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Find help from Bastrop County St. Vincent.

Locate information on programs offered by Bastrop County St. Vincent. There are services from the church for residents of all ages, races, religions, and backgrounds. If someone needs a box of groceries, information on rental assistance, or applications to LIHEAP, the charity can direct the client to some sort of option in Bastrop County for their needs.

Another benefit is that the assistance is offered in a confidential and caring manner. There is no judgments held. However the person seeking help does need to take aggressive action to gain self-sufficiency, as only they can truly break the cycle of poverty or struggles.

Voucher based aid from St. Vincent

St. Vincent de Paul of Bastrop tries to provide basic furniture from the thrift stores. There is generally a low cost, but in some exceptional circumstances the goods are given out for free. This allows a household to save money so they can pay security deposits on a new home, phone connection fees, rent and other immediate bills. There may be.
-Kitchen essentials such as toasters, plates, and silverware.
-Cribs and baby supplies for new parents in Bastrop County.
-Access to the free furniture program is limited to verified need.

For those senior citizens or disabled members in Bastrop County, if they can't make it to the pantry or a feeding site, then there is the Home Delivered Meal Program. Volunteers from St. Vincent churches in Elgin Texas will deliver food to their home. They even try to offer a meal or box of food to account for specific dietary restrictions. A small donation is usually appreciated. In addition, if the charities volunteer does not receive a response at the door when they are bring them the meal/food, then their emergency contact is notified.

Vouchers for food can be redeemed at a pantry or soup kitchen that is part of the Saint Vincent network. The center can be as close as possible to the applicant’s address in Elgin, so it can minimize transportation that may otherwise be required.




To apply for food assistance from the voucher, applicants must provide proof of address, picture identification for all adults as well as children, Social Security cards for the household, proof of loss or crisis such as a lay-off notice. There is a limited number of times per year that a voucher will be issued.

Support services and financial aid from the churches

The main focus of the Emergency Assistance Program from Bastrop County St. Vincent is to meet the immediate needs of eligible applicants who are faced with current financial crisis. There may be cash loans provided to help those impacted by a potential eviction, fire, flood, natural disaster, energy bill crisis, or immediate homelessness. Financial help from the non-profit may also pay for additional needs that can accompany the client's need for self-sufficiency, such as gasoline vouchers.

Support may be arranged for medical needs too. The number of under/uninsured in Texas is extensive. The society may be able to direct a family to local clinics for health check ups or arrange for them to get prescription vouchers for a needed medication.

St. Vincent works to also keep children out of destitution by furnishing living arrangements in homes, as opposed to facilities or institutions. In addition, the emergency service from can provide financial assistance with finding permanent housing for the homeless and the at risk, and cover a portion of rent or a security deposit. There is also advice in locating temporary shelter in Bastrop County for those affected by fire, flood, or other natural disaster.

Volunteers from St. Vincent also have information on state of Texas as well as federal government benefits. One that is always under high demand is for energy bill help, and they can offer tips on applying for LIHEAP. They can also be a source of information on other aid programs too.




Bastrop County St. Vincent volunteers help with improving finances. The agency will work with clients to help think differently about saving, investing, debts, and more. Various services are part of this program. They include assistance with establishing savings or checking accounts, applying for loans for rent or other bills, understanding and repairing credit, help people improve their credit scores, and general financial counseling.

The churches are based in Elgin, but serve other parts of Bastrop County too. For more information, call (512)285-3882.


By Jon McNamara


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