Dispute of child custody

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Dispute of child custody

Post by HollyJ »

I need the money for a Vehicle and to go from Green Bay Wisconsin to Topeka Kansas to get my son who is 2 years old. I'm a disabled Vet living with my parents who are in there 70's and living on a fixed income. I've been fighting disability for over 3 years. I have a lower spine injury. I can't wait 300 days for disability to either pay me or fight me which Binder & Binder says they are more than likely going to pay me when there dead line is up. I'm filing for full custody of my son as soon as I get back to Topeka Kansas and the VA will help me once I get back to Kansas.
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Re: Dispute of child custody

Post by HollyJ »

I'm a Veteran who has documented back injury. I have a severed disc in my lower spine thru the VA Hospital in Johnson County Kansas. If I have an operation 50/50 chance I will never walk again. My son who I was raising from the time of his birth until I came back to Kansas City because of family issues. I left my vehicle in Topeka with the mother of my son who then moved a boyfriend in our home in Topeka. Her new boyfriend left her recently. My ex girlfriend married him in the past too.
I have no were else to turn the VA only has limited resources to help. I have access to a home for me and my son as soon as I get him back to Green Bay Wisconsin. The VA has sources to help until I get my disability. I need this help to get my son he is living with who ever my ex girlfriend leaves him with mainly her sister who has other people living in her home now.
The thing that makes this even worse is my ex leaves my son at day care on a weekly basis because my ex refuses to walk 2 blocks at 8am or 9am in the morning before she goes to work at McDonalds. Not only that but the day care is questionable. Her sister lets my ex stay in her 2 bedroom home and my son sleeps on the floor. I need help bad this is not right my son is the only reason I’m asking. If it was just me I could wait for the disability but this is my 2 year old son. Please HELP.
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Re: Dispute of child custody

Post by Admin »

Some of the pro-bono law firms if Missouri will offer free legal advice for child custody disputes. They are listed here.
http://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html ... tance.html
There are several offices in Kansas City, so you should have a bunch of options available. But you also mention leaving for another state. That is often a big "no no" when it comes to child issues. But ask one of the attorneys for their thoughts.
HollyJ wrote:My son who I was raising from the time of his birth until I came back to Kansas City because of family issues. I left my vehicle in Topeka with the mother of my son who then moved a boyfriend in our home in Topeka. Her new boyfriend left her recently. My ex girlfriend married him in the past too.
Frank O
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Re: Dispute of child custody

Post by Frank O »

Good evening, I am reaching out to multiple agencies in desperate need of help. I have never asked for a hand out from anyone because I take great pride in supporting my children. I can’t tell you how hard it is to write this - to feel like I failed my children or let them down.
I guess I should give a little back story - I am a 34 year old mother of 4 all born before my 22nd birthday. I met their father at 15 and married him when I was 17. I spent 16 years with this man and all 4 are a product of that relationship. I did however get divorced 2 years ago and willingly sighed away everything to get sole custody of my children. That seems crazy I know but after spending 16 years being physically and mentally abused I only wanted my kids and my freedom. The joke was on me thought because over the course of those two years he would come anytime and flip ok for all my neighbors to see- 26 times my neighbors called the police and CPS on him but the end result was me getting evicted so the drama would end. Less than 3 months ago I and my kids became homeless - living in a hotel while trying to find a place. In that two months there was another 8 calls over him and we were asked to leave. There were 4 hotels in total that kicked us out in the couple of moths - honestly I don't blame then if I could I would.
I didn't know that he kept us constantly moving because he filed for emergency custody and he didn't want me served. My husband wanted me crawling back to him and did everything he could to make that happen - calling my work with lies to cost me a job - continually calling my family in an attempt to cut off any support I might find - my closest family member was three state away though so it was pointless but he wanted to ruin my life and there was no limit to how low he would go. The last part was the emergency hearing to take my kids - he knew the only way he would win was a default judgment and he was banking that would force my hand and I would come back. Two weeks ago all the effort to hurt me paid off and he received a default judgment for full custody and take away any visitation rights to see them.
I am only allowed to see them with his permission and even that has to be supervised. I am also only allow phone privileges with his approval and I was only granted that - three days ago on my youngest daughter’s birthday. The call was maybe 30 seconds - long enough to hear her cry and say all she wanted for her birthday is me. My husband snatched the phone back before I could try to comfort her knowing that would kill me. I am begging for any help at this point to get an attorney and bring my children home. Enclosed is just a few of the documents to prove that I am being completely honest about this situation. I am sorry to have to involve anyone in my issues but my children are more important than pride and I will do anything to bring them home. Thank you for taking the time to read.
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Re: Dispute of child custody

Post by Admin »

While not as common, some of the legal programs do help with child custody issues. There is such thing as free lawyer advice, and you can call around. But it is hard to find.
Maybe they will charge you based on your income...so you only pay a portion of the bill. So try those services for the child custody issues.
Frank O wrote: I didn't know that he kept us constantly moving because he filed for emergency custody and he didn't want me served. My husband wanted me crawling back to him and did everything he could to make that happen - calling my work with lies to cost me a job - continually calling my family in an attempt to cut off any support I might find - my closest family member was three state away though so it was pointless but he wanted to ruin my life and there was no limit to how low he would go. The last part was the emergency hearing to take my kids - he knew the only way he would win was a default judgment and he was banking that would force my hand and I would come back. Two weeks ago all the effort to hurt me paid off and he received a default judgment for full custody and take away any visitation rights to see them.
I am only allowed to see them with his permission and even that has to be supervised. I am also only allow phone privileges with his approval and I was only granted that - three days ago on my youngest daughter’s birthday. The call was maybe 30 seconds - long enough to hear her cry and say all she wanted for her birthday is me. My husband snatched the phone back before I could try to comfort her knowing that would kill me. I am begging for any help at this point to get an attorney and bring my children home. Enclosed is just a few of the documents to prove that I am being completely honest about this situation. I am sorry to have to involve anyone in my issues but my children are more important than pride and I will do anything to bring them home. Thank you for taking the time to read.
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Re: Dispute of child custody

Post by JetSkier »

I've been out of work for almost 4 months now. I'm fighting a custody battle worth my son's father in Texas which requires me to travel for both hearing dates and visitation. My son's father had not been proactive for most of his life and I allowed my son to stay with his father for the last school year with an understanding he we move back to Kansas for this school year.
He came and took my son and since my son had lived in Texas for more than a six month period we now have to fight for him to live with me as he had for 10 of his 11 years. I have 3 children in total and thus have fallen behind on bills and have received a letter of eviction if I do not pay. I've been praying and I need any help I can get.
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