Survivor of an assault

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Survivor of an assault

Post by Prentis »

I am a Kentucky resident, also a student at a Lexington University. On December 22, 2016 I became a victim of physical assault and robbery. Ended up at U of L hospital with a fractured left eye, right eye, and nose. But I am a survivor of this event.
On this tragic night I went to a park with a married guy I have known for years and a girl that he introduced as his sister. To some up the story I was set up they took my purse with my wallet in it which included My licenses, CPR card, money, credit cards and my reward cards from different stores. Also took my Samsung Galaxy pphone lus left me for dead.
After I was able to get up I got in my car I chased after them. I ended up running into a light pole I backed out of the light pole and tried my best to reach a safe place. My vision started to get blurry and I was not able to keep driving so I drove to Kroger waved down a guy and ask him to call the police, and ambulance. After being released, notifying the police everything that I knew, where I was and what all happened, what all was stolen, and the social media message that was sent to me while I was in the hospital. I went home made calls, canceled credit and debit cards, ordered a new iPhone 6 plus that I had to pay a 200 dollar replacement fee on, call my bank that my car loan is thru. Which they ended up putting a hardship on my account.
So I cannot if even I wanted to try and trade my car i. for the safety of myself the people have not been arrested yet. But I tried to trade my car in they said due to the hardship on my account they were unable to help me.
I found out that the two people used my credit card for two transactions I did not authorize so I also had to dispute those transactions. I was off work for 4 days and out of school for two weeks I had to email my dean of student services and notified him and my professors on what was going on with myself told them the full blown story and uploaded pictures of everything. I even had to drop out of one of my classes that started in bi term in the month of March.
On the count that I did not have the material for that class I ordered my books and supplies on Friday December 31, 2016 and since I had to dispute two other transactions my bank put my account under investigation so everything was sent back. And I got notified that they will determine if I get the money that I paid for my supplies back or not.
Attending back to work and school was a struggle I kept and still have anxiety attacks. I didn’t feel comfortable in my own home or out in public. I was not able to stay focused instead I would reenact all that happened that night. I started to blame myself for everything that was going and happening. I was not able and still not able to really sleep at night.
I have random breakdowns in the car while driving. I feel that they are going to pull up right beside me and something worst then this is going to happen to me. My detective has been great on keeping me posted with things I gave him everything that he asked for. All information that I knew and everything that I had. But even though he is keeping me posted and working hard on my case. But me personally I am a nervous wreck. This tragedy has a effected my life in so many ways more than one. Due to me having to drop a class it messed up my financial for school. So I have to appeal to get aid for summer of 2017 and the fall of 2017 for me to take classes. I had to explain why I had to drop the class, how I plan on achieving my goals and what is my plan of action.
I am not granted that they will accepted the appeal letter or not. If not then I am in a hole and have to sit out of school for possibly a whole two semesters. I have ten classes left until I get my ADN. It is just ten classes; I cannot stop now with my education that will depress Me even more then I am depressed now.
It is going to cost me 1,000 dollars deductible for my car to get fixed they are marking it as two claims. Plus I got put into even more debt than I was before. My EMS, EMERGENCY ROOM, EYE DOCTOR AMD ENT bill all came in the mail it rounded up t0 2,000 dollars. Then for me to go to my therapy sessions its 28 dollars every time I go see her. Even though I just started we went over what she felt I was diagnosed with and her reply was fear of my surrounding, fear of me being by myself, and PTSD. She feels that I need to be put on anxiety and anti-depressant medications.
I need help; I really do financially. With everything getting paid and on time. And hopefully help on relocating. I got a letter a couple weeks from the college. I wanted to go to the letter said due to space they were unable to accept me at this time. My feelings were hurt but I got into my second choice.
If I am able to get my appeal letter accepted for a scholarship to pay for school. I looked online for organizations, and scholarships, emergency funds for victims, and so much more. It is only one thing I found for me and that is the victim compensation which is to help pay for medical bills. But there is nothing that I heard of or read about for victims of violence crimes. Nothing for physical assault victims you have to be sexually assaulted or apart of domestic violence.
Me being a victim of assault I am just as important as them I went through trauma and still going thru trauma. I have not seen or heard about any type of assistance for victims in general. The scholarships, emergency funds and relocation funds along with organization donations and things are only for sexual assault victims and domestic violence victims. No scholarships to help me also be able to get a head in my dreams and goals to. Or a type of fund that helps victims like me get back on our feet.
I feel that victims like me do not get a chance to be heard. That organizations, government, and companies do not care if we are not in the two categories of sexual assault victims and domestic violence victims. Even though the girl that assaulted me while her brother who I later found out is her boyfriend on Maury show on live TV. Even though she did not go through with the assaulting me or killing me she had the intent to cause she asked me three times if she could turn me out. And I denied her three times and told her I do not like girls like that. It possibly triggered something in her to make her become violent. I still feel the same pain as someone being assaulted or in a domestic relationship, the pain, fear, night mares, depression, blame, guilt, along with numbness that they do.
Who hears victims like me? Who helps victims like me? I sometimes feel that I am a burden to people that love me and want to help me when all I am a burden to myself. I just want help financial for school and to get my car fixed and relocate along with get myself out of debt. The same treatment and opportunities with help and money just like in a sexual assault victim, and a domestic violence victim. And also for victims like myself to be heard and receive scholarships, emergency funds, organization donations, and a relocation funds just like other victims of crimes.
Thank you for reading I just need help with getting my bills caught up my car note and car insurance. Signed a victim of a assaulted but most important a survivor.
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Re: Survivor of an assault

Post by Marley »

To whom it may concern
I am a 42 year old survivor of domestic violence, assault, and looking for assistance. Last year I quit my job due to threats and my boss not doing anything. I had received unemployment but was told I maxed out. My daughter and I have been treading water trying to survive. Everywhere I contact I hit a brick wall or no response at all. I’m at a loss. I’ve lost so much hope in the system I don’t know what to do. I am still in the same apartment I shared with the devil. Although he is in prison now I stay in fear knowing he is from Corona. Not only was I a victim of DV assault I was also a victim of fraud. I’ve been fight to get money back but I have hit a wall also. I have lost everything. About to lose my apartment because I’m so behind and now I’m being harassed by the property manager. He has failed me in many ways and now takes advantage of my mental stat. Living in fear and anxiety isn’t helping me. I can’t afford basic needs let alone anything else. I can’t catch a break. I fight daily to stay on task but it’s becoming more and more harder. But I’m asking if you can guide me a survivor or an assault in the right direction. I have nothing to offer all I need is someone to help me so eventually I can get back up and be that strong independent woman I once was.
My health is depleting and so is my mental.
Thank you
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Re: Survivor of an assault

Post by Admin »

We are so sorry to read that. We are not sure where you are, but there are programs for financial help in all communities, counties, and cities. You can find them here for a directory of financial assistance programs.
Also, if you are a survivor of assault/abuse, there are also free hotline to be aware of. To ensure you are safe, get any counseling needed and similar support. The DV hotline is here.
Marley wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2023 6:54 am To whom it may concern
I am a 42 year old survivor of domestic violence, assault, and looking for assistance. L
Thank you
Lost my car
Rent far behind
Electric behind
Help please
Sent from my iPhone
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