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Hawaii medical care for uninsured.

Residents of Hawaii who are uninsured may be able to get assistance from several government and non-profit medical care programs. The state partners with the federal government and other agencies to provide a wide range of services to low income families that qualify.

Patients who are found to be eligible can have a number of their medical needs met. This can include prescription medications, care for chronic conditions, and families can even have pre-existing medical conditions addressed. If you are struggling with paying your medical bills or finding health care because of your current insurance plan, or lack of coverage, then look into these Hawaii programs.

If a particular resource or program can't meet your need, or if you do not qualify, then ask for referrals. Staff who are part of these various organizations or government agencies may be able to redirect people to alternate plans for their medical needs.

BCCCP Breast and Cervical Cancer Program is available for low income uninsured women, and can provide free breast and cervical screening. If needed, receive additional referrals, case management, appropriate diagnostic follow-up and follow up medical treatment if you are diagnosed with cancer. 808-692-7460

The Children with Special Health Needs Program is offered if the patient has a chronic health care issue that requires specialized medical attention. Applicants need to be under the age of 21 and have a condition that has lasted (or may last) at least one year. Services available include hearing and vision special services, limited financial assistance for specialty care related to the child's condition, prescription medications, vision and hearing tests, and lab tests, among other assistance. Telephone number is 808-733-9055.

Hawaii Seropositivity and Medical Management Program (HSPAMM) will provide free lab tests and physician visits for residents with HIV. Get help with lab tests, T-cell counts and viral load tests. 808-733-9360





Medicaid Managed Care is provided by Hawaii's QUEST Program. This includes Medicaid, CHIP and other government sponsored care. The program pays for basic health coverage through managed plans for lower income and uninsured Hawaii residents. This is a Medicaid managed care plan and the state will pay for health programs and people can even choose their own doctor. The intent is to provide  coverage of medical and mental health services. Some dental care may be offered at a low cost. 800-316-8005

The Hawaii HIV Drug Assistance Program (HDAP) will distribute free medications to the uninsured. All prescription drugs are FDA-approved. The objective is to treat or improve side effects of HIV and address the infection. Dial 808-733-9360.

Community Care Program for HIV/AIDS (HCCP) will coordinate in-home support and medical services for adults and children who have significant functional/medical needs. It will help people live at home vs a long-term care facility. Beneficiaries may receive private duty nursing, case management, attendant care, specialized medical equipment and supplies, and even transportation assistance. Dial 808-587-3521.

The Developmentally Disabilities/Mental Retardation Program (DD/MR) is offered for qualified individuals. It can offer in home support and other aid and will help people live as independently as possible in their current home. The applicant needs to require nursing facility or hospital level of care and be eligible for Medicaid. Call 808-587-3521 for information.

H-COBRA is the Hawaii Insurance Continuation Program and is offered for people living with HIV/AIDS. The program will pay premiums so that patients can continue to receive health insurance. As indicated, applicants need to have HIV/AIDS and also need to be COBRA eligible. 808-733-9360

Nursing Home Without Walls (NHWW) will provide help to uninsured and low income individuals regardless of their age. Program participants need to be disabled or have serious or chronic illnesses. Telephone number is 808-832-5115.

Traditional Medicaid/Medicaid Fee-For-Service is offered to qualified low income and working poor residents of Hawaii. This is the main government program and it will provide free or low cost medical assistance for families with children, individuals who are aged, blind or disabled, and pregnant women. Receive help in paying the bills for physician visits, dental cleanings, hospitalization, and other costs. Telephone: 800-316-8005

Pre-existing conditions in Hawaii can be addressed by PCIP. This is formally known as Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan, and it will help people who were denied private health insurance. There are a few different plans to choose from and people may need to pay some money towards deductibles and premiums. 866-717-5826

Vaccines for Children Program will distribute free or low cost vaccines for uninsured children and families that have limited insurance policies. It can addresses medical conditions such as the flu, mumps pertussis, polio, Dipththeria, measles, hepatitis and others. It is run in partnership with local community health centers as well. 800-933-4832.

State of Hawaii Pharmacy Assistance Program will assist with paying some or all of a senior's Medicare Part D co-payments and is co-insurance. This program has very limited funding and may close from time to time. 866-878-9769.




By Jon McNamara

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