Veterans widow

People looking for general financial assistance.
Also look here for programs on the main NHPB site for local financial help.
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Vina Sky
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Veterans widow

Post by Vina Sky »

Regarding: Urgent Response Widow of Veteran/Ready to Lose Everything
I just spent slouch time, typing this letter. I accidentally deleted it. I am under so much stress & so ill. I cannot even try to type the again.
I have just gone through the most horrific tragedy of my lifetime. My Husband of 22 years, I lost Him on July 15th, of a massive heart attack. He was receiving S.S. disability since the end of 2017. As well as His retirement for the Air National Guard, when He turned 60, Unemployment of 2016. He had 2 major back surgeries & could barely walk. I was forced to just work part time, because He needed me & I was commuting an hour & half each way every day. I could not even leave my house for 2 weeks, from the deepest grief & pain indescribable.
When I finally made the necessary phone calls, I learned now I was also in the worst financial crisis if my life. Under Greg’s S.S. DISABILITY, I Learned, the surviving Spouse had to be 60 years old to receive His benefits. I am 64 years old & under the Air National Guard, I will receive $338 per month. However, it will take a minimum of three months to receive the first check. So immediately. I lost our income & I am not asking for a hand out.
I am desperately trying to regain my health & mental health back. My part-time employer, could no longer hold my job. So I do not know where to turn. My church & family assisted me in paying my mortgage & bills for August, but I have less than 2 weeks to pay my mortgage of $939.00. Wells Fargo. Took everything we had in savings & retirement back in 2009-2012, continued to promise us modifications. Until they took everything we had & tried to foreclose. So please understand, I have nothing left to turn to. I had to borrow money from my Son the funeral. Unfortunately, I learned the VA only will give emergency assistance to Air National Guard Reserves "IF YOU WERE DEPLOYED IN A WAR OR IF YOU SERVED 12 MONTHS CONSECUTIVELY". Sour tonight, I got on the Internet & did a search and found this e-mail address.
I am praying, it reaches someone. Because, I do not qualify for anything & again......I do not want a hand out. I just need someone to assist me, until I can get on my feet medically, and I will be able to do whatever it takes to pay my mortgage. At this point, food is not a factor. I have not been able to keep food down, since I lost my Husband. The pain & suffering from the loss was hard enough, now I am faced with a financial crisis that I have no one -nor- do I know of a resource to immediately assister me with. It is extremely sad, my Husband served 22 years in the Air National Guard & the VA is set up, where "He or I ate not eligible for all the assistance that is out there, because Greg was not deposit in a war.....but giver 22 years of his life???
I am sorry, but I am sad, mad, I have cried, fallen apart & on the verge of losing everything we have worked for all our lives & all I need is 3-4 months of someone or some agency to assist.
Please. Of you are not the one I beg you to let me know as soon as possible. You can reach me.
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Re: Veterans widow

Post by Admin »

There are some state of California veteran assistance programs. Find them here. ... tance.html
It is unfortunate how maybe they do not get the care and support they need, such as VA medical care, delays in benefits, etc. Veterans and those who serve deserve top notch service and support.
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