Assistance programs Darlington County
Find charities, churches and government organizations in Darlington South Carolina that provide financial help, including for electric bills, rent, transportation and other bills. Or locate free stuff including dental or medical care, food and more. Get financial assistance near you in Darlington County SC.
Low income families, single mothers and seniors have a few places to turn to for resources. The goal is to offer immediate relief, whether for housing or other bills, as well as coordinating long term self-sufficiency around employment, budgeting, and debt relief.
Grant money from Community Action Agency
This local non-profit Darlington County community action agency provides low income, the unemployed, and working poor with access to many assistance programs. Among them include:
- Low Income Heat And Energy Program (LIHEAP) - Funded by both South Carolina and the federal government, it provides grants for utility and bills and crisis assistance.
- Prescription expense assistance - Vouchers may be offered for medications, or they can refer you to programs offered by pharmaceutical companies.
- Rent payment help - If you have a court ordered eviction notice, you may be able get to emergency rent help. The Darlington CAA may not only have information on grant programs, but they can also advice as to the pros and cons of using a loan to pay for a security deposit or rent payment.
- Cooling and utility bill payment assistance - Help for electric bills, as well as help for paying water bills. The applicant must be at least 30 days late on paying their bill or disconnected.
- Weatherization program - Free home improvements to help you save money on energy bills. This will help seniors, the disabled and elderly in Darlington County with home repairs, improvements and other updates.
- Mortgage assistance - Learn about programs that help pay a mortgage or even property taxes. The agency will provide foreclosure counseling to Darlington homeowners. Click here to learn more on mortgage help in SC.
Call the Darlington County Community Action Agency, which is based at 325 W Washington St, Hartsville, SC 29550, at (843) 332-1135. The non-profit of course supports the entire county.
Financial help for bills, food, clothes and more in Darlington County
Senior programs from Darlington County Council on Aging are available. The main address is 401 Pearl St, Darlington, SC 29532. Senior citizens and the elderly may be able to get assistance, including with home care, free government benefits or money for seniors over the age of 60 and more. Can provide people with access to unique needs and programs of older persons and their caregivers. Call (843) 393-8521 or look here for free money for seniors in SC.
Darlington County Department of Social Services is the government office for benefits. This county run organization runs numerous programs. Among the services and financial resources offered include Food Stamps or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Child care vouchers, as well as applications to Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program. They also offer child are help including from the SC Child Care Scholarship Program.
- There is also Medicaid - Medical Assistance. The county may also have information on (or referrals to) a local Food Pantry, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, and other government programs. For information the intake number is (843) 398-4420. The location is 300 Russell St # 140, Darlington, SC 29532.
Social Services from Salvation Army - The national charity organization services low income families in the region as well. Basic needs can be met, and this includes free food, clothing, or Christmas assistance (including toys for kids) from programs such as the Angel Tree.
- In some cases they may have funds for paying the utility bills or rent of a Darlington SC County resident. However this is more limited and at most a partial payment would be made if it is available. There are also free school supplies for kids, vouchers for gas to get to an interview and other support. Additional aid is provided too. More on Darlington SC area Salvation Army.
Assistance for food - There are food pantries scattered across Darlington County. A family that lives near one can apply for help, ranging from groceries to fresh fruits, infant formula, and more. Call for hours first. There are also Meals on wheels and free pet food (as donations allow) for the disabled or seniors.
- But there are other resources available. Not only may a food pantry have free groceries or serve a meal, but many have clothing closets and/or thrift stores too. This means a client may also be given an article of clothing. This may be everything from school supplies to work clothes. So various programs are available, and locate the Darlington County food pantries.
Help paying debts and mortgage relief from non-profit credit counseling in Darlington County. If you are drowning in medical, credit card, or mortgage debts or payday loans payments, try this agencies to talk to counselors. Many may even offer free debt and mortgage counseling. Try InCharge Debt Solutions at (800) 565-8953 or look here for Christian credit counseling for debt help.
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