Sick and now behind on other bills

People who need medical bill assistance.
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Sick and now behind on other bills

Post by Patl »

Hi, I happend upon your site by dumb luck.I lost my husband of 22 years in 2004 to lung cancer.I had my 1st mamogram in Feb.2011.I have breast cancer and I am scheduled for surgery April 15 2011. I need help. I am in South Carolina and there is nothing in the county where I live.I need help paying the utilities,my refridgerator is going to break down any day,my car is on it's last few miles and has over 265,000 miles on it, and I don't know where the money is going to come from so I'll have the gas it's going to take to get to radiation treatments that will be 5 days a week for 8 weeks. I live 110 miles round trip from the treatment center.I am ready to cancel my surgery and just let the cancer run it's course.I do get medicaid for which I am greatful.I've even gone to the local Salvation Army and I was told they do not have a social worker in this county and I was also told they have no funds. Another place here,Wateree Community Action told me there isn't any LIHEAP program here and they were out of funds too. I even called a place that helps cancer patients located in Charlotte,N.C.and they aren't even taking any more applications from breast cancer patients. So you can see why I'm ready to just call off my surgery on April 15th and just let the cancer run it's course and do what it's goin to do. No one knows just how down I am, or how low I feel. They all have their own problems and I'm a nobody to add to their troubles. I know there are alot of people out there worse off than I am, so if I don't hear anything from you I understand. Thank you for your time. You have a very nice website too. It is easy to understand and easy to navigate too. Respectfully
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Re: Sick and now behind on other bills

Post by Admin »

Thank you for the comments on the site. Some feedback is it can be hard to navigate, so it is good to hear some positive information. The team and I are always looking to improve it.
I am sorry to hear about your cancer. Whatever you do please try to go ahead with the treatments. Health is the most important thing in life. For example, who cares about the refrigerator when your health is at risk. Where exactly do you live in South Carolina...just county or city? I did not catch that from the information below.
In the meantime, try this resource. It lists programs and agencies by SC county. There are many more options then just the Salvation Army, but it is great that you called them. Also use the medical bill links on the left margin as there are financial assistance programs and grants for cancer patients. Medications, help for utilities, rent, etc. ... _prog.html
Patl wrote:Hi, I happend upon your site by dumb luck.I lost my husband of 22 years in 2004 to lung cancer.I had my 1st mamogram in Feb.2011.I have breast cancer and I am scheduled for surgery April 15 2011. I need help. I am in South Carolina and there is nothing in the county where I live.I need help paying the utilities,my refridgerator is going to break down any day,my car is on it's last few miles and has over 265,000 miles on it, and I don't know where the money is going to come from so I'll have the gas it's going to take to get to radiation treatments that will be 5 days a week for 8 weeks. I live 110 miles round trip from the treatment center.I am ready to cancel my surgery and just let the cancer run it's course.I do get medicaid for which I am greatful.I've even gone to the local Salvation Army and I was told they do not have a social worker in this county and I was also told they have no funds. Another place here,Wateree Community Action told me there isn't any LIHEAP program here and they were out of funds too. I even called a place that helps cancer patients located in Charlotte,N.C.and they aren't even taking any more applications from breast cancer patients. So you can see why I'm ready to just call off my surgery on April 15th and just let the cancer run it's course and do what it's goin to do. No one knows just how down I am, or how low I feel. They all have their own problems and I'm a nobody to add to their troubles. I know there are alot of people out there worse off than I am, so if I don't hear anything from you I understand. Thank you for your time. You have a very nice website too. It is easy to understand and easy to navigate too. Respectfully
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Re: Sick and now behind on other bills

Post by gibbs »

I’m not finding anyone who can help me.
I have been turned away from United Way, the Salvation Army number I found in St. Joseph told me they couldn't help because of where I live and Catholic Charities didn't have funding available.
Can you please help me find someone in Northwest Missouri to help.
We have lots of medical bills from my son’s back surgery and on an already strained budget we’re in dire need!
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Re: Sick and now behind on other bills

Post by Admin »

A good place for so called one stop shopping for information is a community action agency. There are across Missouri, so there most be one in your town. We would have it noted on the site, and the information is here. ... _agen.html
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Re: Sick and now behind on other bills

Post by Kackie »

To whom it may concern,
I am looking for anyone who may be able or willing to help me or point me in the direction of someone who can help. I want to first start out by telling you about my family and myself, how we got to the point of needing help and then what it is we need help with.
To begin. I am 25 years old, very sick, and had my son at the age of 17 years old. I was raised to take ownership of my own actions and to take credit for any indiscretions or mistakes I may have caused. Being so young and having to grow up and start taking responsibility and caring for another human being was one of the hardest things I have experienced. I struggled to provide for my son partially due to getting no help from his father. Shortly after I gave birth to my son, in 2007, I underwent a couple of surgeries. For several years after that I had several more medical complications.
Finally, in 2013, I was given a diagnosis of (MSK) Medullary Sponge Kidney. MSK is a birth defect of the tubules inside the kidneys were tiny sacs or cysts form and cause kidney stones and (UTI) urinary tract infections. There is no treatment or cure to get rid of these cysts which leaves treatment focus on curing the UTI's, removing the kidney stones and trying to prevent any future infections. This condition has greatly affected me both emotionally and physically. And has made it very difficult for me to keep or hold a long term job.
As well as receiving my diagnosis of extreme sickness in 2013, I also met my husband. He is truly an amazing man. He took on the responsibility of me having a medical disability/illness as well as my son, a child that was not his. He has raised and loved my son as if he was his very own child and has sacrificed a large portion of his life in an attempt to give Jaydon and myself a better life then we had. He and I got married in 2012 as well as the birth of our daughter. Due to the poor economy and lack of jobs here in the Indiana area, my husband headed to North Dakota to work the oil fields. Since he was able to make such a better income in North Dakota, he stayed there and continued to work, to provide for me and the kids, despite the fact that he once again sacrificed his own wants or needs. He stayed there for almost two years and was only able to come home every 6-8 weeks for a week at a time, so he ended up missing out on a great deal of watching his daughter grow up.
I then became very sick, again due to my illness, and him being over 800 miles away and being unable to help, me with my medical or with the kids, just became too difficult for us so he had to leave his job and come home. While having him back home has been wonderful and was greatly needed, we had to take a huge loss in income. Since Augusut, when he came home, he has worked odd and end jobs here and there but has not been successful in obtaining full-time/long term employment. And has now been unemployed again since the end of October.
With absolutely no income coming in, we have gotten behind with our bills and are finding ourselves in an even harder spot. We have exhausted all our resources such as family and friends that can help us and are now at a cross roads. My husband is currently trying to get started on his CDL through Sage Trucking in Blackfoot with the help from Voc Rehab. And will then get help with job placement after he completes the course. However the class is a period of 4 weeks long so he will still not receive a paycheck for another few weeks after that when he has been placed with a company and has started working.
This now brings me to what I am seeking help on. We are currently in the 2nd week of December and have been unable to pay our rent for this month. We have also gotten 2 months behind on both our Power and Gas bills. While our landlord is being very understanding and patient, he will not hold off much longer especially with the next month’s payment coming due in just a few weeks. With all these hurdles and financial hardships we are also dealing with the fact that we have been unable to prepare for Christmas for our kids. The thought of them having no Christmas truly breaks my heart. They are two great kids and they do not deserve to wake up Christmas morning to nothing, thinking that Santa forgot about them.
While we have had our share of struggle and hardships we have always worked our hardest to do the right thing. And have never depended on or expected to have anyone else bail us out. But we now face a time that asking for help is our last hope. It takes a great amount of strength, courage and hope for me to ask a complete stranger for help. But I'm trying to put my pride aside, for my kids and reach out to my community in hopes that someone, anyone can help us or at least point us in the direction of someone who may be able to help us in this time of need. Anything would help us right now, whether it be helping us with all or a portion of our rent payment or even just a gift for our kids to have under the tree Christmas morning. Anything would be greatly appreciated and would help in so many ways. I figure that all I can do is ask for help, then hope and pray that we are blessed with a miracle this Christmas.
God Bless you and Happy Holidays to you all,
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Re: Sick and now behind on other bills

Post by Admin »

That is some list/background on your surgeries, bills, etc. But you had a sone, which is a blessing.
Those diagnosis, of (MSK) Medullary Sponge Kidney and other conditions sound challenging too. You may need to work with an expert. We recommend a Medical billing advocate for advice.
Kackie wrote: Being so young and having to grow up and start taking responsibility and caring for another human being was one of the hardest things I have experienced. I struggled to provide for my son partially due to getting no help from his father. Shortly after I gave birth to my son, in 2007, I underwent a couple of surgeries. For several years after that I had several more medical complications.
Finally, in 2013, I was given a diagnosis of (MSK) Medullary Sponge Kidney. MSK is a birth defect of the tubules inside the kidneys were tiny sacs or cysts form and cause kidney stones and (UTI) urinary tract infections. There is no treatment or cure to get rid of these cysts which leaves treatment focus on curing the UTI's, removing the kidney stones and trying to prevent any future infections. This condition has greatly affected me both emotionally and physically. And has made it very difficult for me to keep or hold a long term job.
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