I tried Catholic Charities in Florida

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I tried Catholic Charities in Florida

Post by Indra »

I need assistance with the rent this month. I am behind because my husband lost his job and and we week to week with out a pay so we are behind. I am looking for work but I have had no luck yet. I had gone for help at a Catholic Church Charity in Miami Florida and they said that they were going to help and then after three weeks they said no because my husband was bringing enough. He just started this job but with the late fees its hard to pay my rent. I applied for food. I have three kids, a 15 year old and a 8 year old and 5. It just getting hard. Please help or advise me.
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Re: I tried Catholic Charities in Florida

Post by Admin »

Hi. Catholic Charities is under no obligation to help you. But there are other churches in Miami - Dade that you can try, as they are also part of that group. Maybe for the late fees your landlord will enter into a payment plan for you so you can pay them off over an extended period of time. Also look into some of the other Miami agencies, and locate the resources from Miami Catholic Charities.
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Re: I tried Catholic Charities in Florida

Post by Daniels »

I am in need of help! Really. I contacted my local charities in Miami Florida, and was declined. Would you like to know why? Because I am on disability?? They said and I am quoting 2 Catholic charities in my town. She took all my personal information, name, address, phone number, how many in the home? Then took my SSN, now you see I have a big problem with that WHY YOU ASK? Because in 2007 someone took my identity so that is such a hard thing to give because anybody (I don't care where they work and who they say they are) can take your SSN and use it.
I can't get away from the problem. I have 2 months of electric AND water bills, around $250-280 for each. No one will help. I don't even know if this is real. I don't know what is real anymore. I'm disabled, my youngest son (who I am trying desperately to get help) is disabled with multiple issues. I can't get a loan, I can't get assistance I'm sinking and no one believes me?
You know, I've told my story and I don't know why it is so unbelievable, but I guess no one ever meets people like me! It's not hard to understand. If I wanted a toaster (for example) could be a vacuum cleaner I would fill out the paper work, not 20 seconds it comes back NO. I know what the answers are before I even try. This has been going on for over 10 years.
I was in a car accident on February 12, 2017, I got a settlement, not much but 90% was spent on paying for bills that were not even mine. I tried to get them taken care of for 7-9 years. I tried attorneys across Florida, credit repair agencies nothing worked-they never cleared off my identity theft. I had a good company that approved me for my house-no more homeless-but by the time I got the house, paid all deposits for utilities and the cost of moving (what little I had). IT STARTED ALL OVER AGAIN!!!! I couldn't even get approved for furniture, beds well you know stuff that a house needs. I have OPS. I still don't have anything, not even a lawn mower to mow my yard!!
But if I don't pay my electric & water they WILL shut them off. If I pay them NO FOOD & no mortgage payment. Talk about a rock & a hard place. I don't see anyone else struggling like me?
If the Catholic charities don't help? OH I forgot food stamps! $54 per month for 4? Wow that isn't even hardly enough to waste the gas to go get groceries?
Anyway if anyone actually reads this, IF you know where I can get some help I would surely appreciate it. I have until the 2nd of October. If I were healthy, I would go back to work, some things you just cannot figure out. MY neighbors, got their house FREE, their food FREE, their car FREE and they are having a baby. I know where the money is going and it's not to help the disabled.
PS my oldest son gave me this computer so that I can keep in touch with the world, I don't have cable either—they wouldn't approve me!
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