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Interfaith Services short term assistance programs.

Offering assistance is the form of a hand-up (and not a hand-out), Interfaith Service provides support to low income families that are able to take the steps to improve their situation. What this means as that there may be emergency assistance for living expenses while the staff work with the client on long term solutions.

When aid is provided, it is short term in nature. The reality is that no one charity can provide never ending assistance. So maybe the applicant will be given a free box of food, some money for paying a security deposit or utility bills, or clothing or a ride to work. Or if the Henrico County resident needs to use a computer to apply for a job or public aid, then that can be coordinated too.

Information on emergency financial aid or grants

The Interfaith Services Homeless Outreach and Engagement Program is targeted on housing and shelter needs in the Richmond community. Workers will try to help the homeless families take the steps over the long term to find and move into permanent housing.

Services connect homeless individuals who do not know about emergency shelter and supportive services to them. Interfaith Services will also support the homeless in Henrico County who currently do not access to housing.

The Outreach Team offers the homeless basic needs. There is hygiene items, food, clothing, access to laundry, and more. If needed, local transportation to a shelter is arranged. The process will offer help for obtaining identification (birth certificates and state IDs) and referrals to various county resources. There is also a free homeless helpline to assist community members in the region.

Interfaith Services operates a financial assistance and homelessness prevention program for at-risk individuals and families. This will provide free advice and maybe even other support to unfortunate, disadvantaged local families and children. The goal is to help them remain “safe at home” instead of ending up homeless and uprooted from their residence.




Supportive services for working poor clients includes: budget counseling, information referral, financial assistance with overdue rent, utilities assistance and help with a small portion of medical expenses not covered by Medicare and Medicaid. Examples of the health core costs covered by the charity may be hearing aids or the issuance of prescription vouchers, etc.

A food pantry and program known as Feed the Need assists low-income residents of the area during the holidays as well as year round. There may be free boxes of groceries and Interfaith Services is also involved in distributing needed items such as toys and coats for children enrolled in Head Start; food baskets at both Thanksgiving and Christmas; gifts as well as toys donated through Angel Tree; and more.

Along with numerous other nonprofit agencies as well as churches in Henrico County, this agency serves those who are newly eligible for food assistance. Clients of a grant are often people impacted by a recent job lay-off, plant closings, salary reductions, unemployment, medical crisis, and other emergency situations.

Clothing Bank - Items such as donated clothing, scout uniforms, lines for bed, kitchenware, work or school uniforms, and sports equipment are available for qualified families that live in poverty in Richmond or Henrietta County. This Interfaith Services basic needs program depends on both donations from the public as well as volunteers to sort and pack the goods. Businesses also contribute items along with other fund raisers help by the Salvation Army or churches, all of which partner with Interfaith Services.

The Interfaith Services CSBG - Community Services Block Grant Program funds tenants as well as homeowners that are homeless or at-risk of evictions or a foreclosure. The grants or no interest loans can assist with a security deposit, first month's rent, or past-due mortgage or rent payment. The CSBG also provides funding for mediation and counseling services.

Hand Up services from Interfaith Services

Individuals in need of computer access to search for a job or sign up for training can turn to Interfaith Services for help. The agency will try to allow clients to draft resumes and cover letters, pay bills online, search for employment and services, complete homework, conduct research, check email, and accomplish other important tasks.





Interfaith Services also has information on job centers in the community. Some of these locations offer computer workshops that teach a range of skills crucial to entering the workforce and meeting life needs. Workshop participants learn how to use the Windows operating system, Microsoft Excel or Word and other popular programs. There may also be classes in Henrico County on the Internet and email, and additional computer applications.

When you visit Interfaith Services for your appointment, please bring the following documentation, in addition to other items that may be requested. Residents should bring Proof of Income (for the past 30 days), current Photo ID, Proof of Residency (lease or mortgage), Current Bank Statement, All Bills and Expenses (for the past 30 days), and also Social Security Cards (for everyone in the household). For more details, the charity can be reached at (804)501-5294.




By Jon McNamara


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