Process to apply for Saint Vincent Depaul

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Process to apply for Saint Vincent Depaul

Post by SueH »

Dear Sir/Madam:
I am in a crisis and I need some answers please. I need to stay in my home for two more weeks while I explore all possible ways to find a job and a new home. I was sure that I would have been able to get some unemployment, but I was denied. I have bills to pay, the management of the apartment wants me to move by Friday 12/2/2013. I do not have money to pay movers.
I am willing to put my things in storage, and find a place to stay, but I needs some financial assistance and I would like to know if you can help in any way. I know St. Vincent De Paul is the nearest charity, but how do I approach them in New York City. Or can you give some advice on what steps I can take. Please help me, Thank you, Sincerely,
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Re: Process to apply for Saint Vincent Depaul

Post by Admin »

We have a whole page dedicated to Saint Vincent and their programs. Now each location, including in NYC, will have their own funding levels, some services may or may not be offered, etc. but in general this is what you may find from them. Basically the St. Vincent charity is one of the largest in the country and they help millions of people across the nation every year. Social services, financial aid and other support is provided from them. ... ancia.html
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Re: Process to apply for Saint Vincent Depaul

Post by Brewer »

I was supposed to get help from a program that seems to not be following through. I'm very despite and in need of help. I've been living on a motel in Ventura California with my 2 year old daughter. I finally got approved for an apartment but not able to cover the down deposit and Saint Vincent fell through. I've been dealing with this other company for a couple of weeks and I feel like they are not going to follow through with what they promised I have 5 days to come up with this deposit . If anybody can help please feel free to call or email. Thank you for your time and god bless.
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Re: Process to apply for Saint Vincent Depaul

Post by Globe »

Hello. I currently live in the St. Paul area with my 12 year old son.
We have been faced with some pretty difficult issues the past few months with being homeless and some other personal struggles that we have been dealing with. After of almost a year of being homeless we finally found a new place to live but now we are having problems with furnishing it and some other basic needs and necessities.
My main reason for contacting you is rent assistance for the month of August. I have a job but I only work part time and my hours have been cut even more.
It is a bit of a struggle from day to day as a single mom trying to make ends meet but somehow I manage and it is not easy. Sometimes one needs to reach out in a difficult time.
Any type of assistance would be very helpful at this time. I am asking help just from Saint Vincent De Paul because I know about all of the other county and community services and haven't been too successful. Please get back to me ASAP.
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Re: Process to apply for Saint Vincent Depaul

Post by sasolis »

Try calling for local resource info.
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Re: Process to apply for Saint Vincent Depaul

Post by Admin »

Note that the St. Vincent in St. Paul Minnesota will probably need to visit you to do an in home assessment. They do have a thrift store which you can probably shop at for furniture for your new home. As far as the rent from St. Vincent, that is less common, especially if your hours have been cut with no plan to increase them. But try the charity nonetheless, and information is here. ... e_pau.html
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Re: Process to apply for Saint Vincent Depaul

Post by Entresto »

Hello, I am writing as I need assistance with food, gasoline and rent vouchers please. My brother and I move here to the Dallas area about 3 months ago. I had a job waiting for me here and it fell thru. My brother lost his job he is looking for work. We are both currently unemployed.
Healthcare Scouts recruiting office found me a job in Frisco, TX and I will be starting work on Monday July 14. I get paid every two weeks. My brother and I have no money for gas, food or rent... We currently are staying in Arlington, TX at in Hilton Suites. We need to check out Friday June11 at Noon as we have no money to pay for another week.
Neither my brother nor I have had to ask for any kind of assistance before of any kind. Please St Vincent de Paul can you help us with any assistance or give me information on who I can contact. Thank you,
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Re: Process to apply for Saint Vincent Depaul

Post by Speedboat »

Sorry about that. My state is Oregon. I read more about what St. Vincent DePaul offers and they no longer give assistance over the phone. On top of that you have to take proof of lease and apartment info in with you and, I'm not on the lease. My parents have helped for this month. Reluctantly. Lots of fighting, name calling and tears but they are unable to help anymore. I'm sure we will need help next month as, my partner should be going back to work but her checks will be delayed greatly and my full income will go to just our rent leaving nothing for any other bill or even food. However she will be out of jail by then and can go into any agency herself.
Things get complicated since I have a felony that prevents me from renting anywhere... Making living hard... Seeing that you must have a home or else you go back to jail, jail that got you BS titles that prevent you from getting housing to begin with... Etc. Living in a catch 22, and with major mental disabilities it just causes too many problems all around...
I have personally tried getting whatever help I can from St. Vincent DePaul several times in the past, to no avail... I'm constantly talked down to and continuously hung up on, usually before they even say hello... And funds are never there.
While I'm disabled and receive SSI and SSDI. My disability agency never helps and will always find a reason why they can't help... This is the story with every agency put in place to help... I'm not homeless. Haven't been homeless long enough. The homelessness isn't the right kind of homelessness. Not pregnant. Don't have kids. Sexually assaulted and being stalked by my rapist, can't help because I'm... Fill in the blank...
I need help. I've needed help... There is nothing available for me.
Then statistics state suicide rates... People wonder why people are homeless or killing themselves... Take a long look at the agencies that are in place that are supposed to help people and then look at who they really help.
There's a place for assault/domestic violence victims... (A place I don't qualify for because I don't have children and I'm not pregnant.)... The women that use the resources for this place, abuse the system. That was all the women in jail talked about... Whenever they need money they go in to get a domestic violence grant and make up stories, sometimes even using someone else's urine to show proof of pregnancy.
People that really need help are unable to receive help and those getting it are abusing the system.
I'm sorry about my rant... It's just really upsetting trying to survive... And when you try to get help you are denied, yet you watch others constantly take advantage of help they don't necessarily need while you're just constantly kicked to the curb. It's exhausting.
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Re: Process to apply for Saint Vincent Depaul

Post by Beauty »

I need help in getting help paying my electric bill, $315.15 and also car tags registration $161.03. I have contact St Vincent DePaul, I got help a month and a half ago. They can’t help me, also called the CAPE, they are not taking application until the end of October thru November.
I only get one check a month of $952.00, I broke before I even get paid. I no family that will help! I lost my fiancée 15 months ago. It traumatized me. I am struggling with all the bills that I can’t pay...
If you can help at Saint Vincent Depaul or send me referral that would be lovely.
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Re: Process to apply for Saint Vincent Depaul

Post by malisha »

Hello, I am reaching out because St Vincent's was a listed resource for emergency help for bills like rent and PGE and even Christmas help and was hoping you could help me and my family, especially my kids. Please show us the process to apply for Saint Vincent de Paul if possible because I just got put on disability due to high risk pregnancy complications and was the only person up till now who was able to work. I am feeling very scared and overwhelmed.
Please let me know and thank you for your time.
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Re: Process to apply for Saint Vincent Depaul

Post by VINASKY »

Hello, my name is Priscilla and I live in Shirley in Suffolk county NY, Looking for some advice/help. I spoke with Michelle from St.Vincent La Paul located in Mastic Beach and she gave me a few resources and found your web page.
I'm hoping to get some advice for me and my family about the process to apply. I have two little girls Jasmine is 5 and Brianna is 9. For the past few months we have been living in a camper on my mother's property because we lost our home about a year ago because our landlord sold the house and we had no money saved to move and we had to get out fast. Right now, I am working 40 hours a week as well as my fiancé is too.
We saved some money but not enough to get into a home right now. Which we desperately need. My mom was nice enough to have us parked in her yard for a few months and now she wants us gone asap. I have no idea where we are going to go. The camper we are in is not in the best shape. It is leaking, and the roof is caving in, in the back but it's something for now a place my girls can call home. I try everyday but really feel like I failed.Please if you have any advice or any information that could help my family please E-mail me back or call me. Thank you so much and I hope to hear from you soon.
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Re: Process to apply for Saint Vincent Depaul

Post by Hendrick »

Ventura county, California zip: 93010
Hello, I'm in a huge hurry to get any information on this motel voucher accommodation from Saint Vincent Depaul. I'm homeless. I have a cat. I'm 25 years old. I'm asking for anything to help me and my pet to get out of this condition of being out side in a bad time. Covid19 is very scary and I don't have family to help me get off the streets.
I'm willing to work at Saint Vincent Depaul. I have just been in a rough situation and can't get things done that need to be done in wordy to be a functional member of society. Please help me get this voucher for however long I can. I'm grateful, thanks for the time and consideration.
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Re: Process to apply for Saint Vincent Depaul

Post by Admin »

As all of these requests above can probably see, the SVDP application process varies by parish, city, county, and funding levels. There will be other criteria too. Each location is independent. But we have them all listed. Find how to apply for SVDP assistance programs near you.
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Re: Process to apply for Saint Vincent Depaul

Post by Ditka »

I recently had to move out of my house due to landlord needed to do renovations.  I thought I could quickly find a cheaper than what I was paying place fast and I asked Saint Vincent de Paul for help.  I have been looking for over a month now and every place I find that I can afford requires a background check, which I have a felony for NSF acquired during my divorce, and my credit is terrible. 
I have been staying in a motel when I can and at my daughter and husbands house off and on but they are having marriage problems so it’s not very comfortable.  Every time I put in an application for a rental it costs me 25-45 filing fee.  I am down to barely making it finally have found a little apartment big enough for me and my other 2 sometimes 3 children to live.  I am in need of help paying the $500 deposit to hold it for me until I get paid and can pay rent starting the first of July.  If I can’t come up with it but Monday and apply for Saint Vincent help they won’t hold it.  I asked my previous bishop for help but he denied me because I’m not a true member and not in that ward anymore.  The salvation Army only helps on the first and its first come first serve and they are not funded well right now.  St Vincent de Paul helped me 4 years ago during my divorce and can only help food wise and I want to apply to Saint Vincent again.  I live in Idaho and resources are scarce  and I AM IN DESPERATE NEED OF HELP SO I CAN GET BACK INTO MY OWN HOME AND SLEEP WELL, NOT WORRY, AND ME N MY KIDS ARE SAFE UNDER A ROOF AGAIN.  PLEASE LET ME KNOW OF ALL RESOURCES I CAN INQUIRE WITH.  THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH ON MY APPLICATION.
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Re: Process to apply for Saint Vincent Depaul

Post by Admin »

There is not one process - as there are thousands of local St. Vincent parishes. Each has different processes, income criteria, resources, etc. But of course they will all be income based, based on person's need, etc. Find the various St. Vincents that and a list of them here. ... ancia.html
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