Homeless in Denver, Colorado, please help

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Homeless in Denver, Colorado, please help

Post by mullersk8 »

My name is James. I have been homeless for about a year. I need emediate help. I am a manic depressive who is unemployed, without health insurance, homeless and hungry!

I was married for 17 yrs and have been seperated for two years now. I am homeless, jobless and have lost My family. I need emediate help to better my life for Myself and My children. (children are not with Me)
I don't even know how things got this bad, but I am in dire need of emediate help.

What I need:
1) Rent assistance. I require emediate help with money to acquire a home of some sort so that I can get off the streets.
2) I require emediate assistance for food. I am homeless and very hungry. It is effecting My health and over all moral.
3) I need glasses, so that I can apply for work. I have a severe stigmatism and can't function without glasses.
4) I need help with moneys to get My liscence or ID for employment.
5) I need health insurance of some sort, so that I can get My medicine and counceling that I need. Without it, it is very hard to maintain a productive life.
6) I require clothing so that I can get a job.

I do not have much hope and I am reaching out to My fellow man in hopes of not losing faith in humanity all together.

If You can help? Please contact a.s.a.p. as I am homeless and don't have many options. I have a friend that lets Me recieve messages and calls on his phone.
Please contact @ (720)270-2805 ask for James or leave message.
or email at mullersk8@yahoo.com

Thank You
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Re: Homeless in Denver, Colorado, please help

Post by Admin »

Here is info on several housing and homless programs in the Denver area. Try the Denver Department of Human Services, which can be reached at 720-944-2174. They provide rent, eviction, and homeless programs. I also recommend the Catholic Charities and Community Services of the Archdiocese of Denver, Inc. They are a great resource as well. Call the agency at 303-597-0464 . Both of these places will be able to refer you to other programs and homless charities as well.
http://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html ... grams.html
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Re: Homeless in Denver, Colorado, please help

Post by Sayers »

Here is the thing. I don't know what to do I need help. I am paying for an apartment in Denver by myself and supporting a child that's not mine. Her dad and I were married got divorced and were trying to get back together when I found out he was doing drugs. He left and went to rehab and while he was gone he made promises etc that things would be nothing like they were.
I got us an apartment to get him away from the people he used to hang out with. We got his daughter who is 10 switched over to the school district that is by our apartment and now he's back to doing drugs. He will be gone all weekend and even several times a week where we don't see or hear from him. I am behind since he started spending his money on drugs instead of helping with bills. I need advice I can't lose the apartment because then his daughter and I have no where to go. I just need to get caught up and then things will be fine but I can't with just my income.
Any advice would be great.
Preeti P
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Re: Homeless in Denver, Colorado, please help

Post by Preeti P »

Hello, I’m not sure if this email will even go to the right person but I've researched and researched how to find resources in Denver to help homeless single moms struggling and came across your website, so I said I’m leaving it in god’s hands to help lead me to the right help and it don’t hurt to try well here it goes my story. I am 27 years old with three beautiful children 2 girls which are 9 years old and 6 years old I also have a baby boy who just turned 7 weeks old.
When I worked during my pregnancy I saved as much money as I could which was 2000 dollars and finally got out of a my relationship and packed up me and my kids and came to a hotel in Denver where we have been staying at for the past two weeks. I put in house applications in hopes to find something well god answered mine and my children’s prays a man called me about a application. I put in for a trailer on in Lakeland outside Denver and said my background check was approved and he had good news.
I wouldn’t be homeless and living in a hotel anymore to bring him 1600 dollars at 11 am tomorrow and sign the lease but because I’ve had to pay expenses of a hotel. I’m now left with 900 dollars so when I meet him in the morning I’m going with 900 and a wing and prayer in hopes he will work with me on the rest of the money. I’m finally able to work so I have been filling out job apps left and right but if a miracle happens and he works with me. I’m in desperate need for beds for my babies. Being homeless we have nothing but clothes and I’m reaching out for help for a few used beds for my babies to sleep on. So if there is anyway your service could help me or if you have any services in mind please contact me. Thank you so much and god bless.
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Re: Homeless in Denver, Colorado, please help

Post by Admin »

All, there are shelters in Denver. They are open for the homeless. Find them here.
https://www.needhelppayingbills.com/htm ... _and_.html
Note during the winter the city will open more locations to help keep the homeless warm, including warming centers, soup kitchens, and similar programs.
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Re: Homeless in Denver, Colorado, please help

Post by Chipper »

Hello, my name Brandon and my girlfriend is kera. We are homeless on the streets of Denver because of some medical issues my girlfriend had, and are looking for help to get a hotel for a week to save for an apartment. I work every day but it barely covers the hotel bill, both are phones are working on Wi-Fi. No service and we have literally nothing hygiene, shower, or a warm place. I am asking if there is any way you can help us out as we are homeyness and we really need it. I would do community service for your help around the church after work or pay you back we just need a little help to get on are feet; thanks.
Sam Tool
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Re: Homeless in Denver, Colorado, please help

Post by Sam Tool »

Is there an Action Agency for Denver, Colorado? I really need help with a couple of things...
I am on disability and only make 869 a month... my husband (provider) just went to jail for a couple of months. I have no way of making RENT and will be homeless in Denver Colorado.
I am behind on my cell phone bill and it will be shut off soon if I don't pay it.
I am behind and in danger of me excel (energy) being shut off.
I have an eviction notice and no way of making rent before I am homeless.
I have no food for me or my dog.
I desperately need an air conditioner being on a 5th floor apartment, facing the sun, and no A/C.
I don't know what all you can help me with but anything would be greatly appreciated. I am scared and alone and do not want to lose my apartment here in Denver because of a crime my husband committed over 10 years ago – before I knew him.
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