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Samaritan Center assistance and social services

Short term emergency support from partners of Samaritan Center can help address a crisis. Any type of financial aid is by referrals only, and it will be for people who can sustain paying their rent and bills on their own in the future. This is done as funds are limited and the charity will not pay out money to those who do not have the ability or will to gain self-sufficiency. Other support, such as the PADS shelter or food from a pantry, may also be provided in Ventura. All assistance is by appointment only.

When it comes to financial support, there may be help in the region for utilities or rent, among other expenses. Case managers can direct qualified clients to this. It is focused on people with a one time, short term emergency and that have some sort of income coming in the door.

Money raised from the community, whether individuals or businesses, may be available for paying a small part of heating bills, electric and water, and this is done in an effort to prevent loss of service. When it comes to one time, rental assistance, this is for stopping evictions.

Households applying to help from non-profits, of which the Samaritan Center will have referrals too, must have a notice of disconnection or a pay or quit notice from their landlord. They also need to meet the income guidelines, been a resident of the region supported in Ventura County, and also have the ability to sustain the payments on their own in the future. Other requirements for utility bill assistance requires an application and proper documentation. Any type of support provided is operated on the basis of available funding, and is first come and served.

Basic needs range from personal hygiene to clothing as well as food. These can help the less fortunate in the community make it through a short term hardship, and most of these services rely on fund raisers and donations from the community.

Personal Hygiene Need and Packets are available. In some months, people run out of money each month, and this Samaritan Center program provides a variety of cleaning items and personal hygiene for families once per year. There may be Toothpaste, Shampoo, Soap, Dish soap, Toilet paper, Diapers and other items.

A winter shelter is available by appointment only. The resource, known as P.A.D.S., or Public Action to Deliver Shelter, provides lodging and a bed to sleep in. There may also be a hot meal. It is for the homeless, whether they are a veteran or facing some other form of hardship.




Food Banks are located across Ventura County and target low-income individuals and families. They will not try to turn anyone away, and as resources allow, individuals from the community will be eligible for a free Food Box once a month. The items passed out by the pantries may contain fresh produce, canned goods, bread, and frozen meat. While the amount and exact make up of food in a box varies, generally there is enough for several nutritionally balanced meals depending on the size of the family.

In addition, a special Senior Box from Samaritan Center is also available, and for individuals from the community with medical conditions requiring special diets, other types of groceries supply the client with the necessary food. Note since resources are so stretched thin, a Doctor's Statement of the medical condition is required for Special Needs boxes.

Transitional housing may be an option in Ventura County where there are no funds for paying the rent due, or for an individuals that is homeless. Charities and churches in the region provides limited term, safe yet affordable housing to residents who need assistance in returning to independent living situations.

Participants must be willing to work on self-sufficiency goals, whether it is education or employment. Staff from Samaritan Center are big believers that stabilization is the key to obtaining long term success and self-sufficiency. Also, applying families must be homeless and lack the resources to secure alternative housing in the region.




Often combined with the resources above, Job Seeking and Career Counseling is another core function. Even when someone has good skills, finding a decent paying job in a timely manner can be a challenge to say the least in the difficult economic environment.

Programs from Samaritan Center and their partners help individuals find and respond to the job opportunities that do exist in the local communities. Sometimes, a challenge for an individual is in just getting enough experience to get a job, and for many people that can be the hardest part. So the agency has partnerships with local non-profits and businesses in Ventura that create opportunities for people of all ages to gain experience. There may even be work clothes, a gas card to get them back and forth to work, and ongoing support.

There is also support for seniors as well as at-risk youth. Counselors will also work with those participants to guide them along the way, whether it is assistance with a Vocational training or Higher Education goal.

Many other case management services are offered, such as Medical and Dental referrals, applications to CalFresh and more. The staff from the Samaritan Center of Simi Valley can direct qualified clients to these services. The office is located at 280 Royal Avenue, Simi Valley, California 93065. For information, the main phone number is (805) 579-9166.



By Jon McNamara


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