Need a place for bills in Virginia

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Need a place for bills in Virginia

Post by Prylosec »

Homeless with two young children, girls. W came from Virginia Beach 6 month's ago due to illnesses, bad depression and bipolar, and recently a bad car accident. I was in need for family's support, moved with sister not knowing she was behind on rent and had drug problem, that lead my girls homeless. We did sleep in a mini van up until vandalized in the city. We need help, and thank you. We just need to be grounded so I can get on my feet. We need rent, food, and other support in Virginia. I do have income from unemployment insurance.
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Re: Need a place for bills in Virginia

Post by Jasmine12 »

I currently live in Richmond Virginia and need help paying my rent. I am currently 8 months pregnant and have been just released from the hospital because of complication with my pregnancy. I'm in desperate need of assistance because the more I work the more harm I’m causing in having a premature baby who's not fully developed. I have to now report to DR every week just to make sure this baby is okay and it's getting harder and harder for me to work to pay my bills. I don't know what to do or who to contact as far as assistance.
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Re: Need a place for bills in Virginia

Post by malisha »

Intermittent homelessness since 10/2012 due to difficulty in work search. I need an affordable rental. Currently living in Alexandria, VA, to start part-time job in June that will bring $800 gross/month, and found possible rental $600/month. Currently dealing with also extreme problems with car. I need 2 major repairs to be done and 2 other expensive issues.

Currently staying in overnight winter shelter with showers daily in the AM only, spend free time researching additional opportunities for jobs/rentals online in libraries and evenings return to shelter 7-8 pm or so. Car still driving very limited as 2 conditions advised by 3 separate mechanics to be careful- my Upstream Oxygen Sensor/Sensor #1/Bank #1 must be repaired (estimates from 3 separate mechanics run from $200 to $570 with just diagnostic alone ranging from $85 - $119 - $165 maximum). There are also other problem from O2 Sensor. This other problem which must be confirmed via dx MAY be Power Steering Pump and ranges in these 3 mechanics from $200- $570.

The help with rent is somewhat more urgent as could take buses to part-time job although it would help the most to qualify for financial aid. It I could get help that combines grant for car repairs and also at least 1/2 months for rent. I was able to find something that does NOT require First/Last/Security/Lease and can pay month to month without out lease and without paying more to move in that the first month rent. The shelter where I'm staying is safe although not for me. For example, another female has had her car vandalized by other residents twice and now her car is completely inoperable and she's involved in towing to family location elsewhere in Virginia.

Request urgent assistance for either/both rental and car repairs. Whatever assistance can be granted I would dearly appreciate and most urgently need. Thank you!
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Re: Need a place for bills in Virginia

Post by Admin »

Car repair programs are rare, but we do know that Alexandra Virginia has incredible mass transit. Can't you sell your car and then use those funds to pay for those other bills or rent payments you reference? As with only $800 in income and many needed repairs, we doubt you can ever afford them. But call around, as there may be different programs for you, and read more Virginia assistance.
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Re: Need a place for bills in Virginia

Post by Candiotti »

Hello, I live in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Me and my fiancé have a child whom does live with us and with my part-time job does not cover the bills.
My fiancé has had a hard time finding work since he does not have a license and is limited to working hours in order for him to get our daughter off the bus in time since I cannot afford to pay for a babysitter. Now that my license is suspended due to not having the money to be able to pay for car insurance I have missed a week's worth of work and almost got fired.
We need help badly with our rent, electric, and water. Our electric has already been disconnected for almost a week now, we have received a pay or quit notice on our door. With no family and no transportation to make it to the only one place that helps with rent and or utilities (they only help with one of the above when you apply for the assistance ), please help us!
I don't know who else to ask, or where to go to when we do get evicted, if we were unable to get help with the eviction I have no way of packing up my car to go to homeless shelter because of my license being suspended. I don't want to loose our home, especially my daughter. Please we need help ASAP!
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Re: Need a place for bills in Virginia

Post by Mixify »

Thank you very much for all the great information. I live and Culpepper VA, my fiancé and I are currently homeless living in a tent behind Walmart. This has been a challenge and test of our fate and great love we have for one another. We were renting with a roommate prior to our current living situation. We as well have a 3 year old son. My fiancé and I were having great difficulties with our roommate and both agreed that our living arrangements were detrimental to our lives, as our 3 year old son was being exposed to a life that was not healthy or suitable for most adults. Our only option was a shelter, so that's what we did we went to the shelter. At the time it was winter so it was considered a temporary warming shelter. At this time it was February, and by March the shelter was closing and we still had no home to go to. As a result of not being able to provide a home for our son he was taken by CP's and we were charged with abuse and neglect. Our lives had crumbled!!
As our children are our lives, never did I think that we would be charged with such a nasty undeserving lie! We were completely astounded and were completely left in the dark to fall through the cracks. No help or any solutions were offered. I never in my life thought that I could be a neglectful or abusive parent.... this was outrageous. About 2 weeks ago I found a home that needs a lot of work but the rent is very cheap and the best option (only) we have had other than this tent. We decided to take the home, two days ago we got news that our CP's case was being closed and there was no evidence of our son being abused.
Things are starting to turn around and only because of Gods great grace. We want our son home with us ASAP however we have very limited resources. My fiancé quit working when our son was taken due to severe depression. I only get $487 from SSI, so that leaves us with 87$ to live on for rest of month. However we still have our other bills. We are looking for any kind of help we can get. My fiancé dose not drive due to epilepsy, so that makes it extremely difficult to get employment.
We need help desperately. We need a home and our son home with us. Please give us any resource that you may know to help with transportation to obtain and keep employment, materials for fixing this house and paying the $400 plus utilities until we are back on our feet. Thanks for taking the time at reading my very long mail. Please send us an answer to our prayers, “RESOURCES"!!!! We get no help other than snap and SSI.
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Re: Need a place for bills in Virginia

Post by Shep Redder »

I am 52 years old. I am divorced with two children ages 10 and 13. I was diagnosed with ALS in February of 2015. I am a bit lucky as I am progressing extremely slowly!! I moved home with my parents but unfortunately it has been a horrible experience and not the way I want to spend the last part of my years with my beautiful children.
I was in the hospital last year for 5 weeks with aspirating pneumonia (put in a coma) and when I got out, my parents had sold my car. I pay $750.00 rent to them at this time.
I do make a decent amount of SSD for me and the children. My problem is I am paying off bills from the past and this has slowed the process of me getting a car and place of my own. It has now become IMPERATIVE that I get a place for me and my children but I need assistance in getting all the deposits paid and possibly the first month’s rent as I need to also get a car. With the car, my insurance will be extremely high because I have not had continual insurance for six months or more. I am in a fix.
If you could be so kind in helping me find any organization that will assist me I would be so extremely happy!! I live in Virginia. I have spotted a place I would like to rent and it is in Prince George, Virginia 23875. Again, any assistance you have to offer me would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
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Re: Need a place for bills in Virginia

Post by JessieMarie »

I am 27 years old. I was recently married in October. My husband and I moved into this house three days after he graduated from the OSU in Keysville, VA. We took the first house we could get and he started his new job at Unarco in Danville two days before we rented it. We are paying 500 a month here. We have made plans to move to Danville a mile away from his work but his job has slowed down so much that we are barely scraping by. My car blew a head gasket and now I'm driving minvan.
We are spending $600 or more a month on gas getting him back and forth to work because he has no license so I have to drive him to work, come home and then back to Danville from south Boston, VA where we currently live, and then back home. I spend near 4 hours driving every day.
The house we are suppose to be signing the lease on the first of February is 600 a month plus another 600 security deposit. And then $400 to get the utility package turned on. I had to get a loan from the bank of Charlotte County to rent the house we currently live in with my mother cosigning for me and for the title of my car. We have not paid this loan off yet. It won't be paid off until May of this year.
We need some kind of help and soon if someone can do so. We have to be out of the house we live in by the first and we are to sign the new lease on the other house on the first. What can I do???? Thank you and anything you could do for us would be appreciated more than you know.
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Re: Need a place for bills in Virginia

Post by Admin »

There is a community action agency for Charlotte County Virginia, which covers Keysville. But as far as driving for work, you may need to move. Millions of people move every year for work reasons. They save money, search for new homes, cut back on their budget, and take other steps so they can afford to move. It is not a big deal. So try the Tri-County community action agency for information, including on transportation, license programs, and more.
JessieMarie wrote:I am 27 years old. I was recently married in October. My husband and I moved into this house three days after he graduated from the OSU in Keysville, VA. We took the first house we could get and he started his new job at Unarco in Danville two days before we rented it. We are paying 500 a month here. We have made plans to move to Danville a mile away from his work but his job has slowed down so much that we are barely scraping by. My car blew a head gasket and now I'm driving minvan.
We are spending $600 or more a month on gas getting him back and forth to work because he has no license so I have to drive him to work, come home and then back to Danville from south Boston, VA where we currently live, and then back home. I spend near 4 hours driving every day.
The house we are suppose to be signing the lease on the first of February is 600 a month plus another 600 security deposit. And then $400 to get the utility package turned on. I had to get a loan from the bank of Charlotte County to rent the house we currently live in with my mother cosigning for me and for the title of my car. We have not paid this loan off yet. It won't be paid off until May of this year.
We need some kind of help and soon if someone can do so. We have to be out of the house we live in by the first and we are to sign the new lease on the other house on the first. What can I do???? Thank you and anything you could do for us would be appreciated more than you know.
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Re: Need a place for bills in Virginia

Post by Malone »

I'm inquiring how to get help with bills or if it's available? I live in Virginia and have a 9 year old son and expecting a baby any day now. I'm currently out of work and social services has applied me for SNAP but not sure of I'm approved. Was looking for help for electric bill and mortgage assistance of possible. Any thoughts?
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Re: Need a place for bills in Virginia

Post by Admin »

We do have some thoughts on assistance programs in Virginia. But having another kid when already struggling was a poor financial decision. That being said, try some of these agencies for assistance in Middle Virginia region. You will find food, information on energy bill help, and much more.
Malone wrote:I'm inquiring how to get help with bills or if it's available? I live in Virginia and have a 9 year old son and expecting a baby any day now. I'm currently out of work and social services has applied me for SNAP but not sure of I'm approved. Was looking for help for electric bill and mortgage assistance of possible. Any thoughts?
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Re: Need a place for bills in Virginia

Post by Jon Cor Mac »

Hello, I live in Portsmouth VA with my partner. I have no income and she gets a check once a month that barely gets us through.
We pay our rent but after a while a started falling behind with the lights and water (water already been cut off of still is). Now our lights is a cut off notice.
I was wondering if you help people who are unable to pay? We really need help hope someone can help us out. I have one question to ask do y'all help with cable bill to?
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Re: Need a place for bills in Virginia

Post by Mills »

I reside in Virginia (Chesterfield county). I have applied to public housing and will be moving in the next month. I cannot afford the deposit because I have been paying my current half of rent and utilities where I reside now and also up front doctor bills (8 months pregnant).
I am currently out of work and attending school (University of Phoenix). Is there any help I am eligible for?
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Re: Need a place for bills in Virginia

Post by Admin »

Good for you to be in online school, but why not working too? Countless people both work and go to school. Lucky to get into public housing too as there are often long waiting lists. Try these Chesterfield county financial aid programs for the deposit as well as utility money you need.
Mills wrote:I reside in Virginia (Chesterfield county). I have applied to public housing and will be moving in the next month. I cannot afford the deposit because I have been paying my current half of rent and utilities where I reside now and also up front doctor bills (8 months pregnant).
I am currently out of work and attending school (University of Phoenix). Is there any help I am eligible for?
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