Church programs for people living out of a car

People looking for general financial assistance.
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Church programs for people living out of a car

Post by Cuban1 »

Hello, I came across your website looking for financial assistance for rent from a church or charity. My husband and I have 4 beautiful children, 1 being disabled and are pregnant with the fifth. This year has been quite difficult as my husband got injured pretty badly at work and it put him out for 4 months. Due to this we are 4 months behind in bills and our landlord is not having that.
We live in a small country town with limited resources and help. Social services does not help with rent here nor does community action. We have been to every church here and they simply don't have the funds to help us. We are on edge of getting evicted and we have no family or anyone willing to take in a family of soon to be 7.
With nowhere to go we would have to live out of our car, I cannot have any of my children especially my disabled daughter in that kind of situation due to her mental state. On top of that it’s been snowing and pretty cold here and my heater in my car does not work. I would just like to know if there's ANY way you at the church can help. It would be greatly appreciated by a family in great need. Thank you very much and hope you have a good day. God bless.
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Re: Church programs for people living out of a car

Post by Admin »

Churches may have an on site shelter for you and your kids to stay warm. If you are lucky, there may be a few that offer financial aid too. Locate some suggestions on programs as well as churches that assist with rent. Now as far as why you are pregnant with yet another kid when you clearly can't afford the count them 4 you already have, that is a serious issue that you need even more help from. You need serious advise on budgeting, etc. as you have now sadly entered all those kids into your cycle of poverty.
Cuban1 wrote:Hello, I came across your website looking for financial assistance for rent from a church or charity. My husband and I have 4 beautiful children, 1 being disabled and are pregnant with the fifth. This year has been quite difficult as my husband got injured pretty badly at work and it put him out for 4 months. With nowhere to go we would have to live out of our car, I cannot have any of my children especially my disabled daughter in that kind of situation due to her mental state. On top of that it’s been snowing and pretty cold here and my heater in my car does not work. I would just like to know if there's ANY way you at the church can help. It would be greatly appreciated by a family in great need. Thank you very much and hope you have a good day. God bless.
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Re: Church programs for people living out of a car

Post by Southwest1 »

I am seeking help for somewhere to live in mid-December for me and my 2 and 4 year old boys. I am 31 years old. I left the boy’s father (my soon to be ex-husband) almost 2 years ago due to domestic violence. We've been living in church run shelters or in our car, and now at a friend’s home. But no longer can stay with the friend. In longer we can live with our friend in mid-December.
I was told of a program where my kids and I can be placed in a hotel for several months while I search for a job.
I would like to look for a job as soon as my boys and I have a place to live besides this church, that is my goal,
Please help us,
Thank you.
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