Homeless Services Center assistance programs.
People of all ages that are homeless or facing eviction and that live in the county of San Francisco can contact Homeless Services Center for help. The charity and its staff will assist seniors as well as families with children, including single parents. A number of social services as well as emergency financial aid can be provided by the charity, with a focus on basic needs such as food or clothing.
Financial aid may also be paid out in an emergency, but this is not as common. There may be applications to government grants for expenses such as rent or unpaid energy bills. Or in some cases, Homeless Services Center will either offer its own funds or direct certain clients to loan programs as well.
Job placement and family services
The first part of the application process is a Family Assessment. This was designed to understand the applicant's needs, and then provide a system of flexible multi-activity approach. It can meet the employment needs of individuals, refer them to educational resources, or maybe address excessive debt and credit issues.
Case Managers work with participants of any Homeless Services Center program in assessing and addressing the needs. They will also be involved in planning support which will enable clients to compete in the labor market across the state of California. Also, once employment has been obtained, ongoing advice is arranged.
Also as part of Family Assessment, there is assistance for program-eligible households in areas such as health care, education, clothing for work, housing, employment, and nutrition. These community programs are intended to encourage families toward self-sufficiency. This comprehensive family assessment is the ongoing practice of informing decision-making through considering, identifying and weighing factors that impact children, youth, low income parents, and their families.
Other self-sufficiency from Homeless Services Center will include Pre-Employment/Employability Training. This will be training in work habits, setting employer expectations, and provide tips and advice on relations with supervisors and other skills needed on the job and for retention.
- Job Development will help people in locating employers that are hiring.
- Job Search includes training in resume preparation, interviewing, job seeking skills, completing job applications and other skills needed to enhance the search process.
- Classroom support in San Francisco County will offer individuals with the technical skills and information required to perform a specific job.
- Basic needs for a job, such as clothing, a suit, or transportation to an interview can be arranged.
Homeless Services Center assistance for bills or rent expenses
Homeless Services Center and its partners also provide help to eligible households in meeting emergency needs. Assistance is given during a crisis situation in the areas of food, temporary shelter, utility bills, medical services, etc. This type of support is very limited though.
To be eligible for this form of financial assistance, a household’s income must be limited, and also be a certain percentage of the poverty level. The circumstances, which created the need for assistance, must have occurred not more than 30 days prior to the date of application, and the challenge must not have been caused by the applicant.
There is a maximum dollar amount of assistance provided for bills, and this cannot be exceeded by any one applying family within a twelve-month period. However, the actual amount authorized for any household expenses, such as say overdue rent, will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Another service, the Energy Support Program, assist in the delivery of utility or heating bill related emergency services. There is aid for low-income, elderly and disabled households. The grants for these energy bills will help enable vulnerable individuals maintain an independent living situation as a result of services received. Unfortunately, all services may not be available immediately upon request, so loans may be issued in some cases.
Senior care is arranged by Homeless Services Center, often in partnership with agency on aging centers. The Department offers a wide array of programs to help senior citizens in San Francisco Counry, their caregivers and families. Assistance provided may be Telephone Reassurance, free Congregate Meals, Outreach, Caregiver's Support Group, and even free, local Home Delivered Meals.
Applying for Housing Matters programs
For more details, including referrals or placement into a shelter, call 831-458-6020.