How much can I get paid by writing

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How much can I get paid by writing

Post by WSapp »

I just read your very informative website and was so impressed with everything you had to offer people. I was especially impressed with the fact that you seemed to target an area that most employers leave out these days, however I must say there has been a resurgence lately that senior citizens have a certain something to offer employers that the younger generation has yet to learn. What are those things you might ask, well first of all we come from a time where integrity and dependability were a must. We took pride in our work no matter how big or small the task and believed a happy customer meant a returning customer. As for me I have a wealth of experience, I have done just about everything from the most unrewarding work a young woman could do for very little money all the way up to management and eventually to business owner. I love people and especially enjoyed watching people succeed. I grew up in a time when people expected to retire at 55 but by the time I reached 50 that changed to 62 now even that is impossible with the economy. People just can’t survive on Social Security these days and for people like me I got my pink slip just a couple of years before I was fully vested and therefore did not get a full retirement package. So here I am trying to figure out how to survive as I have been left with an adult disabled son to care for that has proven to be more expensive then I ever imagined. His father decided that he just didn’t want to spend his retirement days having to care for an adult child so he left me after 30 years of marriage which added to my financial problems. Now I am struggling to hang on to my home of 25 years that I raised my children in. I have used every dime I had to pay for medicines my son needed after he had a massive heart attack because he didn’t have insurance at that time. Life has been very difficult for me but I have always been a fighter having beat breast cancer myself at the age of 40 and the devastating effects of a heart condition at the same time. I am sure I would be an asset at writing articles about the issues of today, tomorrow and yesterday as there is always something to talk about, there is always something that someone doesn’t know about and there is always something that someone wants to know about. I have so many interest such as the things the wives go through when their husbands come home from war and they realize that the man they kissed goodbye and sent away came back as someone else and now he has this thing called PTSD and your life as you once knew it is now a living hell. I have personal knowledge of the difficulties of what it is like to be a parent of an adult child with mental illness and people treat you like it is your fault when things go wrong. They have no idea how hard it is to navigate through a medical system that tells you to do something and then blocks your every effort to do it. My knowledge base is far and wide because I have lived a long time, not all of that time has been easy , not all of that time has been bad but what I can say every step of the way I have learned something along the way and the most important thing I have learned that when you can give of yourself to someone else , when you can serve even in some small way it just makes you a better person, it heals you from the inside out. I get up every day and remind myself that today I will remember to smile at a stranger, to say hello to someone sitting alone because I might be the only person that day or that week or that month that has even acknowledged them in any way at all, nothing is worse then to feel invisible. So remember to smile at someone today!!! Oh yea!! do you think you might have a job for me writing for you? I really need to make a little money cause that might just put a smile on this old gal’s face today.
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Re: How much can I get paid by writing

Post by Fiona »

I am interested in your request for writers of articles for your website. I am recently divorced after a 21 year marriage, a mother of two and a full time college student struggling to provide for my children. I have had a passion for writing since I was a child in 5th grade. I have also been active in my church helping and teaching our teens and volunteering at my children's school on a regular basis.
I would appreciate your consideration in allowing me to work for you. I have attached a sample of my writing, which I hope you enjoy. I appreciate your time and consideration.
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Re: How much can I get paid by writing

Post by Admin »

The pay for writing an article really varies. It can maybe be $10 to $30 per article, depending on who hires you, how many words they need, etc. Of course quality is imperative. So there is no way someone can rely on this for a large income, but it can help supplement an income or maybe be equivalent to a part time job. Writing from home is not a sole source of income....Here is more information. ... icles.html
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