Rent and Utilities Assistance

People looking for general financial assistance.
Also look here for programs on the main NHPB site for local financial help.
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Rent and Utilities Assistance

Post by jlgrajalez4 »

Hi I am new to this. I am in real need of assistance. I am currently on bed rest due to pregnancy. Baby will be here in two weeks. I was the sole bread winner in the home because my husband lost his job and hasnt been able to find work since. I have been out of work for 4 weeks now. I havent been able to pay rent since August. I am currently trying to get food stamps for food. Things are hard. With a 10 yr old, 9 month old and one due in a couple of weeks I dont know what or who can help. I have even got behind on my utilities and the few loans I have taken out. With my doctor saying I cant go back to work until after the baby is born I dont know what to do. Can someone please help?
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Re: Rent and Utilities Assistance

Post by Admin »

What state do you live in? In the meantime, here are rent programs. ... _rent.html
Also use the site to find very specific programs and non-profits at the state and county level. Programs can help you with utilities, and even consolidate or help with those few loans and other debts you may have.
jlgrajalez4 wrote:Hi I am new to this. I am in real need of assistance. I am currently on bed rest due to pregnancy. Baby will be here in two weeks. I was the sole bread winner in the home because my husband lost his job and hasnt been able to find work since. I have been out of work for 4 weeks now. I havent been able to pay rent since August. I am currently trying to get food stamps for food. Things are hard. With a 10 yr old, 9 month old and one due in a couple of weeks I dont know what or who can help. I have even got behind on my utilities and the few loans I have taken out. With my doctor saying I cant go back to work until after the baby is born I dont know what to do. Can someone please help?
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Re: Rent and Utilities Assistance

Post by a123 »

I live in a small community in Indiana and am have problems with money.I am married with a 18 month old boy.I'm 21 years old and have been layed off from my job as a union carpenter apprentice. I do collect unemployment but it's only 214 dollars a week me and my wife have lived the last two years making less then 20,000 a year and try to support a child, pay heating and utilities and pay for a house and rent and other bills have just about ended us. With all the doctor bills we owe on and not having health insurance has made us struggle even more so if you can please help us.
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Re: Rent and Utilities Assistance

Post by Admin »

Here is a listing of assistance programs in Indiana. One of the neat options is the fact you can call your local town. State laws in Indiana require that each town provide emergency financial assistance for paying health care, prescriptions, utility and heating bills, and other forms of aid. ... grams.html
a123 wrote:I live in a small community in Indiana and am have problems with money.I am married with a 18 month old boy.I'm 21 years old and have been layed off from my job as a union carpenter apprentice. I do collect unemployment but it's only 214 dollars a week me and my wife have lived the last two years making less then 20,000 a year and try to support a child, pay heating and utilities and pay for a house and rent and other bills have just about ended us. With all the doctor bills we owe on and not having health insurance has made us struggle even more so if you can please help us.
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Re: Rent and Utilities Assistance

Post by ErinFisher »

I am unemployed and have a appeals hearing brought by x employer. I have received 200.00 week in benefits (3pay made) I have seizure disorder and will need medication in 2weeks $63.My rent is 642.40 electric60. and telephone bill. Have applied for public assistance but have not been approved yet I need help I am 63 and cannot apply for ss until I receive copy of birth certificate will take 3 to5 weeks to receive in mail I will be evicted if I do not pay rent in July I should be okay in August if I win appeal.Have no money to be rep in that case.I know the is somewhere I can get help to make it to July but do not know where. I do not have a car so I will need to take bus PLEASE give info if u can Thank-you
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Re: Rent and Utilities Assistance

Post by Admin »

Sounds like you need help with various needs, such as bills, rent, debts, and other expenses. I think the most comprehensive place to look is the main site. If you need help for various expenses or information on charities, etc. view the programs and find assistance with bills. There are literally hundreds of non-profits, phone numbers, government programs, and other resources listed there on the site. Public assistance, food stamps, and much more.
ErinFisher wrote:I am unemployed and have a appeals hearing brought by x employer. I have received 200.00 week in benefits (3pay made) I have seizure disorder and will need medication in 2weeks $63.My rent is 642.40 electric60. and telephone bill. Have applied for public assistance but have not been approved yet I need help I am 63 and cannot apply for ss until I receive copy of birth certificate will take 3 to5 weeks to receive in mail I will be evicted if I do not pay rent in July I should be okay in August if I win appeal.Have no money to be rep in that case.I know the is somewhere I can get help to make it to July but do not know where. I do not have a car so I will need to take bus PLEASE give info if u can Thank-you
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Re: Rent and Utilities Assistance

Post by Rangler »

Due to being in the hospital several times in the past year & a half, I am behind on everything. I am trying to cut corners as best I can but being 63 yrs old & disabled does not help me to borrow money temporarily for rent & electric. I am very much afraid of being evicted - the man who manages this apt. has been very fair with me & has reduced whatever he could. It is not his property so he cannot do this any longer & I have to get all the rent up for the person who owns the house. I want to work so badly but can't get hired when they read my application & see how many times I have been hospitalized in the past 18 months, as well as my current disability of having Parkinson's Disease. I do not know where to turn; my parents are deceased and my daughter has her own apt. to pay rent on & it is a struggle just getting out of bed in the morning to wander what else can go wrong. I know I am not alone with these problems as so many people need financial help to keep a roof over their head.
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Re: Rent and Utilities Assistance

Post by Admin »

Do not put on on application your illness or who many times be hospitalized. It is illegal for an employer to even ask about something like that. Keep applying and trying. In the meantime, try this for Fresno rent assistance. Oftentimes the disabled get priority for funding, so you do have that doing for you. If they have funds to pay out, you may be one of first in line.
Rangler wrote:Due to being in the hospital several times in the past year & a half, I am behind on everything. I am trying to cut corners as best I can but being 63 yrs old & disabled does not help me to borrow money temporarily for rent & electric. I am very much afraid of being evicted - the man who manages this apt. has been very fair with me & has reduced whatever he could. It is not his property so he cannot do this any longer & I have to get all the rent up for the person who owns the house. I want to work so badly but can't get hired when they read my application & see how many times I have been hospitalized in the past 18 months, as well as my current disability of having Parkinson's Disease. I do not know where to turn; my parents are deceased and my daughter has her own apt. to pay rent on & it is a struggle just getting out of bed in the morning to wander what else can go wrong. I know I am not alone with these problems as so many people need financial help to keep a roof over their head.
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Re: Rent and Utilities Assistance

Post by R Penske »

My son was born with cleft lip/palate so I have had a hard time keeping jobs because off all the doctor appointments he has had for the past year. I am so far behind on all my bills, including my rent, its ridiculous and it’s been putting me into depression. So now I finally have to admit that I need a lot of help, not only for me but for my two children. So if you could help me out I would greatly appreciate it. We live in Augusta. Thank you.
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Re: Rent and Utilities Assistance

Post by sunnyshine »

Hi, I'm summer:) I'm 19 years old, And next year 2013 I will be a freshman at Cuyamca College in El Cajon,CA. Currently I am living in Spring Valley,CA with my mother but I would like to move out so I can live closer to my school in El Cajon, It's time to leave the birds nest. Every other month or two not exaggerating my mom either decides she doesn't like something I did or the way I handled something so she kicks me out . I call everyone and anyone (friends no other family in California) looking for place to stay their moms call her she either feels bad or embarrassed and say I can come back then like clock work it happen all over again. I NEED HELP I need a stable home, I'd rather worry about my about my next test than where am I'm gonna stay next week. I would really like to live close to my school then I would be able to get to class earlier and stay late to study or volunteer and not worrying about the bus schedule I could stay as long as I need, Also I could be fully focused on school not worrying about where I'm gonna live. I am applying to jobs EVERYDAY and have an interview tomorrow but as of right now I am unemployed I will work for the grant or scholarship or finical help what ever you can find to help me I 'm not looking for a loan only because I'm not working and don't want to mess up my credit by not being able to pay back the loaner. PLEASE HELP.Thank you
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Re: Rent and Utilities Assistance

Post by Admin »

We have extensive information on rent, housing, and other assistance in California. Our main link is here, with statewide resources listed, counties, cities, and more. Read up, follow the links to phone numbers, etc. ... grams.html

Maybe a program called Homesharing will help you too. This places people into homes or apartments and people just need to help maintain the household. Some more details on that are here as well. Read more.
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Re: Rent and Utilities Assistance

Post by Bootle »

They lay off me, and my mother is the only one paying all the house bills. Now, we owe $900 from the month of February and $1200 from this month May. We heard the owners talking about them taking us out of the apartment. Now, we don’t know what to. We don't have any money at all. My mother is not working as well, we have others bills to pay including the energy and gas which the bill is approximately $1050 plus they send us a disconnection order. Please help us.
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Re: Rent and Utilities Assistance

Post by Bruno »

I just got married July 30, 2013. On August 22, 2013 my mother passed away unexpectedly. I am her only surviving family member so the expense has fallen on my shoulders. Started a new job on August 10, 2013. On September 13, 2013 we moved into a two bedroom apartment to accommodate spacing and reduce our monthly rent. On October 3, 2013 my wife lost her job, she is trying desperately to find another but to date has had no luck.
We have just over $700 left on my mothers cremation, which we still have not been allowed to have a memorial for her as the funeral director will not release her until the $1800 is paid in full. We have $485 in rent due, $97 electric past due and our only vehicle is in dire need of $350 in repairs. In a couple of weeks, we will be preparing to send two daughters back to school-supplies, clothes, shoes, and one is in need of eye glasses.

I am not asking for assistance in all of these, but I am begging to please help us with one if not two of them. PLEASE, we just need a chance to get on our feet and a step forward.

Anything you can help with, advise toward another source in San Antonio or give any other assistance in will be greatly appreciated!!
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Re: Rent and Utilities Assistance

Post by gibbs »

Hi, I'm looking for help with rental assistance. I have money coming in for child support for my child and needy family for my cousin who has been dropped off by her mother and left for me to raise. I have several job leads and have been putting in several applications 7 days a week.

I have a job offer to start work on 5-22-14 but before then I will lose everything. Also today I have 2 scheduled interviews. I am 600.dollars in the hole for this month and will be homeless over all this. Just the other day my rent, SMUG, cable and phone was shut off all within hours of each other on the same day. True story. I don't have any resources for help. Please advise. Only reason for being off work is I fell and fractured my back in April and struggled with depression. I was nurse assistant and can no longer lift. I was on disability but it ended before I can even get better. now well but can't seem to get out of this dark hole. I need help I could lose my kids and possibly losing my mind now.
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Re: Rent and Utilities Assistance

Post by Sayers »

I am in the process of applying for disability and am overwhelmed with financial responsibities including rent, water, utilities, cable, phone, medical bills, credit card debt, car payment, car insurance, and prescription drug costs since I have no medical insurance. I cannot pay to see doctors I need to in the interim. My husband is in the same position. He has a herniated disc and has lost his insurance at work and cannot be cleared to return to work because he needs surgery and without insurance he needs 25, 000 to repair the disk.
I was diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Hypotension Syndrome known as Pots Syndrome.... We truly need help. We do not know where to turn or what to do. Please help. I am praying for a miracle.... Thank you.
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