Foreclosure and mortgage assistance needed

People that need mortgage help.
The main NHPB site has more information on programs that help with a mortgage.
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Foreclosure and mortgage assistance needed

Post by tippermac »

Good Morning,
I'm so glad that there is help out there for me and people that are like me. I'm a working R.N., but I did not have work during the summer months which caused me to be unemployed. Last year I was unemployed also due to a breach in a job offer in Georgia. I moved to Georgia from Michigan in June 2009 and made a verbal agreement on the the phone with a home hospice company. Two days prior to starting the job the director that offered me the job stated on my answering machine" she could not hire me". I tried to contact her by phone and wanted to see her in person, but to no avail. My sister-in-law worked for the company and that's how I got the job; three days later she was laid off and unemployed too. It has been a struggle trying to catch up on bills, especially my credit card debts and my mortgage, and I am facing a foreclosure. My credit is not good due to being late I just need to catch up. If I can get $3,000 dollars it would be of great help. I'm also tring to get additional work to supplement my income. I work for an agency and the insurance is $480.00 a month, plus taxes. It takes a big chunk out of my paycheck. I recently tried to do a loan modifications, the payment prior to mortgage loan modifications was $623.00 and I paid taxes and insurance. Now it's 1219.00 a month!! If I can get some help I'm willing to work off the money. I moved back to Michigan to return to my prior employer. Please send a reply or resource for my situation Thank you and Happy Holidays to you
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Re: Foreclosure and mortgage assistance needed

Post by Admin »

Michigan has been hit hard by the housing crisis, and in particular has a weak economy. While it is tough, I guess the good news would be there are numerous mortgage and housing programs, and agencies that are trying to stop foreclosures. ... d_for.html
Try options like the MSHDA Rescue Refinance Program (313)964-1975.
There is also Mortgage and Foreclosure Assistance from the Michigan Hardest-Hit Fund, and counselors in Michigan provide mediation and counseling services.
If you use a private loan modification company, read the fine print!

tippermac wrote:Good Morning,
I'm so glad that there is help out there for me and people that are like me. I'm a working R.N., but I did not have work during the summer months which caused me to be unemployed. Last year I was unemployed also due to a breach in a job offer in Georgia. I moved to Georgia from Michigan in June 2009 and made a verbal agreement on the the phone with a home hospice company. Two days prior to starting the job the director that offered me the job stated on my answering machine" she could not hire me". I tried to contact her by phone and wanted to see her in person, but to no avail. My sister-in-law worked for the company and that's how I got the job; three days later she was laid off and unemployed too. It has been a struggle trying to catch up on bills, especially my credit card debts and my mortgage, and I am facing a foreclosure. My credit is not good due to being late I just need to catch up. If I can get $3,000 dollars it would be of great help. I'm also tring to get additional work to supplement my income. I work for an agency and the insurance is $480.00 a month, plus taxes. It takes a big chunk out of my paycheck. I recently tried to do a loan modifications, the payment prior to mortgage loan modifications was $623.00 and I paid taxes and insurance. Now it's 1219.00 a month!! If I can get some help I'm willing to work off the money. I moved back to Michigan to return to my prior employer. Please send a reply or resource for my situation Thank you and Happy Holidays to you
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Re: Foreclosure and mortgage assistance needed

Post by Rosser »

Information needed for out of work father with 3 teenage boys living in home. Electric is very high with the A/C leaking the coolant and, info on water pay help and housing help. Income is at $320 weekly from unemployment so, with mortage of 1254 monthly, everything else is a burdon. Live in the state of Missouri, Jefferson Country. ; living in Arnold Missouri. Paying on Cobra for my insurance with State help on kids insurance. Is there anything else that can be of assistance that I can look into. Credit Card's very low, just the cost of living is mainly the issue. Any advice or help of where to go, I'm looking forward to it.
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Re: Foreclosure and mortgage assistance needed

Post by Admin »

Probably the best option in Missouri is a HUD approved housing counseling agency. They can provide free foreclosure counseling and prevention tactics. While they more then likely can't advise on those health care and insurance issues, they have credit repair solutions, debt management programs, and even mortgage help and options for the unemployed among us. Call A HUD agency in Missouri, such as Homefree USA of Kansas City for more information. There # is 816-822-7241 ... couns.html
Rosser wrote:Information needed for out of work father with 3 teenage boys living in home. Electric is very high with the A/C leaking the coolant and, info on water pay help and housing help. Income is at $320 weekly from unemployment so, with mortage of 1254 monthly, everything else is a burdon. Live in the state of Missouri, Jefferson Country. ; living in Arnold Missouri. Paying on Cobra for my insurance with State help on kids insurance. Is there anything else that can be of assistance that I can look into. Credit Card's very low, just the cost of living is mainly the issue. Any advice or help of where to go, I'm looking forward to it.
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Re: Foreclosure and mortgage assistance needed

Post by sam1 »

Hi,I have been deal with Bank of America (BOA) for 17 months trying to fix the mess they put me into.They put me in a program I didn't want to be in,then when I wanted to be in it they said I didn't.They have caused many months of sleepless night and sent my credit score down from 790 to 530.I need help or everything I have worked for the last 20 years will be gone before the end of the year.Where do I go ? Don't send me too HOPE because they won't help at all.Thank you,
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Re: Foreclosure and mortgage assistance needed

Post by Admin »

Bank of America (BOA) offers various housing, mortgage, and foreclosure assistance programs. A good list of Bank of America mortgage assistance programs and solutions are on the main site. The main phone number is 1.800.846.2222. Ask about solutions such as Principal Reduction, suspension, loan modifications, and other solutions. They even work with HUD approved mortgage counselors.
sam1 wrote:Hi,I have been deal with Bank of America (BOA) for 17 months trying to fix the mess they put me into.They put me in a program I didn't want to be in,then when I wanted to be in it they said I didn't.They have caused many months of sleepless night and sent my credit score down from 790 to 530.I need help or everything I have worked for the last 20 years will be gone before the end of the year.Where do I go ? Don't send me too HOPE because they won't help at all.Thank you,
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Re: Foreclosure and mortgage assistance needed

Post by JohnNumber12 »

Hi I am not having any luck with any of the financial programs for mortgage, my partner was a hard working man and 3 months ago was diagnosed with skin cancer and is no longer able to work, we lived paycheck to paycheck, no money in bank, pockets, or anywhere, ever place i inquire about says they are out of funds or we have to prove we can pay our bills in order for them to help , which is downright ridiculous thing i ever heard, we are a disabled family of 2, i receive 465 ssi and John who was just diagnosed 2 months ago with the cancer got approved but will not receive a ssd check until after May 23rd. we are already 1 month past due on our mortgage with the next payment due on 20 coming right up then we will be in foreclosure and loose our home. , along with our dignity and possibly my lifelong partner. Why do sights list that they will help then make you feel shameful to ask only to be let down? if you seriously know of any sights that really do help those in dire need please let me know, i am getting so very discouraged and wonder just how are we going to be able to live in our home or get ready to live out in the streets, thank you, so sorry of my venting but its been a tough few weeks of let downs here. Our mortgage was never ever late or unpaid to last month when his paychecks stopped, our mortgage is 620.00
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Re: Foreclosure and mortgage assistance needed

Post by Admin »

That mortgage payment of $620 is very reasonable, especially when you consider the tax break you will receive at end of year from it. Usually a lender will not foreclosure from one or two missed payments, so you should have more time. Most people live paycheck to paycheck, and there is nothing wrong with that. Maybe try our main listing of mortgage programs, which can be found here at mortgage help and foreclosure assistance. We have options and solutions listed from all states, banks, and even national solutions. Explore our site and information and programs listed. Never feel shameful in asking for help, as millions of people are struggling these days.
JohnNumber12 wrote:Hi I am not having any luck with any of the financial programs for mortgage, my partner was a hard working man and 3 months ago was diagnosed with skin cancer and is no longer able to work, we lived paycheck to paycheck, no money in bank, pockets, or anywhere, ever place i inquire about says they are out of funds or we have to prove we can pay our bills in order for them to help , which is downright ridiculous thing i ever heard, we are a disabled family of 2, i receive 465 ssi and John who was just diagnosed 2 months ago with the cancer got approved but will not receive a ssd check until after May 23rd. we are already 1 month past due on our mortgage with the next payment due on 20 coming right up then we will be in foreclosure and loose our home. , along with our dignity and possibly my lifelong partner. Why do sights list that they will help then make you feel shameful to ask only to be let down? if you seriously know of any sights that really do help those in dire need please let me know, i am getting so very discouraged and wonder just how are we going to be able to live in our home or get ready to live out in the streets, thank you, so sorry of my venting but its been a tough few weeks of let downs here. Our mortgage was never ever late or unpaid to last month when his paychecks stopped, our mortgage is 620.00
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Re: Foreclosure and mortgage assistance needed

Post by Esparity »

I would like to introduce myself. I live in Fredon N.J. I have hit on hard times in my life. My family consists of my son who just came back from Colorado and has no license and is having trouble finding a job, my other son who is a vet technician who works but doesn't make much, and my mother who is 65 and not well. I have always worked. My last job I had for 5 years and in May of 2012 I got sick and had to go out on disability. After 5 month I was well enough to go back to work but when I tried I didn't have a job anymore, so after 9 months out of work I finally found one, but not making much. I have a heart problem, an ulcer, migraines, depression and possible raynounds syndrome (which are a circulation problem). Now I can't even get medical help because of no health insurance or money. My house in need of a lot of repairs, but I can deal with living like that. I have run out of heating oil a few times but again I keep it cool in the house and just wear warmer cloths. What I can't handle is the fact I tried to refinance my house back in March 2012 because of the high interest rate. I paid a lawyer in New York City only to find out now the firm is going out of business and even the BBB change them to F standings and they will not answer my phone calls. Now I am going into foreclosure. I am trying but nothing I do is working and so soon we will be homeless and I’m having other problems too. I am getting sicker over all this. I have applied for help and never hear anything. It’s hard for me to get anywhere because I have no car and now can't afford a car. There isn't even a lot of money for food anymore and I also have medical bill from being in the hospital for my heart. I haven't even starting going though and paying yet. Everyone in the house does the best we can do but I guess it’s not enough. Please if you can help or know anything I can do to keep my house and remain here (my mom is too old and too sick to move) until I can get back on my feet and take over my responsibly like I'm supposed to be doing for my family. I hate asking for help but I don't know what else to do. It is so hard to write everything down and explain it on paper because there is so much going on here, so I did my best. And now I'm out of oil and cold.
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Re: Foreclosure and mortgage assistance needed

Post by JohnsonC »

I am having a difficult time catching up with my mortgage payments and would like to find out more information about your writing program.
My mortgage payment has significantly dropped since last year, but I am at least one month behind, and despite the little extra I pay each month, it doesn't seem to make much impact in the big picture. The monthly late fees seem to negate any real progress.
I currently write online for a couple websites, but the low per word rate doesn't provide much return for the 10 to 12 hours I put into it each day. If you have alternative options, as your site implies, I'd like to explore them. I could use the money to pay my mortgage. I have tried different banks and govenrment foreclosure prevention programs but I never seem to qualify. Thank you.
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Re: Foreclosure and mortgage assistance needed

Post by Diego »

My house is going into foreclosure. I lived there 10 years, but got behind on mortgage. Then they wouldn’t allow me a modification because they didn’t see that I could keep up with any payments with having no income except child support from divorce. I currently have 4 kids & am pregnant with twins. Please point me in the right direction. I currently owe over $19,000 to even get house caught up.
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