Overdraft fees

If you need help with paying debt, including credit cards, car loans and medical debt.
Also look here for the main NHPB site and programs that help reduce debt.
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Michael W
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Overdraft fees

Post by Michael W »

I had to undergo back surgery with only a weeks’ notice at the beginning of May for a herniated disc and have been off work since. I work for 2 small companies so I had no access to Aflac, vacation time or anything like that. My husband works for a scrap yard and at the same time was cut to 32 hours a week for 5 weeks (all overtime had been cut the previous 2-3 months).
We have my two children as well as custody of my husband’s niece and nephew that we took in 3 years ago due to their father being in and out of their lives on drugs and their mom relapsing and seeking out treatment (which she has recovered, on her feet and trying to get her life back together though we will remain custodians of them for the foreseeable future).
It has been very rough to keep up with our bills. So we turned to Overdraft on our checking. As we are fighting shut off notices, our automatic payments that withdraw from our account constantly putting it in the negative and have paid over draft fees heavily every week. We are now $1000 negative in our account, my husband is only bring $430 home a week, our bills run about $3000/mo., we haven't qualified for food assistance through the state since last November due to my husband’s raise (and overtime at that time) so we lost $700/month for food.
It's been hard enough recovering from that even still with 4 kids and now losing around $1500-2500/month from my income. We have no way to pay this upcoming months’ rent of $575 (let alone other bills, utilities, etc.) and the local assistance programs can't help because we don't have an eviction notice. Our families have helped as much as they can and we've sold whatever we could including my wedding rings & anniversary band just to try to keep food on the table, gas in the vehicles to get to work and pay whatever bills we can.
My husband is a hardworking blue collar man who gave up being able to have children of his own to be with me due to my hysterectomy in 2008 from a blood clot that ran from my hip to my ankle causing a pulmonary embolism that almost killed me so it resulted in a hysterectomy. Instead, he raises 4 children from 2 other men which provide no support whatsoever to help. I'm former military that served from 1997-2012 and work two office jobs that allow me to have a flexible schedule for the kids’ sake when one is ill, has an appointment or needs anything. I'm to return to work next week but won't receive a paycheck until the middle of July and given that one company is a family owned landscaping company, they are only having me work 10-15 hours a week instead of my normal 25-30 and the other job 10-15 a week so even though I will be working, I'll be bring home less than half to half of what I was prior to the surgery.
I've called every company, organization, church and applied for every type of assistance that I can to no avail, or just relief on the fees. We're not asking for thousands of dollars only help to keep a roof over our children's head with functioning utilities, food in their bellies, vehicles to transport us to work and them to where they need to be that have working brakes (mine are going out) and to be able to have a few dollars in the bank so we can stop paying massive amounts of overdraft fees. We also don't expect one charity to do it all but we'd appreciate any assistance from anyone and fully believe in paying it forward.
We are and have always truthfully been the kind of people who will give someone our last dollar if they needed it more than we did. Even if we are not selected for help from your organization, we appreciate you taking the time to read this and at least consider our family. Thank you and God Bless.
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Re: Overdraft fees

Post by Flavor »

I'm disabled my wife also. She has no medical or SSI. She has no help so we got behind because of my medical bills, overdraft fees and other problems.
We need help on property taxes, credit card debts water electric and medical for wife. We need house repair;we don't know what to do I get 1287 a month. My bank account is in overdraft 400 to 500 dollars every month. I have got custody of my granddaughter 17 years old finally got SSI for her 400 a month. But until it started it added to debt.
Also state hospital dropped off her dad here. Don't know why he is mentality off. He says he will not do nothing until we give him his million dollars we have. He stole our water bill money and says someone came in and took it. He is a burden on us. His wife won't let him come home. They are both heavy drug users. He's been stealing ever since he has been here 4 months. Can't prove it but money is gone been here 14 years. Nothing missing until he got here. Sheriff says he is not treating no one or his self-can’t do anything. We can't pay our bills or get medical for wife. Please help.
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Re: Overdraft fees

Post by Jillian »

I lost my job in March and have been trying very hard to pay my bills however I cannot pay my rent for April and my utilities are 500 due March 20th. I have a lot of bills and debts and overdraft fees that need to be paid and all are necessities not wants such as cable or telephone. Anything will help us we were faced with a three day pay or vacate last month and I was able to pay that plus the late fee.
I got overdrawn in my bank account and since then everything keeps giving me overdraft fees and it's draining any funds I have. The bank is so unfair. I have to drive my daughter to kindergarten and pick her up and I have not had enough gas to even get her there. I am actively looking for work. I've never received any emergency assistance or grants but right now I'm facing losing our house and transportation and have nowhere to go if that happens. I'm willing to work, volunteer anything I have to do to save our house. Thank you.
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Re: Overdraft fees

Post by Admin »

Overdraft fees are tough. That is how banks make billions each year (aggregate). The best option is to try a non-profit credit counseling agency near you. Maybe they can break the cycle of fees, negotiate a payment plan, or get you other relief - assistance with the overdraft fees.
Jillian wrote:I got overdrawn in my bank account and since then everything keeps giving me overdraft fees and it's draining any funds I have. The bank is so unfair. I have to drive my daughter to kindergarten and pick her up and I have not had enough gas to even get her there. I am actively looking for work. I've never received any emergency assistance or grants but right now I'm facing losing our house and transportation and have nowhere to go if that happens. I'm willing to work, volunteer anything I have to do to save our house. Thank you.
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Re: Overdraft fees

Post by Grandpa »

I’m a single mother of 2. I am currently living with my parents and am going through an ugly divorce. Me and my 2 daughters a left with nothing and I have no money for Christmas toys, food, or the bills. I even over drafted my account now I have fees due. I am currently working in a sales position completely based on commission and I’m lucky to make 160.00 a week. My girls are uses to getting everything on their Christmas wish list and I don’t want to ruin the magic of charismas for them by explaining that mommy is actually Santa :( I am in desperate need of assistance paying off debt and fees this year and I don’t know what else to do as I do not want to overdraft again. I’ve never had to ask for help so I’m really not sure how this works. Thank you for all you can do if anything...
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