Los Angeles

People looking for general financial assistance.
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Los Angeles

Post by Markkiop1 »

Can someone please tell me about the different place to go in LA? I need electric bill help, help with groceries, my water bill, and help paying rent. Basically everything.
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Re: Los Angeles

Post by Admin »

Markkiop1 wrote:Can someone please tell me about the different place to go in LA? I need electric bill help, help with groceries, my water bill, and help paying rent. Basically everything.
Here is a listing of assistance programs in both California, as well as a link to places in Los Angeleses.

http://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html ... grams.html
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Re: Los Angeles

Post by Kids »

My fiancee and I need approximately 1.5 thousand dollars just to get caught up on bills/ find a new home. Both of our cars were stolen causing us to miss work. The same man who stole our cars also stole over 1,500 dollars from us over a period of about 2 weeks. We have both had to get title loans on our vehicles and we are now facing having our power turned off, eviction, and repossession of both vehicles. We also have three young children living in the home that we are about to lose. I don't know what else to do at this point.
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Re: Los Angeles

Post by JackieB »

I am 52 & Permanently Disabled. Live in Los Angeles County, CA 1.Most important right now, is my Refrigerator is broken & growing mold, etc. I desperately need help with obtaining a new refrigerator & hauling the current one out. 2. I was approved for Medi-Cal, but was told I have to pay $1,000.00 each month toward my medical bills before Medi-Cal will pay any remaining bal. I receive about $1680.00 per month of which I have to pay $1600 for rent! Not sure how to stretch the $80.00 that is left to cover food, utilities & $1,000.00 for medical needs. I am on over 15 medications, several are for neurological damage! So, I need help in getting these meds. 3. It would mean a lot to me to be able to continue to see my primary doctor & my Neurologist that have worked closely with me on multiple medical issues, so I need help to pay the cost of office visits to them. 4. I was supposed to have labs drawn, but have no way to pay for this. I have to have labs drawn on a regular basis to monitor some of my illnesses and/or medications. 5. I applied for & just received a letter saying I was approved for food stamps/Calfresh program. The letter states I will receive $17.00 per month to use for food. I will do my best, however, I feel most people would be challenged to keep their food costs at or less than $17.00 a month! 6. I am in desperate need of dental work. All top teeth were removed last July & I received upper dentures. Since then, I have lost 3 teeth on my lower jaw & the top dentures will no longer stay in place due to the loss of teeth & due to frequent weight gain & loss. All the above due to Medical Conditions. I need to have some or all the lower teeth removed & because of the frequent changes to my body, I need 1-2 teeth implants on each side & top & bottom, so that dentures can be attached to something that would keep them in place. I am told that implants are considered cosmetic, however, in my case, they will make a difference in my ability to eat properly or not & I have already had 3 infections on my lower mouth due to teeth breaking, falling out, etc etc. I have a compromised immune system, so these dental issues are very detrimental to my health.

I could go on & on! My world has totally changed since August 2012 & this new world is confusing, degrading, humiliating, etc. I was an RN making very good money before my injuries. I am not very materialistic, but it truly is sad that when a person gets to this point, nobody cares. So, I could stop seeing doctors, not fill my prescriptions, not get labs done, let my refrigerator continue to grow all kinds of mold, etc, let my teeth continue to slowly fall out & limit my food consumption to liquids! Of course, that’s if I don't get killed off first by untreated oral infections or any of the things mentioned above. I'm really not a mean person, but I am In so much pain & desperation and it's difficult adjusting to "begging" for help & often not even thrown a "crumb". Would be nice if there was someone that really would listen & could help me, instead of speaking with one cold hearted person after another. Thank you for your time, if this is an actual legit webpage. If not...well, at least I got to vent, so thanks for that!
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Re: Los Angeles

Post by Admin »

That is quite an extensive listing of needs. We do have them all covered though. Los Angeles does have local assistance for your food, utility, and rent needs. For the medications you requests, try a national prescription assistance program. You are not begging. Many people are struggling with this weak economy. Just continue to fight and plow ahead. Eventually you will get a break. But in the meantime, we do have information on help for you. Find help in Los Angeles County.
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Re: Los Angeles

Post by Bradshaw1 »

To whom it may concern,
I am experiencing difficulty paying my bills. I sometimes skip a bill each month but that’s not a solution. My electric bill and my oil bill is too big for me to handle now. The electric company says I can have a deal and pay $305.00 / month and that’s it service will be discontinued if I don't find a way to pay them the $680. The oil bill is over $700 and I got $200 from a friend to keep my plan.
I am a disabled nurse since February 2013 and live in Los Angeles. I get Social security income which is about 1/3 of the income I need to pay bills, eat, keep and maintain my old car. I need info on how to get assistance. I am trying to start a internet home business because I know I need to make at least $1,200 more per month to survive.
For 4 months my family has been feeding me. I have many medical problems and I take 13 different medications daily. I have sleep apnea and I need the electricity to stay on for using CPAP machine at night. Medicare compliance states it must be used every night.
I have many Doctor visits and the only insurance that covers my needs is AARP Medicare supplemental which is $255 month. Medicare is $104 / month and medication insurance is $43.00 month. I have car insurance which I need. I have some credit card bills. Bill collectors are calling.
My past mortgage modification resulted in decrease of only $100 / month. The mortgages are about $10,800 behind. We can't skip it or be late or it goes into foreclosure. I stay we because my sister lives with me. She and her husband does not make as much money as I did when I was working. The also pay 1/2 the mortgages - $2851.96 month = $1425.98 plus about 10 or 12 fee to pay by phone call to make sure they get it by the last day of the month. They have medical problems and many co-pays and bills. Please advise.
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Re: Los Angeles

Post by Admin »

As you probably saw from this string we have many financial aid programs listed for Los Angeles. However it looks like your need is specifically around electric and utilities. If so, they try this for support. http://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html ... assis.html
If you were a nurse, there may be some focus on assisting people like you as that type of job gives back to the community. But as far as needing power to start a home internet business, the utility programs will not help with that. They only support residential customers in Los Angeles County.
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Re: Los Angeles

Post by Hightower »

I'm currently staying by myself. I am going to school right now and I am looking for work. I have only the utilities to pay for where I'm staying and at first I thought I would be able to take care of them. I'm 33 years old and I do have 4 children.
As of right now because of my schedule my oldest (I’ve had her by myself since she was 6 months old) is living with my mom. My other children stay with their mothers but I do have them over. I just want to be able to provide a space for me to be able to interact with my children. I stay at Los Angeles CA, 90047.
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