Car Insurance Bills and car payments

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Car Insurance Bills and car payments

Post by jenneifermegan »

My car payment is due soon. What can I do? I need assistance with paying it, as the car insurance bills and payments are way too high.
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Refinance your car loan

Post by gerry.heffer »

Many people may not know this, but you can refinance your car loan. Just like your house. You can lower the interest rate you pay, and can save hundreds of dollars over the life of the car loan. You can look into this.
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Re: Car Insurance Bills and car payments

Post by KKaufmann »

I am a Quality Mental Health Professional, and I am writing on behalf of a client. She needs assistance with furniture and getting her car repaired. I am hoping that you could either help us with this resource or lead us to someone who can help us with these resources. I thank you in advance and hope to hear from you soon.
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Re: Car Insurance Bills and car payments

Post by Namco »

I fell a little behind on car insurance $200 and car payment $200 and my car has those little machines that shuts your car off after one month of no payment. I am in College and really need my car to be able to get to school & get to modeling work when called to audition. I've gotten several paying modeling jobs in a couple months. It is all bad timing at the moment. I don't have my parents to help me. I am alone. I hope I can find help.
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Re: Car Insurance Bills and car payments

Post by Takesomething »

I am 22 years old. I've got shot when I was 19 years old. It's very hard for me to work because of that. I haven't finished school because I've been homeless ever since I've got shot. I've lost confidence on doing anything. I'm in Phoenix Arizona. Please contact me ASAP. I was stupid and got a vehicle & now I can't afford it. No job I've been looking for assistance on getting an apartment. I'm lonely, need help. Please. I need somebody to give me the chance to live my life & finish school before I turn 25 and then it's too late. I'm writing off wifi that I'm receiving from somebody in the area. So if I don't respond it's because I don't have Internet access. Ill attempt to check my email everyday.
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Re: Car Insurance Bills and car payments

Post by JohnsonC »

Hi, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor five and a half years ago. I go to treatment Proton Therapy and I have several doctors I get injections in the back of my head as well I have been trying to get help in between treatments. I stay in my car in between. I cannot get financial assistance to help me pay some rent until I get by. I've applied for food stamps about 4 weeks ago and I have not been able to get that as of yet.
I have a dollar to my name. I've even written the governor in reference to my car as I have a car payment I cannot afford. I had my car before I was diagnosed with this monster tumor. I even written the governor about my car payment as it is outrageous dollar amount a month because my car payment is 475 .00 dollars a month. I also need to pay the insurance. His response was to find me Legal aide which was great but all they did was look over the paperwork and tell me there was nothing that they can do and still no results.
I am on disability and my checks is only $932. I am blessed don't get me wrong but $104.00 comes out for Medicare and $475 comes out for car payment. Then I have insurance for the car not to mention taxes and then medications. I need some serious help. I'm really leaning out there if someone could please guide me. I'm about ready to be evicted.
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Re: Car Insurance Bills and car payments

Post by Cook1 »

I came across your site, while looking for Financial Assistance. I am a 40 year old, single mom, I have fibromalygia and arthritis. I was terminated from my job after 5 years with the same company in December 2013.
I have since that time been searching for employment. I withdrew all money I had in a retirement to pay my bills because I had been denied my unemployment income (I did win my appeal and began receiving unemployment in December 2013 in the amount of $266 per week), however, my auto loan is now past due, I have my auto taxes due, and my insurance.
My daughter's father helps all he can by paying our rent, but now that my SNAP benefits have been cut, and I still have no job, I do not know how I am going to keep my car, and pay the expenses. I would greatly appreciate any assistance.
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Re: Car Insurance Bills and car payments

Post by scurry »

To whom it may concern I am in Lawrenceville GA and I am seeking help to pay my car note and insurance. I just need help I have finally found a job but I do not start my new job until April 4,2014. Is there any organization that can assist me with my car note and insurance. Since I am staying with a friend I don’t have to worry about rent. Please is there any organization that can assist me ?
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Re: Car Insurance Bills and car payments

Post by Admin »

Well, we have many programs listed for auto loans. Insurance is more difficult, as not to many charities or companies help there. You may need to stop driving, start the job, and then build up your savings so you can afford the transportation costs you have. So maybe try that for an idea. Here are other options for you too, and more car payment and insurance assistance.
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Re: Car Insurance Bills and car payments

Post by Lumineers1 »

Good evening, I was trying to find out if you had any organizations that would help me with my car payment? I left a domestic violence situation about 3 weeks ago and I am just returning to work. I have had my car for 4 years and I'm a single parent of three.
My car is $315 and they will repose next Thursday if it isn't paid. Me and my children are living in a domestic violence shelter right now and if I lose my car we won't have means to get to and from work or school so I am trying to get help getting it paid. I live in Radford VA, and thank you so much.
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Re: Car Insurance Bills and car payments

Post by Natural »

I am in desperate need of help. My unemployment ran out this past February. I am trying very hard to get a job...but I am 61 & I am getting frustrated & exhausted. I have had to result to pawning items & having numerous yard sales JUST to stay afloat...but I have ran out of things. I just need help with my phone bill & car insurance about $350.00 as well as auto payments. I have never had to ask for this kind of financial help before. Please give my sincere consideration. Thank-you Very much.
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Re: Car Insurance Bills and car payments

Post by GabrielTh »

I live in Butler County and due to unexpected financial emergencies I am now 2 months behind on my car loan and car insurance was cancelled for non payment.
I just need temporally help to pay these....I can’t do it ...I work full time but getting behind on these and everything else. I need help now. I am a 8 year old navy veteran and never ask for help before....I need this ASAP. I have no insurance and car is ready to be repossess if not paid this week. Please help me if you can thank you.
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Re: Car Insurance Bills and car payments

Post by Emilie »

Hello, my name is Oscar and I would like a little more information about getting assistance to pay my car bill and insurance. Whey are willing to wait until tomorrow or it will be repossessed, I don't know what else to do and I am stressing out. I live in the state of Texas in El Paso county. Please help me out I would really appreciate it. I lost my job in Sept and hopefully will start working here in October. If you could please get back with me with any info or help I would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time
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Re: Car Insurance Bills and car payments

Post by Admin »

If you work full time and need a few extra dollars, we have a list of the best online survey sites. Maybe you can make a little extra money on the short and long term to keep up with those car payments.
GabrielTh wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2019 10:34 am I just need temporally help to pay these....I can’t do it ...I work full time but getting behind on these and everything else. I need help now. I am a 8 year old navy veteran and never ask for help before....I need this ASAP. I have no insurance and car is ready to be repossess if not paid this week. Please help me if you can thank you.
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Re: Car Insurance Bills and car payments

Post by Wedocare »

Hello I was looking through your site. I haven’t found which place is best to help me yet. But about 3 months ago I had got a car and used in house financing. The car was about a $5000 vehicle. Within the 3 months of having the car I had made $1,100 in payments, plus a $500 down payment up front.
Then I come to find out my car is gone and got repossessed and they're claiming I never made a payment and after having receipts and they've completely twisted their words. This has put a hardship on me as I use my car to create an income and I'm in the process of getting my insurance license that I have to also pay for and my phone. What I'm looking for is help to get a car even if it's like a $500 car and a little bit of money to pay my phone bill and get my insurance license I've been studying for.
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