Free transportation for a medical appointment or Medicaid patients near you.
Find how to get free transportation to a medical or doctor appointment, including for patients on Medicaid. Programs range from volunteer run services, reimbursement from Medicaid, non-profit programs, free vouchers and other places for free or cheap rides. Get details below on where to get free transportation for medical appointments or financial help to pay the cost.
While each program varies, may agencies provide free medical rides for low-income people and those who lack a car to get to a doctor, hospital, drug store, or other medical appointment. Government programs coordinate it for low income families, including a free ride for patients on Medicaid. Charities as well as non-profits help seniors, veterans or the disabled as well. Or locate details on affordable transit services that run off of a small donation. There are a number of services to help get to a scheduled or emergency medical appointment.
Government programs for free Medicaid transportation
Medicaid provides free transportation and rides for a scheduled medical appointment in most states. While this is a federal government benefit, each state has their own rules and regulations on what exactly Medicaid will pay for and how the process works. Usually a voucher, card to pay a driver and other assistance in given. In general, most states will reimburse a low-income Medicaid patient for scheduled or emergency transportation, including gas costs.
Many states also outsource free Medicaid rides to other companies. For example, a patient on Medicaid will often need to call a transportation company, such as Modivcare or the Independent Transportation Network. Anyone in need of a free ride that is on Medicaid needs to check with their local social or human services office near them to sign up. The vehicles or vans will also be wheelchair accessible as well as be able to accommodate seniors or the disabled. Locate a public assistance office near you.
Free government transportation is for veterans who have a medical appointment. The VA coordinates this service with local hospitals, doctors as well as health care offices and medical providers in the VA system. A number of charities as well as local churches also give transportation to a vet for a medical appointment.
The primary programs are Veterans Transportation Program (VTP) as well as the Beneficiary Travel (BT). This can also arrange for transportation for the veterans family members as well as long distance appointments for out of state medical appointments. Find a VA medical transportation service..
Medicare Advantage Plans, including part A, may sometimes pay transportation costs for a scheduled doctor appointment. These programs though are supplemental coverage, which a patient will need to pay for. The government run Medicare program can be an option for free transportation though. There are other government benefit programs for medical rides too, and a non-profit Medicare Help Center will offer referrals. Learn more on, and find the Medicare Rights Center phone number.
Free transportation for medical appointments from charities
A number of charities, non-profits and churches near you will offer either (1) or (2) cheap rides for a medical reasons or they help low-income people, including Medicaid patients. Many of the agencies do request a small monetary contribution (if possible) to help reimburse the driver. As most of the free transportation programs for a person to get to the doctor or hospital or performed by volunteers. Some of the places to try for a free ride include the following.
Agency on Aging or Senior Centers near you – These non-profits either provide free transportation or low-cost rides as part of a Volunteer Driver Programs (VSP). They do focus on elderly people that have a medical appointment, but some centers will either have referrals or provide rides to other people too, including as part of the Demand-response program. Get details on how to get senior help.
Catholic Charities near you will often provide free transportation services. This is another locally run program and terms vary, but most of the churches give free transportation to the low-income, people on Medicaid and uninsured. Get transportation to a doctor’s appointment, pharmacy, clinic or other locations. Locate Catholic Charities programs near you.
Free health care transportation programs from Meals on Wheels – This is a national charity that operates in most states. A large number of the local sites provide free transportation to clients for a doctor appointment, or they pick up people and give them a ride back home as they are discharged from the hospital. This is in addition to the free food and wellness checks. Get help from Meals on Wheels charity near you.
American Cancer Society provides free transportation to people with cancer, who have a low-income and/or no money and that need a ride to a cancer center. This is a volunteer driven service known as the Road To Recovery program. But the cancer society will try to arrange free transportation for cancer screenings, checkups or treatment. Call 1-800-227-2345.
Charities will often provide free emergency bus tickets, gas vouchers, train tickets and free transportation assistance for a medical appointment. Groups such as the Salvation Army, St. Vincent de Paul, Volunteers of America (VOA) and other can be turned too. The transportation can be a hospital, health or dental clinic, doctor office and other nearby locations.
- The Salvation Army will have free medical appointment gas cards to the low-income, sick, and patients with no money. Each center is separate and it depends on resources. Find free gas.
- Charities and some churches will giveaway free bus passes to a doctor office or medical appointment. They will need to be scheduled appointments. Locate where and how to get a free bus pass..
Other national or local charities near you will provide free medical transportation services. They include, but are not limited to, Mercy Medical Angels, Miracle Flights and others. Many of these also provide free transportation, even flights, for people that need care out of state. Locate other non-profit organization programs for low-income people.
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