I desperately need some rent assistance.

The main NHPB site has more information on local rent assistance programs.
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I desperately need some rent assistance.

Post by melissa_46580 »

I desperately need help with rent I've never asked for help before and it seems like no one wants to help me. I'm 28 years old a single mother and the only income we had coming in was my fiance and he recently lost his job. I've went to the trustee's they denied us because I didnt have a jo. they referred us to some churches the one church didnt get there funding this month. the salvation army denied us because he couldnt receive unemplyement for the lack of work last year. One church helped us with 90.00 which any help is help. I'm confused, stressed beyond belief I've never asked for help and now that i'm needing it I'm get denied and refused. All i do is cry, all I want to do is keep a roof over my daughter's and familys head. I've been job hunting my fiance finally got a interview tomorrow. But were about to get evicted were 560.00 behind and its just seems to get worse I havent been able to pay any bills. I was looking up government funding for rent and I saw some interesting stuff but didnt tell me how to apply or a number for help. I live in elkhart Indiana and right now thats one of the worse places in this econmic time. Please some point me in a direction that will help my family. I would be beyond grateful and appreciative.
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Re: I desperately need some rent assistance.

Post by RJDicr »

Looking for rental assistance help in Richmond, California or nearby. My husband is working and he is on the verge of eviction/homeless and i am pregnant. We are currently residing in a local apartment community and we are trying to get into an apartment, we just need the first initial help with expenses to get into a rental unit, so money for deposit and first months rent.
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Re: I desperately need some rent assistance.

Post by MarryM »

We owe about 1,100 dollars and we are getting ready to be evicted from our apartments. I have a daughter who is a year old and we have no family help or help anywhere. The only help i have is dshs food stamps.... I cant do it alone and i am getting depressed i am trying to keep faith and not lose it. Its hard to do research with my daughter and work and even school... please reply with any help possible for me and family. Thanks
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Re: I desperately need some rent assistance.

Post by Gump »

Good Afternoon,
I need information or referrals for my family. My fiancée is a County Sheriff outside of Houston, injured on the job, and is now on leave from his job without any worker's comp, injured-on-duty disability, or regular disability. He has had no income since January, and has to move out of his house by December 1st. As of now, he has no income, and no place to live after he moves out. Is there any help for him here? Or any suggestions on where he can go to receive help? He is running out of time, and we are urgently searching for solutions. Please email me at this address. Thanks so much for your time. I hope to hear from you soon!
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Re: I desperately need some rent assistance.

Post by RachLorDep »

I need a place to live or some kind of help to pay the rent right now. I'm living with my son but he got a new baby and they need more room. In the last four years have been very difficult for me to get a steady job and earn enough money to pay rent and meet all expenses. Currently I have 62 years of age. I would appreciate any information on organizations or places I can go to apply for assistance.
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Re: I desperately need some rent assistance.

Post by Ridley »

I have received an eviction notice from my land lord. I need help fast before the 31st of September or I will be homeless! I got behind on my rent because I did not have a valid ID to get work. And it took 2 months for me to get my birth records so I could get my ID. So that's why I am $1300 hundred dollars behind on my rent. So can someone "PLEASE" contact me. For help from being evicted from my apartment! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
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Re: I desperately need some rent assistance.

Post by Brushes »

I am being evicted from where I'm staying now. I have a dog and we are about to be homeless. I don't have a car and I don’t have a job. I have looked for work and I was supposed to work with my roommate selling candles that he carves. Well come to find out through a mutual friend he planned to have me to all the building and cleaning and setting up of the new work station then tell me he wasn’t going to need me anymore and for 4 months I wasted time. I never got paid a dime and wasted those months when I could have been looking for a job. I’m in real need of help. Please the sooner the better I have only a few more days where I'm at then I have to leave. I have no where to go except the street. Thank you.
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Re: I desperately need some rent assistance.

Post by Admin »

We do have programs listed for Contra Costa County, which includes Richmond of course. If you husband is working that should help you qualify. Many of the agencies will provide a partial payment for those that qualify, so maybe you can combine the funds from a few different places. Assistance for a deposit may be offered too, and that sometimes comes in the form of a repayable loan too. Click here Contra Costa rent help.
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Re: I desperately need some rent assistance.

Post by ChrisT »

I am in need of rent assistance for the month on July. My husband and I have both just became unemployed because the business we use to work down has been shut down and closed and we can not make rent this month. He has interviews coming up but still no stable job for either of us.
There are three people living in this apartment myself, my husband, and our two year old daughter. I do not understand exactly what the qualifications are in order to receive assistance. I was told about John F. Long by a friend who had used the services available before.
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Re: I desperately need some rent assistance.

Post by Janel »

Hi, I am recent graduate of Virginia Union University with a degree in Criminal Justice. I am recently going through the hiring process with Henrico County Sheriff Office working in Corrections. I am currently working two jobs and barely able to support myself because my roommate decided to go back to Alabama and not pay his side of the rent anymore. I put in an intent to vacate which is coming up soon but because my rent is so late from the past three months they are planning to evict me out of my apartment by April 23rd if I do not pay a total of $925 by April 18th.
Though I have more than half of the money I do not have all of it and I was told to contact you because you may be able to assist me with this payment. I hate asking for people for money but I am down to my last hope and prayer, so if there is anything you can do to help me out it would be greatly appreciated.
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