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Assistance with paying energy bills in Alaska assistance programs

Energy, heating, and utility bill assistance programs can help Alaska residents pay their bills. Residents may also be able to qualify for ways to save money on their utility bills from weatherization and other conservation resources.

While each and every program will have its own conditions and criteria that need to be met by applicants, if an individual or family meets the conditions for the financial assistance program then the amount of aid provided to them may be significant.

In addition to providing help with energy bills, the Alaska General Relief Assistance fund can help with other expenses and bills as well, such as food, medical, and rent.

Financial assistance programs offered across Alaska

General Relief Assistance (GRA) - This is an option for Alaska residents who do not qualify for other state or federal government assistance. It can provide for the basic needs of individuals and families across the state. Some of the aid that can be provided from the General Relief Assistance include help for basic needs such as rent help, housing, heating and utilities, and even food.

In addition, the Alaska GRA resource can provide limited financial assistance and grants for new or gently used clothing, transportation, food, prescriptions, health and medical care and burial expenses. It is for people who are undergoing an emergency or crisis situation, and they also need to be able to prove the need. Call 907-465-3347 to apply or for more information.

Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) - In addition to the federal government weatherization program, this energy provider also administers a service called Home$ense for Alaska residents. The program can provide individuals with a free energy audit of their home. At the conclusion of the audit, professionally trained contractors will install energy conserving and updates to the applicants home. All the work and improvements are free to the homeowner. Dial 907-452-5323 or 1-800-478-5323. You can also ask about the federal government weatherization program.





Low income programs are available for families and can assist with both paying heating bills and conserving energy. Financial assistance and grants are issued to low income families with children or senior citizens. The LIHEAP program in Hawaii issues the payments and those funds will be applied directly to their monthly energy bills. Weatherization is the state’s primary conservation program and it will help people reduce their usage and also help them save money. Read more on low income heating assistance in Alaska.

One of the primary resources available to individuals and families is the Power Cost Equalization Program (PCE). It is mainly for rural areas of the state, and the goal of the PCE program is to provide cash grants and/or economic assistance to customers and families who live in rural areas of Alaska. The reason the PCE program was created is because these parts of the state tend to charge more for heating and utility bills, and these parts of the state are where the kilowatt-hour charge for a residents power bill can be three to five times more expensive than the charge in more urban areas of the state.

So this resource will try to balance the bills out, and ensure that no matter where someone lives they pay roughly the same about of money per month towards their energy bills. Call 907-771-3046.

By Jon McNamara

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