Retired nurse needs help

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Retired nurse needs help

Post by TracieT »

Hello, my family & I are new here from Louisiana. This includes myself, my 2 daughters, son-in-law, & his brother. I also have a 3 1/2 year old "special needs" service animal. He is a deaf Louisiana Catahoula Cur, & has helped me through many leg surgeries followed by 2 strokes. So, really we are a true family of 5.
We are completely homeless, and sleeping in my vehicle, which is out of gas, so I can't keep any of them warm at night at all. But, it hasn't always been this way. We moved up here after losing everything in the recent floods in Louisiana (1st week of March), which we also lost in Katrina, and rebuilt, just to lose it all over again in just over 10 years later. We moved up to Colorado, where I also worked as a nurse, and moved and in with my brother in Pueblo.
All was well until Septmber 21st, when we were informed that he was moving his new girlfriend & all her kids in, & us out -- because he needed the basement where we all slept to accommodate her children, & out immediately. He put us out on the street with nothing, nowhere to go, no money/food, we know no one here (or anywhere else in the country; we are all each other have in the whole world).... but not before taking ALL of our money (over 3K).
I have went over & over it in my mind time & time again, wondering how it was so easy for him to throw us out (the kids, especially). We did not grow up together: I found him several years back. I was adopted, & I have been thrown around my whole life. We were not super close by any means, but I never thought he would take our money & throw us out. I TRUSTED him, & I had absolutely no warning; nothing was done or said, & we had more than paid our way & pulled our weight around the house + some -- never complaining. Everything was okay 1 minute, & with NO warning at all, our lives were turned upside down, AGAIN. None of us even detected any “attitude". He put us out right before it snowed heavily, right before Easter. Matter of fact, on Easter Sunday, we were sitting on the side of the Interstate, out of gas, & for the first time ever, my kids were hungry.
Big difference in last year, when we attended church that morning, followed by filling our tummies, not knowing what was in store...what a difference a year makes. We did, however, survive (sleeping in the car) until I got paid (4-2-'16), and I was able to lodge/feed all of us (we were required to have 2 separate hotel rooms *even though we were more than happy to make pallets on the floor*)..... but the money didn't last long, and 2 weeks later, we are sleeping back in the car......I am in NO way complaining: I am so grateful I was able to take care of them while I could.
But now, as before, I have 5 children looking at me for help, and I can't do anything for them. Although I had absolutely nothing to do with my brother throwing us out, I feel responsible -- and that if any of them are angry with me, that's fine. I feel like I deserve it. Because I was never in 1 place for long growing up, and had no stability, never hearing "I love you", I swore that if I ever had a REAL family, I would make sure they knew they were loved & always give them a safe, "normal" life. I have always worked & provided for my family: ALWAYS. I educated myself so that I would always be able to
Provide for myself/my family -- so that something like this may never happen. I am a retired nurse. I broke my leg in a car wreck in 2013 & my health is bad. But, my money is reliable; I receive $2,300+/month & my rent will be paid on/before the 2nd of every month, without fail, never late. I moved here fully expecting to be able to find easily find a place, but that has not happened. My oldest daughter is pregnant and isn't eating or sleeping right & we have had several scares because she is so stressed out (no prenatal care yet, either). My youngest daughters (10 and 14), 8th & 11th grade(s), are honor students, but have missed school since Monday. I need an address to be able to put them back in school, and we are homeless, so do not have one.
My oldest child should be leaving for college next year (she is also going for a nursing degree), but she is at risk of failing due to days missed. They have always worked hard on their education, and this is so unfair to them. The day after we arrived here, I enrolled the girls in school, and the week my brother threw us out (right at Spring Break), when they were to return to school, they were supposed to have Co. State testing to determine pass/fail (8th grader) & ACT testing (11th grader). They have never failed, or even been at the risk of failing any grade, due to grades (honor students) or days missed. The good news is that the school district has agreed to work with us, but we have to get an actual address 1st (physical) -- no PO Box.
I am seeking any kind of home: apartment, house, cabin, you name it. We can be kept together, or separated. They have a baby on the way, and will need their own place, but right now anything will do. 2-4 bedroom would be ideal; fenced yard preferable because my dog is deaf. He is a "special needs service animal" & was professionally trained, so he is an excellent animal & is very clean/well taken care of (spoiled, actually). He is not destructive, and does not use the bathroom inside. I will sign a lease; I do not owe any landlord any money (I raised my kids in the same house I grew up in). I need someone to work with me with deposit(s) (*both regular & pet) & my 1st months’ rent (the rest of April) + May's rent, and I will be all caught up! I will catch up any money owed on Monday May 2nd... no later. I hand over my debit card-- anything you need.
I can provide current proof of income ($2,300+/month SSDI). I will sign anything you want me to; maybe get it notarized so it will hold up in court? Also, my son in law receives $750/month SSI, so the income is there! I would like it to be as affordable as possible, but I do have the ability to pay a moderate amount per month: I can verify income and will have rent paid on the 2nd or before EVERY month (never late). Please give us a chance!
I am asking for this help so I can just get into a small house/apartment (we are NOT picky); I can work on getting furniture slowly-- that's what pallets on the floor are for! We do need appliances, as we have absolutely nothing. All we need is a safe, warm, permanent place, some food, doors that lock, & each other! Finally, a sense of normality???? I am asking for this money so I can get a roof over their heads.... until I get paid again (2nd). I just need to get these children settled so they can have a shot at continuing a decent education: it is & always has been very important to us. I am not looking for a hand out, maybe just a hand up?? I would be so grateful for anything we can get help with. ANYTHING.
I do want to clarify that I am in NO WAY beyond the situation I am in, or "too good" for it, but I certainly never thought that this could happen to us as I had a good job as a nursed, even though I retired. My poor children. They NEED a sense of normality.....please help if you can. But, please nothing weird! Desperation really sucks, but I am a grandmother; I am also in terrible health, so I am definitely not interested in any relationship. If you have any resources, my # is seven one 9 - five 5 seven - one 0 six; I am open to any suggestions, although I have exhausted all of my resources, phone call after phone call, place after place, all to no avail.
I can/will pay any funds owed on Monday, May 2nd. I am able to get utilities in my name, & the deposit(s) can be billed by the individual utility companies. At this point, we are so desperate & are open to ANY & EVERY THING! After we are settled, I can focus on my health. Thank God I have great health insurance (Medicare-Humana) & I am on many life sustaining medications...and out of them. I have had so many neck surgeries that I am now deemed inoperable, and my health has suffered terribly bad. Some of these meds regulate my heart & I don't even have $1 for the individual prescription co-pay(s). It sounds pitiful, but it's all brutally honest. I have learned how to humble myself; it is all quite embarrassing to ask for help, but ANY help would be amazing! I don't want or expect anything for free, not even for the sake of my family. I am good for any/all debt I will owe. I need something immediate: something available now. The utility companies should come out the same day because I can verify we are homeless. Thank you so much.
PLEASE HELP ME HELP THEM. Thank you so much in advance, from all of us. :)
I just went & BEGGED yet another hotel to let us stay, or just let my kids stay..... I would be MORE than happy to sleep in the car with my dog. Of course, the answer wasn't just "no", it was "Hell no" -- & to get off the property. It wasn't even the specific words that were said, it was just the way she said them to me. I offered to give her my ID, debit card, birth certificate, social security card, keys to my truck (I would be MORE than happy to walk anywhere I need to go & I don't run it at night when I sleep in it)..... ANYTHING she wanted. ** Which I am also willing to give anyone else willing to help us. ** After she let me go through the humiliation of begging & pleading with her, she was so mean. It broke my heart. But I learned a long, long time ago to not get my hopes up & you cannot be disappointed. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
My children have learned this, as well. They have learned far too much from this experience & I am terrified that I am going to scar them for life. I want a home for these kids so that they NEVER have to worry about this ever again. It isn't paying the bills, it's getting a PLACE to pay the bills at. I am thankful that I have always been able to provide for these girls. I tell them over & over that after you get your education, no one can take it away -- and you never have to depend on anyone but yourself; that they need to be independent. Once again, I am asking for this help to get a home for my girls, so that they can get the education they DESERVE. They are strong will kids, and have always been honor students. God, please. If anyone has ANY ideas, if only temporary, let me know. Please, please. I did give my cell # and you can call/text me & I provided my email address, too. I want so bad to quit, but then what happens to my kids? It's up to me alone to make this happen, & I am so sorry for having to ask for help. Thanks again! :)
Wanted to also throw this in: I can pass a background check as I did as a nurse; am not a convicted felon. I do not have a drug or alcohol problem and I am not seeking assistance for such issues.
This applies to everyone in my family.
*I am adding this once again NOT because I am beyond/too good for such issues. I was born into addiction, but I do not use that as an excuse. I never have. You choose your path in life. But, this I know from this experience: bad things do truly happen to good people, and vice versa. Perseverance will pay off; I have to at least try to believe that (I am constantly telling everyone it will be "okay", although I am seriously starting to doubt it myself).
I'm going to keep pushing..... I'm out of any other options...... Soon this will be all a "bad memory", right??? The random baths, stinky feet, dirty clothes, brushing our teeth/washing our face wherever we can, praying no one "finds" us sleeping in the car & somehow it causes us more agony, the worry/stress. Especially the butterflies -- they are the worst. Happiness & warm beds are coming.... I just know they are. They have to. We have been through far too much for it not to somehow pay off. I have been good to people all my life, and I guess I just thought you get what you give in life. I am beginning to wonder. :(
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Re: Retired nurse needs help

Post by Goniners »

Can I get a good email for you?
I am trying to forward my social and income for my old nursing job.
I tried faxing 2x and they gave me your email but it is not going through.
I am desperate need and really need to get this to you ASAP.
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