Help needed in Missouri

People looking for general financial assistance.
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Help needed in Missouri

Post by Verlanders »

I am the only family member working due to my husband being in a horrific train accident and not being able to work. Initially after the accident he did try working but 2 months later was in the hospital and was told could no longer work. We have been waiting for SSI from the state of Missouri. The judge requested a SSI doctor to evaluate and now has to wait another 6 months before another hearing. I have the report where it says my husband is in deed disabled and wouldn't get better.
We have lost everything in the last 6 years house, rental house, apartment, 2 cars, and have had a marital separation. We did get back together we had to live with my in-laws. They did lose their home so we had to move to another apartment and now still are waiting for another SSI and I don't know what more else to do I have received help from all town agencies and now I am terrified because my pay with the county isn't enough. I have proof of everything. I can even get letters from doctor and family coworkers that know we are in dire need. Thank you.
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Re: Help needed in Missouri

Post by KeyConsitir »

I am a single father of four young children, 3, 7, 10, and 15 years old. I was hurt at work and unable to return in March 2014 and now have 0 income. Of course job fighting workers compensation disability.

If I qualify wont start for 4 more months. My mobile home had no furnace and ductwork destroyed by neighbors dogs. I need help and don't know where to get it. I live in the country and my only vehicle was repossessed. I need electric space heaters to heat our home this winter, help winterizing my home, help getting a vehicle, clothing for my children and more.

I've had two back surgeries since December 2013 and Dr says I need another now and maybe screws put in. I don't know where to turn for help. I live in Johnson county, Missouri. I don't have a computer or Internet but a friend let me use their phone to get online. If there are any programs you can assist me in finding my children and I would truly appreciate it. Thank you.
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Re: Help needed in Missouri

Post by Admin »

The disability application process is long and complicated in Missouri and other states as well. There may be some agencies you can call upon for some short term aid, but they can't help speed up the application process. You can always try a disability advocate. Also, you can't count on disability going through. Many applications are denied, so you better have some back up plans in place. Here is information on many of the financial assistance programs in Missouri. ... grams.html
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Re: Help needed in Missouri

Post by LaveonBell »

I have missed a lot of days out of work because my children have been sick, and I need help with paying my rent and light bill. Their father does not help with them and I currently have a restraining order on him from the courts in St. Louis Missouri because he threaten to shoot up my house and my car. Because he has refused to help to take care of his children he has placed me in an awful situation where I have absolutely nothing. I need help immediately.
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Re: Help needed in Missouri

Post by LinaGagne »

My electric is $268 and will be shut off after Tuesday if it’s not paid by Tuesday at 5:00 central time. My rent is $500 and was due January 1st and they are talking about evicting me if it’s not paid soon.
I do not have a job at this time because I was in a car wreck and am waiting for back surgery and can work at this time. I am trying to get disability but it’s just not going very fast and I am not able to make it.
I plan on moving at the end of next month with family so I will not have to worry about bills until I am able to work again or I get disability but I cannot move until then. If you are able to help me in any way please let me know ASAP. I have tried to get help from my family but they are struggling as well and just can't help me. I live in Columbia Missouri. I look forward to your response.
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Re: Help needed in Missouri

Post by Admin »

Well, there is no way to get electric bill help by less than 5 hours. You waited way too late to get assistance. As far as disability, that can take years. So good luck on that as well. Maybe you should try a job as the job market is stronger than it has been in a generation. But until then, find these energy bill assistance programs in Missouri.
LinaGagne wrote:My electric is $268 and will be shut off after Tuesday if it’s not paid by Tuesday at 5:00 central time. I plan on moving at the end of next month with family so I will not have to worry about bills until I am able to work again or I get disability but I cannot move until then. If you are able to help me in any way please let me know ASAP. I have tried to get help from my family but they are struggling as well and just can't help me. I live in Columbia Missouri. I look forward to your response.
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Re: Help needed in Missouri

Post by PSNC1 »

Housing, food, medications. Husband laid off from IBM, Missouri does not offer extension on unemployment. In addition our landlord decided not to allow us to go month to month. In addition we were unable to find an apartment, so are now at a long stay and the unemployment is about to run out.
He has several companies interested, so we are hoping an on offer will happen in the next 6 weeks. We will be out money living in our car, we have no friends or family out here, we will also have the challenge of getting to a new location in a new state. Any help would greatly appreciated, thank you.
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Re: Help needed in Missouri

Post by OnMyWay »

I apologize for not establishing that information. I actually just moved up to Kansas City Missouri about a month in a half ago. I came from a bad abusive situation in Lawrence Kansas.
I stay on E 40 highway in Independence Missouri mostly because there are many job positions available & I'm currently trying to get a full time job. It’s really hard though when I have no family or friends to stay with until I get on my feet.
Staying in a hotel room paying day by day really makes money hard when it's only you. I have no car either & it’s been so cold haven't been able to be out a lot. I've recently been set back even more when my suite case, purse & 3 back packs where stolen with my ID, SSC, birth certificate & all my clothes, shoes, worm winter ware hygiene, very important court & doctor paper work. My whole life was taken & I'm trying so hard to keep pushing & move on but I need someone's help that I can trust & help guide me into the right direction.
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Re: Help needed in Missouri

Post by JeffObrien »

I live in Missouri.
I have a 60 year old mother who lives alone in St Louis, MO and is struggling to pay all her bills and rent. I try to help when I can.
She has been working since 1999 and her health is not well. Can you help me with some advice what the right thing is to do?
She will be evicted from her apartment and her gas bill has not been paid in a long time.
Please let me know what I can do or if there is a place she can go to for help. She is from Bosnia and doesn't speak English that well.
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Re: Help needed in Missouri

Post by GabrielTh »

I am reaching out to inquire about utility and rent assistance possibly for myself and my children in Raymore, Missouri. I am a single mom who hasn't had any assistance in the past but recently made a home rental agreement to be near my children's father's home where they go during the day and the expenses have become very difficult for me alone.
I am not really sure whom to ask because I haven't asked anyone before. But if someone could please guide me.
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Re: Help needed in Missouri

Post by Admin »

Try the state programs in Missouri. There are several here. ... grams.html
There are government and local resources listed.

GabrielTh wrote:Hello,
I am reaching out to inquire about utility and rent assistance possibly for myself and my children in Raymore, Missouri. I am a single mom who hasn't had any assistance in the past but recently made a home rental agreement to be near my children's father's home where they go during the day and the expenses have become very difficult for me alone.
I am not really sure whom to ask because I haven't asked anyone before. But if someone could please guide me.
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Re: Help needed in Missouri

Post by Maxie »

I live in Appleton City Missouri, St. Clair County. I lost my job last December and I only received unemployment for 8 weeks which ran out in March. I have a family of a significant other and 2 children still in school living in my home. I have not found employment and we are struggling to keep the house payment and utilities. My water bill has become overdue and will be shut off there any resources available to help me out.
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