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Rental assistance Cameron County.

Cameron County as well as Brownsville area residents will get help with rent from one of several agencies. Find government grant money, loans or financial help from a charity in the community. Rental assistance is for people facing eviction or get funds for security deposits, section 8 housing or free lawyers for tenants. Find rent payment help near you in Cameron County.

Other housing assistance programs are offered in the Brownsville, Harlingen, and county. Low-income families can also look into assistance for a security deposit or first months rent so they can relocate to a new, affordable property, including no wait list homes in Cameron County.

The non-profits, charities and churches will often have a waiting list in place for immediate rent assistance, and this especially holds true for the section 8 program in Cameron County. When facing a crisis, then the applications for assistance for any back rent can be accelerated. There may also be housing services focused on the disabled or senor citizens in Brownsville Texas. Single mothers as well as people with past evictions will also get priority for funds, as helping these individuals with paying their rent and keeping them housed in an apartment often take priority. There also are eviction friendly apartments near you.

Apply for help with rent in Brownsville, Harlingen and Cameron County

Loaves and Fishes of the Rio Grande Valley is a social service agency focused on the area around Harlingen. There may be emergency financial help for rent, energy costs, and other housing expenses. This is also combined with case management or placement into a homeless shelter. Call 956-423-1014. The address is 514 S E St, Harlingen, TX 78550. Or find other details on other rent assistance programs from Cameron County Cameron County.

  • The charity also runs a service known as part of Family Emergency Assistance. The program known as Vera Naumann helps stop homelessness in Cameron County. Furniture, rent assistance from no-interest loans, household goods, and more is provided.

Good Neighbor Settlement House
1254 E Tyler St, Brownsville, Texas 78520. Phone -  (956) 542-2368 or (866) 505-7929
The homeless can get emergency shelter or funds for first months rent or a security deposit, if they have a source of income. Emergency housing, as well as rent money, is available in Cameron County.




Catholic Charities Brownsville
955 West Price Road, Brownsville, TX 78520. Main phone – 956-541-0220
One time assistance may be provided for mortgage or rent payments. A waiting period is in place before a grant is issued. There is help for single mothers, immigrants in Cameron County as well as asylum seekers. The charity covers La Paloma, Brownsville, Los Fresnos and Port Isabel Texas, with all rent assistance applications also in Spanish.

South Texas Adult Resource Training Center STAR
Address is 743 North Sam Houston Blvd, San Benito, Texas 78586. Main phone - 956-399-7818
One time funds or loans or issued for rent to stop an eviction. They also offer the tenant budgeting and job placement.

Valley Coalition For The Homeless
Address is 5501 US-83 Bus, Harlingen, TX 78552. Phone: (956) 893-0422
Homeless prevention and rehousing is offered. This includes transitional housing, government grants to pay rent or storage costs, case management for low-income tenants and more.

Emergency homeless prevention services help with housing needs. Cameron County area tenants can apply for grants to pay their rent or get free legal advice from an attorney. There is also financial help for housing, security and rental deposits for immigrants. Migrants and farmworkers are the only clients. Everything from security deposits to rent and shelter is available. Read more on Cameron County homeless prevention.

Salvation Army
Address - 201 East Monroe Street, Harlingen, TX 78550. Telephone number - 956-423-2454
The charity coverts all of Cameron County, including with housing and rent assistance programs. There are hardship funds, grants, free motel vouchers tonight and other programs. A goal is to help limited homelessness, and rent assistance will be for seniors, the disabled and working poor.





Cameron County - Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid
308 East Harrison, Harlingen, TX 78550. Call 956-364-3800
Clients are senior citizens and low income families. Lawyers will help with applying for section 8 or other benefits, resolve tenant disputes, offer advice on security deposits, and more. Free pro-bono attorneys help people with an eviction notice.

Casa de Proyecto Libertad
Address - 113 North 1st Street, Harlingen, Texas 78550. Telephone: 956-425-9552
Low cost legal advice is provided to immigrants on housing and other civil matters. The lawyers also help migrants and Spanish speakers find, and apply for no-wait list apartments or places that help pay rent.

Department of Family and Protective Services - Harlingen Office
801 N 13th St., Harlingen, Texas. Primary phone - 800-252-5400
Only assists with rent for victims, whether women or children of domestic violence or victims of trafficking that live in unsafe housing.

Cameron County Housing Authority Offices
There are multiple sites. They have section 8 vouchers for paying rent, emergency HUD programs, no-wait list apartments and more. Some of the resources have waiting lists - others help immediately.

  • Section 8 for Brownsville is at 2602 Boca Chica Blvd, Brownsville, TX 78521. Main phone: (956) 504-1910
  • Harlingen Housing Authority is at 219 E. Jackson Ave., Harlingen, TX 78550. Phone: (956) 423-2521
  • 104 Troywood Circle, Harlingen, Texas 78550. Telephone - 956-425-3521. Programs include Section 8, low cost public housing, and Family Self-Sufficiency.

US Veterans Affairs Department
Veterans, or their families, can use the agency at 1124 E Madison St, Brownsville, TX 78520. Phone: (956) 544-0811.
They have applications to programs such as SSVF, HUD-VASH and others. This includes emergency rent assistance, free motel vouchers and more. Veterans will get access to everything from affordable, no wait list housing to job programs and free grants.

Silver Ribbon Community Partners
Non-profit is at 1919 Austin Ave, McAllen, TX 78501. Main phone (956) 664-4892
Assistance is for low low-income families and people with an eviction notice.

La Posada Providencia
Location is 30094 Marydale Rd, San Benito, TX 78586. Main number is (956) 399-3826
They help asylum seekers and refugees in Cameron County. Housing, furniture, food, rent assistance and other resources are offered.




United Way programs
There are two main places for referrals. They are below. anyone in need, no matter age, race, or ethnicity, can get information on places that help pay rent, moving costs or a deposit. There are also applications to LIHEAP, private landlord housing, and other programs for tenants or homeless people.

  • United Way of Southern Cameron County provides information on housing and rent in the Brownsville area. The address is 634 E Levee St, Brownsville, TX 78520. Phone: (956) 548-6880
  • United Way of  Harlingen and Northern Cameron County. People in need can drop in at 320 E Harrison Ave, Harlingen, TX 78550. Main phone: (956) 423-5954


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