Society of St. Vincent De Paul assistance programs Dayton and Montgomery County.
The Conference of Society of Saint Vincent de Paul can provide meals, emergency food boxes, shelter, transitional housing and more. The charity and its churches will do what they can to help the low income and poor in the community. Ensuring that residents in Dayton and Montgomery County Ohio have food and housing is a focus of St. Vincent de Paul and find more details below.
Free or low cost items in Dayton area
A food pantry is available. It provides those who need help with non-perishable items, fresh meats, fruits, vegetables, rice and breads. Groceries and other items are provided to those who lack the finances to put a healthy meal and food on their tables. The St. Vincent de Paul’s pantry does its best to help anyone who needs assistance.
Some homebound in Dayton Ohio can get help from Meals on Wheels. This is a free donation programs from SVDP and its partners. A small donation is appreciated to help offset costs. There are healthy, USDA approved frozen meals, commodities, and other items delivered along with a wellness check. Find how to get meal on Wheels.
Community Furniture Bank can support people who are moving from emergency shelter into permanent housing units or apartments. The Dayton Society of St. Vincent de Paul and its volunteers handle all the logistics, from pick-up and storage to displaying the furniture items for selection by clients and case managers. (937) 222-7349
Community and Thrift Stores are open to the general public. People in need, and the general public from across Montgomery County Ohio, can shop at the thrift store for low-cost clothing, furniture and household items. Money will go to pay for the St. Vincent financial assistance programs.
Housing resources from the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
Gateway Shelters in Montgomery County serves single women and families with children. A program for single men is known as Gettysburg Gateway. Clients can receive housing, free meals, gently used clothing, personal care items, message and mail services. Most nights dozens of people will be using these shelters.
A transitional housing program is known as Safe Haven. It provides services to people who were recently evicted and/or hard-to-reach homeless persons with severe mental illness, a medical condition and other debilitating behavioral conditions. Most of the St. Vincent clients are women and men who have been in and out of the local shelters numerous times and have not be able to participate in other forms of housing assistance or supportive services. The goal is to help people become stabilized, find new permanent housing and learn to access and use other local relevant service providers and non-profits.
Some of the resources offered by Safe Haven include nutritious meals, 24-hour case management, clothing and personal care items, and more. The counseling will help provide an environment conducive to personal growth, stabilization, and trust-building that encourages positive change and linkage to relevant services. Also look into other financial assistance and encouragement in receiving necessary services from appropriate non-profit community agencies and public aid.
Permanent Housing is the long term goal. Many low income people are struggling with far more serious challenges and hardships than just a lack of housing. They may have co-occurring additions, disabilities, or severe medical issues. So the St. Vincent Permanent Supportive Housing programs provide secure and safe housing, life-skills coaching, supportive and on-site case management, referrals to appropriate and relevant services, assistance in finding employment and permanent housing.
Some government grants may be offered for deposits or paying first months rent. This can be done as part of Rapid Rehousing, which the Dayton Society can help people apply for. The goal of the state of Ohio permanent supportive housing is to prevent the participants from returning to the homeless system and keep people stabilized in their home. More on the Rapid Rehousing program.
The Dayton Transitional Housing programs also provide an integrated residential support program and educational services for eligible homeless women, families with children, and men who are drug and alcohol-free. Clients need to be strongly committed to becoming self-sufficient and attaining permanent housing. Some of the services available are as follows.
Meet with a social worker for intensive and comprehensive, yet free, case management services to assist participants in reaching their goals. The Society of Saint Vincent may place people into safe and affordable transitional housing for up two years. Also work on creating and implementing action plans which include employment, personal finances, home management, personal development, education and permanent housing.
Applying for Montgomery County Ohio SVDP programs
While there are a few parishes, centers, and many volunteers in Montgomery County, the main office is at 15 S St Clair St., Dayton Ohio. Call (937) 222-3661 for intake.