Free holiday assistance and Christmas help in Bridgeport Connecticut.
There are many free Christmas and Thanksgiving assistance programs in the City of Bridgeport that help the less fortunate. There is holiday help for immigrants and minorities, free gifts and clothes for children, and toys from the Salvation Army Angel Tree or Adopt a Family. There is also free gifts from the city of Bridgeport Toys for Tots program. Anyone who lives in the city can try one of the agencies listed below.
The main organizations to try for assistance are noted below. Most of the applications are accepted during the fall, beginning in September or October. All Christmas toys, whether clothes, sporting equipment, tablets, Legos and more are given out on a first come and served basis, so apply for a gift early. Income restrictions and other requirements are in place.
Toys for Tots – City of Bridgeport Many and items are given away, including Christmas and birthday toys, diapers, Legos, books, video games, clothes (including for winter) and more. The free gifts for kids from age 0 to 14 is based on donations. The services gives free unwrapped Christmas gifts, toys, and presents to boys and girls under the age of 14. Many volunteers and donations allow it to operate. This is separate from the Fairfield County service. The application URL is
Salvation Army – Bridgeport Community Center Main location is 30 Elm Street Bridgeport, Connecticut 06604 Dial 203-334-0995 They operate the annual Angel Tree Program. Items are given to the needy as well as low income, even including Thanksgiving meals and turkey. They also give unwrapped new toys, games, gift cards and more gifts for children to age 12.
Churches in Bridgeport Several parishes help the poor, unemployed, and less fortunate. They will have free clothing closets, soup kitchens and food pantries. As part of this, small toys for kids, gift cards or certificates, stocking stuffers, and even free Easter, Thanksgiving, or Christmas food baskets. More on Bridgeport CT church assistance programs.
Roosevelt School Family Resource Center at South End school 680 Park Avenue Bridgeport, Connecticut 06604 Dial 203-275-2122 Holiday and year round assistance, for students of the school only, includes personal care supplies, toys, children’s clothing, and other stuff.
Lifebridge Community Services - Community Closet Address is: 475 Clinton Avenue Bridgeport, Connecticut 06605 Phone: 203-368-5624 Free Christmas toys, as supplies last, may include including clean stuffed animals; Shoes, Books; Baby and children's items; Games; and more. They also provide help year round including strollers, high chairs, and baby supplies.
East End Community Council Counil location is 1149 Stratford Avenue Bridgeport, Connecticut 06607 Phone number - (203) 727-5573 While mostly free food, including for holidays is given, children from working poor households may be given a small gift too at Christmas…as supplies and donations allow.