Emergency aid from Community Services Offices.
Supporting Garland County, the non-profit Community Services Offices and its staff can direct clients to financial support. In addition, the staff is strongly committed to helping individuals, the unemployed and struggling families become more self-sufficient over the long term.
The demand for support in the state of Arkansas is very high. So the non-profit will do its best in order to meet that demand. However, resources, especially funds for emergency expenses, are limited, so most people will be referred.
Housing and rent programs in Garland County
A federal program, the Emergency Solutions Grant, provides financial assistance and services to help re-house the homeless and stabilize current tenants. Persons and families from Garland County who have received a legal eviction notice and would be homeless without any type of rental help are also eligible for ESG services, if they meet all the conditions.
Some of the aid that may be offered includes short-term rental assistance, relocation, loans for paying housing expenses, credit counseling, utility bill assistance, and case management. There are many conditions in place, and funding from ESG is always limited.
Community Services Offices or its partners also offers rapid re-housing assistance under the ESG program. This component is for individuals who meet homelessness criteria outlined by the HUD - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Examples of homelessness include sleeping in an emergency shelter in Hot Springs, a car, or transitional housing unit. Other qualifications may apply as well.
In addition, the agency has referrals to the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP). This is another resource that allocates funds to needy areas for housing, free food, rent and other necessities. Many local charities are involved in the allocation process as well. A food bank overseen by partners of Community Services distributes grocery products to needy families as well.
The homeownership and asset development center helps families purchase homes. This is achieved by offering free advice and assistance with paying for down payments and closing costs.
The center works with both first-time and repeat homebuyers, and assistance offered can include a variety of grants for low-to-moderate income qualified families. All programs offered through the community action agency or its partners require homebuyers to occupy the home being purchased as their primary residence. Participants must use an approved lender as well.
Find help with utilities from Community Services
Grants for heating and cooling bills may be available. The non-profit administers the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program for struggling households in Garland region. Government funds can be used to pay utility bills.
The winter regular program is designed to help with paying heating bills, especially in a crisis. In order to participate in this program, clients must meet low-income guidelines, need to supply evidence of all income from the prior month, and they can also help renters too.
Another component of LIHEAP, the regular assistance payment, meanwhile, is a one-time subsidy for qualified individuals. Furthermore, the crisis assistance payment is a one-time subsidy for people in Garland County Arkansas and can help clients avoid having their utilities shut off, reconnect a disconnect service or even purchase propane.
Under the weatherization assistance program, Community Services Offices performs energy audits to determine the energy-conservation needs of houses. Designed for individuals and families who meet low income guidelines, this free program makes homes more secure from cold or hot weather.
It will also help clients conserve energy and save money for other basic necessities, such as medicine, buying their food, clothing and paying for transportation. The community action agency installs energy-saving light bulbs; places weather stripping on doors and windows; caulks and seals cracks and holes; insulates walls and floors;, and can even install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
Some clients in the region may benefit from repairs and retrofits to furnaces and contractors may replace energy-wasting refrigerators and electric water heaters. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the state of Arkansas and LIHEAP fund weatherization.
Medical and dental services
Get referrals to community dental clinics. This are usually for low-income or uninsured residents in Garland Arkansas who cannot afford to pay for dental work. The clinics will be staffed with licensed, experienced dentists on both a paid and voluntary basis, and they perform extractions but do not fill cavities.
Moreover, the community dental clinic has referrals to denture program for individuals who have had all their teeth removed, although the waiting period at these type of centers is often quite long.
To learn more, call the agency at (501) 624-5724. Referrals may be provided. The main address is in Hot Springs Arkansas.