Where can I find local food banks

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Where can I find local food banks

Post by Rangers »

I have been struggling now for over a year to provide for my children due to a divorce in which domestic violence was involved. I share custody with my first ex-husband and so I don't qualify to get them medicaid. I took a job in June with an insurance company that promised great things - and my checks have only been $89 the last 3 weeks. Thankfully, I start a new job on Monday, however, I won't get paid for 3 weeks. I need help with getting food on the table for my children and have tried to find a sponsor for the local food bank with no luck. Can you offer any advice?
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Re: Where can I find local food banks

Post by SouthernGirl »

I lost my job and as a single mom I am struggling to get by. I think we need food first of all. I have a 4 year old son and am so scared to be homeless. I have applied for multiple jobs but have not got one yet and rent is due December 3rd the cost is $525.00 if there is any way we can get help I would sincerely appreciate it. We also need help with gas, food, utilities, household items and furniture but if we even get rental assistance id be more than thankful. We reside in Georgetown Ohio. With lots of thanks.
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Re: Where can I find local food banks

Post by Greeny »

I am 29, full time employed. My fiancé stopped and is not working due to bring 25 Weeks pregnant and considered high risk. We have a 18 month old daughter and the only source of income it's mines. I barely can keep up with our bills let alone rent. We also badly need food in north Las Vegas Nevada. I just need help to get back to date with my rent before I get evicted. Any little bit will help. Thank you so much.
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Re: Where can I find local food banks

Post by Admin »

There are many food banks in Nevada as the state was hard hit by the weak economy. What may be offered includes groceries and maybe even formula since you are about to deliver a baby. Did you look into applying for any government aid as well, such as SNAP food stamps or more local NEvada program? They may be a good idea too. Here is more information on the food banks. http://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html ... tries.html
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Re: Where can I find local food banks

Post by Bobbie13 »

In Victoria Texas. My friend needs help and does not know where to turn. He has 2 special need boys. The 10 year old has full blown autism and 4 year old daughter is severely retarded. He is behind on rent and utilities but more than that he has no food nor any way to get it. Today when I talked to him his little one was drinking sugar water.
My husband and I were at Wal Mart for many years. But we have been out of the work for around 10 years now. We have not even one dollar we can send him at this time. My husband is now very old and very sick. Can you please help my son in any way. He hates to ask for help.
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Re: Where can I find local food banks

Post by BeginAgain »

I am a MS patient and my family and I are needing guidance with help. We are in need of food, help with bills, gas for doctor visits and guidance to help my Husband get a job. If there is anyway possible that we can get some guidance on these matters I would appreciate it. We live in Owensboro Kentucky and I have tried to look and find address but I get in to things with ads and such.
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Re: Where can I find local food banks

Post by Nashville »

I am single parent with no income. I have been actively looking for employment but found nothing. I receive food stamps and assistance from section 8 but I am still responsible for all electricity, gas and hot water at my unit. As of today, my lights were cut off due to non payment and also have a disconnection notice for gas.
I am unemployed and have no funds. I also rely on insulin that needs to be refrigerated. I applied for CEDA and the office lost my paperwork and since then have received no assistance because of no funding. I need food from a pantry, and please help me with assistance toward these utilities and any job leads if available.
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Re: Where can I find local food banks

Post by Admin »

Well there are hundreds of local food pantries (if not thousands) in every single state. They can give you the food you need. As far as the insulin, information on energy assistance, etc. many of them do have case workers on site. They may be able to direct you to a resource. So here is the list of emergency food pantries you can try.
Call in advance as the hours change. Also, since you indicated you have no job, maybe you can volunteer at the food bank you apply to in order to get some experience for a resume. Good luck.
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