Social Services office

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Social Services office

Post by Socgel »

I am disabled with four kids, including a nine year old child and a three year old child as well as a five year old daughter, we live on a fixed income and I have a high electric bill that I can not pay this month. I live in north Carolina. I have been to social services and they will not help saying I am right at the income level that they can not help, but they are not looking at my medical bills or my regular monthly bills. If you know of anyone that can help please email or call me. I live in cabarrus county north Carolina.
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Re: Social Services office

Post by Admin »

That is always a challenge, in that many social service programs only help the lowest income, but more moderate income families may not qualify for any help. So not much you can do except keep calling around to different programs. In the meantime, here are the Cabarrus County North Carolina agencies to call for help with bills, utilities, and debts. Try the Cabarrus County Department of Social Services at 704-920-1400 or an agency known as Cabarrus County Community Foundation which can be called at 704.973.4500.
Socgel wrote:I am disabled with four kids, including a nine year old child and a three year old child as well as a five year old daughter, we live on a fixed income and I have a high electric bill that I can not pay this month. I live in north Carolina. I have been to social services and they will not help saying I am right at the income level that they can not help, but they are not looking at my medical bills or my regular monthly bills. If you know of anyone that can help please email or call me. I live in cabarrus county north Carolina.
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Re: Social Services office

Post by Faber »

Hi. I live in Stillwater Oklahoma. I am 21 and on my own i currently cant find a job and i have tryed over ad over again i do not have a car so it makes it very hard to get around i need help and information on how to get help with bills and etc... i would appreciate it so much (mailing information like forms to fill out would be wonderful) thank you so much :)
Please help me.. i got scammed by a company and now i have to repay all the money back and i don't have it. I don't know where to get it from.. they froze my account and took everything i had in it.
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Re: Social Services office

Post by Geraldine »

I lost my job a couple weeks ago and my son just recently came into town in Missouri for the entire summer. He didn't have much, so I went to get a few articles of clothing for him. I fell behind on my rental payment and received my final notice to vacate the premises as of May 18, 2012 as of midnight. I am unsure of where to turn to since there is no funding available anywhere. I just lost my job and I have a light bill due, phone bill and upcoming rent due for my son. I just need a short term help while im on the search for another job to help us through this period.
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Re: Social Services office

Post by Janice »

I am in need of help and have tried social services. I have 5 kids all under age 7. I have temporarily custody of my niece and 2 nephews. I am only 26 yrs old but a very strong woman and I recently got fired for my job last month. I been there for 4 yrs and now I'm jobless. I'm very I'll. I have chronic anemia asthma and hepatitis c but with everything going on I keep my head high for the sake of my kids. But please help me. I'm behind on my rent 900 bucks. My kids have no shoes, only flip flops and they really need clothes. Please find it in your heart to help me get through this rough time.
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Re: Social Services office

Post by Admin »

We don't mail forms. You need to call around to the agencies in Payne County to apply. There are a number of places you can try to call for help. If you don't have a car, also try a bus or asking a friend for a ride. Those are some things to do if you truly want need to take initiative. Anyhow, we have many resources and bill paying programs listed for Stillwater. Click here for details.
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Re: Social Services office

Post by Brewer »

I am a single mother of a 4 month old. I lost my job and am currently receiving public assistance from social services of 200/month however my rent alone is 400/month and utilities combined run around 300/month. I am looking for work at the moment but I need some help in paying rent in order to keep our residence. I have been here for over 3 years and I rent from family. Family has been making the payments however they are now in financial hardship as a result of this. There is an order for support however my daughters father has yet to make any payments.
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Re: Social Services office

Post by Today »

Hi. We are in need if assistance. I was hoping that our financial situation would have changed by now but I am in the midst of a social security appeal. We currently receive snap benefits, Medicaid and have applied for cash assistance but were denied. Our only income is my fiancé social security disability which majority of it goes to our rent.
So according to their guidelines our income level is too high. As a result of this I have filed a complaint with the commissioner of the human resources administration and also am in the process of writing letters to the proper offices have these guidelines modified. In the meantime we are seriously behind with our electric bill. I have contacted the social services on here in Staten Island, but have had no luck. I have called at least three dozen times and have left well over two dozen messages.
Any information in regards to helping us would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Social Services office

Post by Squaker »

Hi, I don't know how things like this work but I'm so incredibly desperate for some help.
I have a 4 year old son that I'm required to pay child support to which was ordered through a court system that was completely one sided. I'll explain in detail later on if you'd like. It's a very long detailed story.
Anyways, I recently back in November lost my job. And finally was able to find a part time job about a couple weeks ago. But it doesn't nearly make enough to support my son or my daughter or any other necessities my family needs. I'm about to be late on my child support payments and cannot afford what I owe my attorney to help represent me in court to have it lowered. If I don't make my payments I could end up in jail. There's a lot more to this story and situation that I'll explain if need be.
My boyfriend has been paying all of our bills but more bills just keep coming. I'm so far in debt and cannot afford anything. We live with my parents who have been helping but they can no longer give us anymore money. They have used up all the savings they had to help support us.
I just don't know what else to do or who else to talk to. If there is someone at the church who could help me access social service, PLEASE send them my way. I can't emotionally or physically handle this stress any longer. It's beginning to affect my health at a young age. Please help me and my family.
I really hope to hear from you soon!
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Re: Social Services office

Post by Admin »

Squaker wrote: If there is someone at the church who could help me access social service, PLEASE send them my way.
You do not want to contact a church for social services. Each county has an office that processes public aid such as food stamps, TANF, and the like. It may actually be called Department of Social Services or DHS or something similar. This will be the place to apply at for public benefits, and they can walk you through the process.
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Re: Social Services office

Post by Fritz »

Hi there. My family is hurting badly in just about every way you can imagine. We need help across the board from the social services office, and while it is hard to put aside my pride and ask... my children’s needs are what matter more than anything to me. We need Assistance with rent, water and electricity. Food and clothing. Gas and if possible help fixing a fuel issue that is causing our only car to run badly and leak out what little gas we can afford to put in it. (It's our only transportation to the one job our family has) also need help with summer childcare so that I might be able to get a job as well without every penny I make going straight to daycare. That is if I can find something to work from home or close enough to walk (I have epilepsy and try not to drive) also tuition assistance is something that would mean so much to us If possible, as of now it seems my youngest daughter has lost her scholarship and won't be able to return to her school in the fall unless we can come up with the tuition.
She loves her school and has done so well especially when doctors told us she was going to struggle (she was born 9 weeks early and so sick that they thought she wouldn't make it). She spent months in the NICU and more than twice that amount of time hooked up to an oxygen tank. This school has taken her in such strides it's a miracle! I hate to see her miss out because we can't afford it. Our family is struggling in just about every single way imaginable. My fiancés position was done away with so they transferred him to another location with a huge pay cut. His checks average about 500-550 or so less a month than they were and it's killing us. We really need help from a social service program. Please
Thanks in advance
Fort Worth TX
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