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Free, Quick, Easy, and Stress-Busters You Can Do Right Now.

Are you stressed, tired, and worn out from the daily grind of work and responsibilities? if you are, there are a number of free things you can do to reduce your stress, relax, and gain control of your life. There's no need to book an expensive holiday to some remote island or eat some expensive meal at a restaurant. You can take mini-breaks and vacations without skipping town. Here are several different things you can do as well as your family to beat stress in the comfort of your own home or office.


Even if you are stuck in a cubicle for most of the day, slaving any for some wage, the chances are that space is large enough for you to do sneak in a few stretching exercises. Stand up, do the tree pose for a minute or two, and follow this up with a couple of seated exercises that will wake you up without drawing attention to yourself. Exercise also helps reduce medical bills as well, which many families struggle to pay. Stretching improves circulation, especially to the brain, and gives you a few moments to focus on something else besides that looming deadline or credit-grabbing co-worker.

Read a free joke or two.

Numerous studies have found that humor and a good laugh are effective in lowering blood pressure levels as well as stress. There are several free websites you can get daily jokes from too.  If you find yourself increasingly tired and stressed-out at work, open a funny website and spend a  minute or two laughing at a good joke. You can do this on the sly, for free and it takes just a few minutes to reap the benefits of lowered tension, lower blood pressure, and a changed perspective after reading a random but funny anecdote.

Take a free nature break or go for a walk.

If you have plants at home or in the office, you can take a few minutes to stare at some greens or exercise your green thumb with activities which can help you relax and refocus.  Repot plants, clean up the potted plants that you already have lying around, or simply do a quick eye exercise while staring at the potted succulent on your desk. You can go back to nature, even for just a few minutes, and emerge with fresher eyes, calmer breathing, and renewed energy to take on the remaining tasks of the day.






Thousands of charities need volunteers. It is free to do and can make a difference in your community. There is nothing like giving back to reduce stress. It can help you feel good about your life and what you do on a daily basis. Find a list of national charity organizations.

Do the dishes or clean your house.

Any activity that requires your full attention but can be done with a minimum of effort has the potential to help you beat stress. If you have a pile of dirty dishes waiting to be washed, you can take this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone; you can clean up while destressing. Or sweep your floor at home, or vacuum. Now you finally have an excuse for allowing those dirty plates to stack up or to get a cleaner home.


Go for a walk outside. Stand up and do some jumping jacks. Stretch. Do anything, but just get off the couch or out of the house. Many forms of exercise are free, and it is proven to reduce stress. It also reduces blood pressure, can help minimize need for health care costs, and generally save money. Perform some form of free exercise.

Craft the stress away.

If you have a crafty bone in your body, you can keep a craft drawer in your office for downtimes and when you want to destress. Whether it's an adult coloring book, a beginner's caligraphy kit, or a pair of knitting needles, the repetitive movements and the mindfulness required when you craft can put you in the zone in no time. There are very low cost of free ways to buy these items as well.




Stress, to a limited extent, is good for you, but too much of it during the day can take a toll that will show up in how you feel and think months and years down the road. Take small breaks and engage in activities that can help you refocus, clear your head, and restore your breathing so that you can keep excessive stress at bay. Try out the free tips mentioned above. Your min, wallet and body will thank you


By Jon McNamara


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