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Bullitt, Nelson, and Spencer County food pantries.

In an emergency, a food pantry can help low income families. There are distribution centers in the area, including the counties of Spencer, Nelson, and Bullitt. Not only may a free box of groceries be passed out, but the locations will offer other forms of help, such as personal grooming supplies, Christmas meals, and more.

The hours, application process, and what is available from each non-profit will vary. Some only offer canned food. Others may have fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and baby formula as well. In addition, some of the non-profits in Spencer or Bullitt County even provide basic needs such as clothing. Some sites may even use volunteers to deliver hot meals to the homebound in the community.

When struggling, a food bank can be a resource to turn to for help. No matter what caused the crisis, or whether a resident is disabled or elderly, these charity organizations may be able to assist. The leading pantries in the region are below.

Mt Washington Community Ministries
Address is 320 N Bardstown Road
Mount Washington, Kentucky 40047
For information, call (502) 538-8439
Various faith based charities, such as First Baptist Church of Mount Washington Kentucky, run food pantries for low income families. There is also winter coats, free school supplies, meals for the homeless in Bullitt County.

Feeding America, Kentucky’s Heartland
Charity address is 313 Peterson Dr.
Elizabethtown, KY 42701
Call 270.769.6997
They provide residents referrals. Residents of the area can learn about places for surplus USDA food. There are other services as well, such as a BackPack Program to feed children/students. Specialists can refer senior citizens to Meals on Wheels, and families in poverty can learn about holiday meal sites.




Nelson County Public Schools - Team Up! Family Resource And Youth Services Center
211 East Muir Avenue
Bardstown, Kentucky 40004
Telephone number is (502) 349-7006
There is help for residents of the school district only. There are food programs, school supplies, prescription glasses, clothing, and more. There is also support for parents, such as job placement and drug/alcohol prevention programs.

Little Flock Ministry Center
Location is 5510 North Preston Hwy
Shepherdsville, KY 40165
Main phone - (502) 955-8760
The pantry may help families up to 4 times per year. USDA commodities, fruits, baby formula, and more may be provided by the non-profit.

Multi-purpose Community Action Agency
There are a few of these sites for residents of all regions, including Spencer and Nelson. They will have a box of groceries. Case managers can also direct families to bill paying programs, SNAP food stamps, and other programs to help reverse poverty.
214 Frank E Simon Avenue - Shepherdsville, Kentucky 40165, dial (502) 543-4077
Spencer County site is at 44 Creekside Drive, Taylorsville, Kentucky 40071. Phone (502) 477-8296.

Many other non-profits in the region may be able to help as well. The list of free food pantries above is only an example of the sites available. For more information, including on public food assistance programs, call (877) 532-2767.




By Jon McNamara

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