Helping Hands Of Springfield emergency programs.
Lower to moderate income families can contact Helping Hands for information. The charity assists the vulnerable in the community of Springfield Illinois. They try to meet basic needs as well as offer referrals. The resources provided are limited, and range from Hearth House to Stable Smile as well as referrals to financial aid. But other requests can be heard as well.
Shelter and transitional housing
Helping Hands Of Springfield Transitional House is offered through the Sangamon County Department of Social Services as well as partners. Capacity is limited. However the Transitional, or Hearth House accepts single individuals who have been officially designated as homeless by a case manager. In addition, applicants to this service must meet all program criteria and accept the terms of agency.
Helping Hands will try to support some of those people in the community who are currently homeless or at a high risk for evictions due to the job market and economy. The non-profit has broadened its supportive services to include emergency shelter and transitional housing for disadvantaged clients with children. There is a centralized intake, assessment, and referral system that be be used by Springfield families to learn about an appropriate program.
Financial support from Helping Hands
The Helping Hands Of Springfield family center is a one stop resource for struggling families to use. The information is comprehensive and it can be called upon to address a number of needs. The location can refer clients to financial aid or government benefits. But the true objective is to empower clients to overcome their hardships. Some of the services in Sangamon County include, but are not limited to, the following:
-Self-sufficiency ranges from parent training workshops, credit counseling, to support groups. -Information on direct emergency assistance for bills or rent. -Applications to public aid such as TANF benefits, welfare, food stamps, and more. -A computer lab and printer for job-seekers in Sangamon County. -Fatherhood Initiative as well as Grandparents Support Groups.
As part of this, any form of financial aid is mostly offered by referrals. The charity will refer qualified clients, most of which who come out of the Hearth House, to programs for paying a security deposit on an approved apartment. This is combined with rent help, case management, and more.
The federal government provides support to charities such as Helping Hands so they can run pantries or resources such as the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP). The non-profit will distribute aid to low-income Sangamon County residents through both mass distributions on designated days and on a daily basis via local pantries. The various mass distribution dates are rotated among the sites throughout the county, and the food pantries provide assistance on an as-needed or an emergency basis.
Employment and budgeting
Stable SMILE is the name of the service that helps with overall financial literacy. Helping Hands Of Springfield offers credit counseling. Seniors from the area can sign up for payee services too. This SMAIL program tries to resolve the underlying crisis.
For clients struggling with “financial literacy” or debt problems, there is a free Credit Counseling Program which helps to resolve their issues and prevent future problems with money. There are many aspects of it, and the staff from Helping Hands can direct anyone that is interested to it.
- Things like setting a household budget and establishing payment time frames are addressed.
- Clients of Helping Hands Of Springfield must meet on a regular basis to ensure they are making progress in the right direction.
- Counselors offer information on debt reductions plans, credit repairs, and how to open a savings account.
- Another focus of the class is on helping people with staying away from high priced lenders/loans.
- The program also helps people move towards the goal of owning a home.
The main goal is on self-sufficiency. For additional details on services, Helping Hands can be reached at 200 S. 11th St. in Sangamon. Call the charity at 522-0048.