Recovering from year of colon cancer and employer terminated me

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Recovering from year of colon cancer and employer terminated me

Post by Marthester5 »

Good afternoon,
My name is Jennifer.
I am a single mother who just finished a long year of Colon cancer and Chemotherapy, and then a rare form of Polyneuropathy, which limited my ability to walk and use my hands.
(All during Covid)
I was terminated by my place of employment, as they decided that they did not want to accommodate my Chemotherapy schedule.
Life has been so incredibly difficult since then, that I barely have it in me to get out of bed each day. I am lost and I am desperate to find out how I can get through.
I was able to get unemployment up until September.
My last chemotherapy treatment was late June, though- and I was given my job back by a different company that I had worked for prior to the one that terminated me for cancer.
One week after I started that job, I developed severe Polyneuropathy.
I could not control my hands or do any tasks that required much use of them without severe pain. I could walk but I had no concept of where my feet were in space and made me fall- A LOT.
I had extremely bad chemo brain, which left me unable to remember names, phone numbers, job instructions, and so much more.
I had to quit that job. But was told I was not eligible for disability because I was under 60 and could "technically" still work.
Unemployment ran out in September.
I'm high risk for Covid and terrified of the Vaccine, as I'm just now healing in my whole body. And trying to recover from the colon cancer.
I have, however, applied for over 60 jobs.
I lost my food stamp benefits today over a missing document that I actually sent to the state, but they have not processed yet.
I'm facing eviction, as my rent is not paid for October and car is about to be repossessed for November and December's payments. All those because my employer fired me.
Mt furniture is about to be taken because I'm late and my power bill is over 500 bucks.
I get 500 a month child support and that's all, and nothing from my employer when they fired me or non from disability from colon cancer.
I am at a loss.
Cancer was nothing compared to trying to find my way back into this suddenly cold and complicated world.
My adult son has offered my 13 year old son and I to share a room in his home.
This will work but only temporarily.
He's a 13 year old boy.
I don't know where to turn for help.
Council for the homeless/share paid a few months rent for me prior to September so they say I can get more help.
I have the ability to drive for lyft but no money for insurance or gas and like I said, I'm close to losing my cat.
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Re: Recovering from year of colon cancer and employer terminated me

Post by CamN »

I recently lost my job due to Covid and colon cancer. I have been looking for jobs in the market.
However the reason I fell back with my utility bills is because for almost more than a year my income was reduced due to reduction of hours.
I also lost my car due to unable to make payments and now my utilities are shut off that is the water and electric which are the main necessity and would appreciate help in getting caught up with my bills.
This is the first time I've ever faced such an issue. It's been tough living with colon cancer for a year and now having my employer terminate my job claiming covid slow down. I did apply for snap benefits also known as food stamps which finally was approved and also help for health insurance. I am thankful.
If I can get help pay my utilities and get my services turned back on then it would be a great help to me and when I get back to a constant income like it was before, I will def donate and do all I can to provide assistance for the help I need now so that tomorrow that will come in use to someone else.
Please assist and thank you.
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Re: Recovering from year of colon cancer and employer terminated me

Post by Admin »

That is a lot to deal with. There may be things you can do legally if your employee terminated you. As did you go on FMLA? Did your employer deny it? Etc. That is where maybe an attorney, who works on a volunteer or-bro bono basis, can help you. Learn more on, and find a find a free lawyer consultation.
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Re: Recovering from year of colon cancer and employer terminated me

Post by Cream »

Hi, was reading some material and got this web site to contact about getting help. I am disabled, recovering from colon cancer, my wife works but we never have enough to pay the bills and feed are 3 kids at home. I have heart and lungs conditions that keep me from doing a whole lot, but I am wanting to do something to help even though my employer terminated me after colon cancer. If there are any resources out there that fit, could you please send me them. I am an Ohio resident.
Thank you very much for you time in this matter
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