disabled, and homebound. Also, free baby formula and infant supplies will be provided too.

Chevy Chase Center
640 N 5th Ave
Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: (724) 463-0674
The charity provides emergency food, clothing, and basic needs. There is also a soup kitchen open Monday to Friday for a noon meal. Other services include education on healthy eating, cooking classes, and living as part of their feeding programs.




Salvation Army Indiana Corp
640 North Fifth Avenue
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701
Main Phone – 724-463-0674
There is a free bag of non-perishable groceries, such as pasta or cereal, from the food pantry. There is also an Angel Tree Christmas toy program, back to school supplies, and financial aid. The charity also has Christmas or Thanksgiving meals for the poor or homeless.

Dixonville Wesleyan Methodist Church - Community Kitchen
Dixonville, PA 15734
Main Phone Number is 724-254-1930
Free foods, beverages, and groceries for special dietary needs.

Indiana County Community Action Program Food Assistance (ICCAP)
Location is 1849 South 6th Street
Indiana, PA 15701
(724) 465-2657
A clothing closet and pantry are on site.

Indiana County Assistance Office
2750 West Pike Road
Indiana, PA 15701
Dial 724-357-2900
Families in poverty can apply to the SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) at the government office.





Meals on Wheels, Indiana Area
534 Philadelphia Street
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701
For intake, dial 724-463-7440
The non-profit delivers a hot meal, five days a week. They also serve on Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Help is also for shut-in persons as well as the elderly in Indiana County who can't cook for themselves.
They also offer low income seniors with free vouchers checks that are used at a Farmer Market. People can buy fresh, locally grown vegetables, fruits and herbs. All aid is first-come, first-served basis.

Adagio Health Medical Office
1097 Oak Street
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701
Phone – 724-349-2022
Pregnant or new moms can be clients.

For more information, dial 412.460.3663. Indiana County families can learn about local agencies ranging from food banks to soup kitchens.

By Jon McNamara

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