Resources in Texas for bills

People looking for general financial assistance.
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Resources in Texas for bills

Post by Delores »

I am reaching out to you for financial help with my rent and household bills because I am lacking the funds to make these payments in a timely manner.
I am overdue with my rent approximately $5,000 and another $5,000 in bills because I use my credit cards to buy food for my family. The size of my household equals five (5) people and I am the only breadwinner in my family, I have to fulfill all of the financial obligations and it is killing me. My sister was my only relief with my financial burdens and he has since passed away in August 2013. Now I have no other source of monitory help and I am begging you for your financial help with my rent and bills in this instance.
Please help me or direct where to get help with my rent and other household bills in Dallas so that I my keep my family together.
Thank you for your assistance with my request for financial help and May God continue to shine his light on yours and you.
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Re: Resources in Texas for bills

Post by Admin »

While we hate to say it, if you owe $5000 in back rent then you may have waited too long to ask for help. Your landlord is very kind to even give you that much leeway and allow you to fall that far behind. Most landlords would not do that. We do have extensive information on financial assistance programs in Texas and we cover all counties and cities, including Dallas. So maybe you can find a more affordable home to live in, food, and credit counseling for those other bills. Explore resources available to you in Texas here. ... grams.html
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Re: Resources in Texas for bills

Post by Prylosec »

I just got SSD, and they sent the check 2 welfare because they were helping me before I got disability. I was already behind in my rent and I am still behind. The check that disability send to welfare would have helped me with my rent arrears. Now I have no way of paying my back rent, and I received a eviction notice on 2/09/14. I went to welfare in Dallas Texas for a one shot deal to help me but they said no because they helped me in May, and the help was not enough to pay all of my rent. I had one down fall and I have been falling since. I really need some help. I have no family or friends to help me. Can you help me get back on my feet PLEASE?
M Dreir
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Re: Resources in Texas for bills

Post by M Dreir »

Hi, I live in San Angelo Texas. Your website came up as one of the organizations that provides assistance to people in need. I am 44, recently divorced and disabled living alone and in poor health and I receive monthly SSDI benefits but the SSA pays me on the 3rd Wednesday of each month so it makes it difficult for me to pay bills sometimes so I have gotten behind this month.
I need to pay rent this week or my Landlord will evict me and I do not have the funds. I have no family here to help me and no options of places I can go if this happens and I am afraid because of my health I cannot be on the streets, and I am also an MHMR patient , plus I do not have a vehicle to go anywhere to ask for help. I also have an electric bill that is due this week and they disconnected my service so I have no electricity right now and it's cold in my apt because I do not have central heat and air. Gexa said I do not qualify for their deferred program or any extensions.
I went to the local City Assistance Department downtown in the Cactus Hotel because the other City Social Services have turned over this program to them and no longer help people with these needs and they told me I am not eligible for the services at the city social Services Department in the Cactus Hotel because they said my SSDI income put me over federal income limits which is crazy because it's not enough to live on. I only get $1164 a month and they deduct Medicare. I was also very disappointed with the way I was treated when I went in to their offices. The receptionist will not let you see anyone when you go in and will tell you that you have to set up an apt with a caseworker and if you are the 10th person that walks in the door you're out of luck. so if you get an appt. and you take all your paperwork in then they tell you that you don't qualify it's so frustrating because of the time you had to take out of your schedule to go there and it takes an act of congress to get an apt with the receptionist and then to hear bad news after getting all that paperwork together for nothing. I also feel in my opinion that they are prejudice. And I 'm not the only white person that has said this. Sitting in the waiting room with other women who are in need of help we noticed that they pay special attention and preference to the Hispanic women there and the entire staff seems to be Hispanic. They are not friendly at all and one of the last things you need to deal with when you are at your lowest and need help is someone who is not nice or friendly and demeaning.
I also do not qualify for CIA or Catholic Outreach services because I used their services once earlier this year so now I have to wait till 2014 to be eligible again. The Diocese and Church that I go to have helped me as much as they can but it's not enough. CIA has undergone 3 changes in owners and mangers this year and the current ones are not nice...I don't know how they can call themselves Christians they way they treat people and the lack of help they provide now. It's so disappointing to know that San Angelo is losing good resources for help and since the Oilfield has moved into town it's getting worse. An article recently came out in the Standard Times Newspaper that even though the oilfield is good for the economy and jobs it bad for housing. People are losing their homes due to landlords increasing rents and not able to find housing because owners are increasing rents because they know the oilfield will pay it and are not leaving any time soon. Homelessness has increased since they came to town and there are people living on the streets in front of the library downtown...I don't want to be one of them. It's becoming scary and unfortunately a reality. Where are the needy supposed to turn to for help?
Please if you have any way of putting me in touch with someone who can help me I would be eternally grateful. I don't know what else to do and have nobody or no place to go. This is scary and I don't get my next SSDI pay until April 20 but my Landlord and Gexa energy don't care they don't want to hear that ...they just want to get paid right now. I have applied for HUD Housing but he waitlist is two years long and have also been on the waitlist for MHMR Housing Assistance but they have limited availability in safe areas.
My rent is $250 and my Landlord lives in Austin and I have to send her money orders or cashiers checks because I don't have a checking account any longer...just a Debit Card. My Gexa Electric Bill is $168 to get my services turned back on so I need a total of $418 to get me out of this situation till I get paid on Nov. 20 and get back on track. I've made a call to Salvation Army and the United Way but no answer so I'm waiting for a call back. San Angelo is limited to resources available for needy people on fixed incomes.
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Re: Resources in Texas for bills

Post by Baldur1 »

I'm at my wit's end with no where to turn and no one to talk to and am just in a state of depression. I don't know which way to turn. Please help someone!!! I'm a 35 year old female that is in desperate need of financial assistance. I have never asked for help before, but due to a wonderfully abusive, selfish, and heartless husband that decided that he would go after his settlement through his L&I claim that was settling with him after 10 year battle with an on the job injury he had in 2010. He had 2 back surgeries out here in Dallas.
He got word that they were ready to settle with him and mind you I had taken care of him throughout these surgeries and he just up an left me out here on my own to fend for myself and that’s all fine and good, but I have no family, no friends, nothing. I had been working for University Medical Center as a Unit Coordinator for 5 years. I had followed all protocols and still had been let go. I feel that I had been unjustly and was thinking that I might just have grounds to sue, but haven't thus far.
Now I did apply for unemployment and that fell through in all the wrong ways because unemployment denied me due to Unit Manager reporting that I volunteered to quit and that was so not true, but any way I have been since then actively seeking other employment as Unit Coordinator, Unit Clerk, Receptionist with no such luck thus far. I have over exceeded my resources and now I'm to the minus in my bank account, behind $975.00 rent on the lot that I have my trailer sitting on. I am so behind on bills as a matter a fact they just shut off my gas yesterday. I gave $100.00 to my landlord and it was and is truly the last of what I had. I have no resources, no family, absolutely no where and no one to turn to. I am so afraid that within days I could be on the streets with no shelter, homeless. This is not my life or not how it was suppose to be. If someone could just help me please. Thank you,
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Re: Resources in Texas for bills

Post by Clipperrs »

Thank you for your prompt response to my email. Unfortunately, I have called everyone on the list that I thought could possibly help my daughter and there was no luck. Either there is a long waiting list to be assisted or the type of help my daughter is needing is not available. I have looked thru Google and called everyone I could possibly think in Corpus Christi Texas and nothing. A miracle would be so welcome just about now. Thank you,
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Re: Resources in Texas for bills

Post by Admin »

There are many places that offer advice and counseling in Texas, and community action agencies can be a great resource. The staff there will talk to you. Do you have family outside of the state? As if you have negative balance in the bank account and are way behind on rent, then options are limited. But try the contact information we gave you, as they are local and may have suggestions on resources. Locate Texas non-profit community action agencies.
Be White
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Re: Resources in Texas for bills

Post by Be White »

I need to find out what I can do to get assistant with rent and utilities in Dallas, TX. I am 62, laid off in January, and have no income at this time. I didn't want to do it but I applied early for my SSI just to get some money so my pets and I can eat. I've never had to ask for help but I used what money I had from that last job to pay down bills as much as I could. My phone is about to be shut off, gas, water and electric are next. I have a car payment but they generously postponed the payments so I don't have to pay till April 4th so I don't lose my only transportation. I've borrowed my son crazy and he can't help me anymore. My rental company is unforgiving on lateness so I'm looking at April 1 coming up. Help please.
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