Assistance programs in Boone County IL.
Below you will find programs and charities that provide Boone County residents with help. Qualified individuals can get help paying rent, utility bills, foreclosure advice, and other assistance programs.
Free legal aid in Boone County Illinois
Prairie State Legal Services is a non-profit law firm that provides low income, elderly and others with free legal advice, information on how to get legal aid, and free legal representation to people in need of help. Call the non-profit agency at 815-965-2902 to receive free legal aid, or click here to learn more.
Food, clothing and household products
The Belvidere Food Pantry is a non-profit agency that provides help and emergency assistance for low income people. Among other options, receive free food and groceries, non-food products, gently used and new clothing and other household products. Phone 815-569-1571.
Senior assistance programs
Stop by or contact the Boone County Council on Aging (The Keen Age Center). The non-profit provides assistance to the elderly and senior citizens. Receive transportation assistance, med-car, access to the Meals on Wheels program, Meet & Eat Program, information & referral to Illinois and government programs, and learn about support groups for older adults, senior citizens and their caretakers. Dial 815-544-9893.
Emergency assistance for food, shelter, utilities, and medicine.
The Belvidere and Boone County Salvation Army provides low income, the unemployed, and working poor with emergency financial assistance. There may be resources for food, shelter, utility and heating bills, and prescription medicine. Or children can get free school uniforms or supplies, winter jackets or clothes, or Christmas gifts. They can also refer people to various local charities and non-profit agencies as well as transitional housing programs in Boone County. Phone 815-544-3892. More on Boone County Illinois Salvation Army assistance programs.
The local community action agency is actually the City of Rockford Human Services Department. Call them at (815) 987-5782. The agency offers numerous assistance programs and services to low income individuals and families.
- Access information on homeless resources and local shelters
- Rent help, homeless prevention, and foreclosure assistance through financial assistance and counseling for persons losing their homes or being evicted
- Energy, heating, and utility programs. The agency runs several utility programs. They include:
- The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. Receive monthly aid to help pay your energy bill, or funds that can help prevent a disconnection of your service.
- Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program
- Energy Conservation Program
- Weatherization and Energy Conservation Program
Boone County Two Rivers Regional Council is another regional non-profit to turn to for help. The agency provides emergency assistance, including food, no interest loans or maybe a grant for bills such as utilities or rent, and much more. They also oversee educational and job placement services, and examples of those in Boone County include Head Start.
The goal is to help families facing poverty gain stability, but provide them short term help in the meantime. Lastly, case managers can direct clients to government benefits, such as SSI disability or low income housing units. More details.
Programs for the elderly and disabled are provided by Lifescape. State Health Insurance counselors can provide referrals and information to clients. Examples of services include applications to grants from LIHEAP energy bill assistance, Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and also respite for caregivers. Lifescape has extensive details on many other state and federal government resources too. Click more information.